Currently 37 and found my comfort zone with just adderall and weed. Don't get me wrong if I run into percocets I'll gobble them up but I don't want any drugs bad enough to actively look for them. Drug dealers are fuckint obnoxious to deal with.
I had over the counter and prescription drugs as a baby. Caffiene as a kid in soda.
Obviously you mean drugs that are either illegal or restricted by age. Tried weed and alcohol a couple times in high school, probably 16 or 17 because it was easily available and people shared. Didn't use either regularly until early 20s when I tried a bunch of other stuff too.
Weed at ~16 or 17. Alcohol a lot earlier, like maybe 13 or 14 when one of my friends found his moms Baileys. Also ate any pill someone gave me. Tried LSD and mushrooms a few times but it was always during the winter (usually down to -20C). They don't work well at low body temperatures and I was basically homeless at the time so they didn't really do anything.
I had just turned 14 the first time I smoked weed. I stole some from my parent's stash after encouragement from a kid I played Team Fortress 2 with and smoked it in the garage when they were gone. I kept on doing this on a weekly to bi-weekly basis throughout my teenage years. My parents only learned about it when I told them a few years ago.
Was 17 the first time I got drunk, in a small garage (or large shed, depending on your perspective) with some friends and some adult supervision in the form of my friend's parents zonked out in front of the TV in their home.
Other drugs (LSD, coke, but mainly shrooms) I experimented with in my mid 20s.
Im honestly not sure. When it first legalized folk were sharing numbers on the news and it was like woa. Sounds like its almost impossible to not spend over a hundred back before the inflation spike.
I was maybe 13 or 14 when I smoked the worst weed ever out of a pipe made out of a Coca-Cola can. And then I went to McDonald’s and ate like 4 Cajun McChicken sandwiches.
I was eleven. I walked in on my cousin snorting speed. He freaked out and told me I could have a line if I didn't tell my mom. Well my cousin was doing it so. Never did like uppers.
Younger than probably was wise of me. I got into sarpa salpa when I was entering my teen years. It's a fish species with symptoms that are like LSD when ingested (so not a plant; I don't do any plant ones). The best way to describe it is that the vibes and the physical characteristics of what you're thinking of switch places.
Cannabis: 48. I just never had any urge to try any of that, but one day a couple of years ago I got a wild hair to try it and bought a gummie. Turns out because of another medication I'm on it doesn't really affect me at all save to get kind of tired. I tried it again and still nothing.