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My fav RPG is Morrowind

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If the internet went away indefinitely, what things would you wish you had downloaded before it happened?
  • Man I have never thought about it because of feeling so at ease with the digital video game stores and just downloading what I want whenever I want without keeping a physical library that would take up space. Same with books.

    If the internet died tomorrow, I would have the stuff I'm playing or reading or watching downloaded but I would be out of luck for anything else until it came back. Maybe it's time to start a backup, get a big HDD or something

  • What has you experiencing the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon?
  • Wow I had no idea, that's fricking cool

  • What has you experiencing the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon?
  • Omg this has a name?! It's one of my favorite things to happen lol

    Okay so uh...back when I had a really tough assignment and I didn't wanna study for it and I had just one day left. I was talking to a girl on Facebook about not doing my assignment and she sent me something that she uses to write her homework, well I looked it up and it worked brilliantly, I was able to submit my assignment in time with zero effort.

    Next week everyone was using chatgpt for assignments

  • Completed Gris (2018) - Review
  • Looking forward to playing it as well if I get a chance! It is released btw (sorry if I didn't understand ur meaning)

  • Completed Gris (2018) - Review

    I have always thought that graphics don't do as much at making a game beautiful as it's art style. The visual medium that video games employ allow them to show us anything literally so why stick with a realistic render of everyday people when it's so easily forgettable?

    Games that have a more realized, distinctive look to them always have more staying power in our hearts, particularly older games.

    The game Gris is one such example, it rendered me speechless when I started playing it, made me laugh with amazement at how it's world moved, looked and breathe as though something like a different reality.

    There is so much construction in Gris, so many meticulous careful design choices that it's amazing it even plays as smoothly as it does. This is a video game about the exploration of grief, every level and scenario and cutscene is speaking in a intriguing metaphor of death, life and utterness of destruction and loss.

    However, Gris never forgets it's video game roots and this is what impresses me the most about it. From the first button you press to the last walk-off moment, every level and puzzle is designed with an expert knowledge of how metroidvania games execute exploration. What I mean by that is that the developers very clearly have thought of how the camera angle affects what path we take, the sound cues to inform you of an action without telling you outright, the visual cues and then the level design itself that is so nonlinear in it layout but still ends up to the exact point from where you continue forward. It never feels like you're going along a straight line, it feels like you're discovering your own path forward, as if the game world is opening itself up to you and maintaining that illusion showcases the thought and effort put into each of Gris's amazing looking levels.

    I don't want to talk about the story a whole lot because of how abstract it is, there are no dialogues, not even screen texts beyond explaining the button prompts and new powers. There is a lot to think about and a lot of visuals and music that you experience as you play through it that talking about it feels like diminishing the effects of it.

    What I can talk about is that, it is short and of course I really liked the gameplay specially the later stages because of the amount of control you get as you unlock more powers in the game. The puzzles become really alive and though they are never difficult to figure out they still have that satisfying "a-ha!" feeling to them when you figure out what to do. Exploration is always rewarded with collectables and there is an in-game achievements section as well to encourage replayability and a chapter select after the game ends.

    Overall, 8.5/10 Gris is a short but memorable experience about death, loss and ultimately acceptance and while it never gets to be dark and harrowing in terms of visuals, it still makes you feel plenty of sadness. Highly highly recommended and it's on Game Pass.


    Completed Orwell: Keeping an Eye on You (2016) - Review

    Wow, such a great game and such a different genre too. Essentially an interactive computer interface. I did not really expected to engage with it as much as I did because of how the narrative is about an impartial investigator destroying people's privacy and reading everything about their lives.

    But Orwell: Keeping an Eye on You (2016) managed to surprise me, not only was it well written and beautifully playing with Orwellian themes, it also was an engaging gameplay experience. I completed the game in about 8h 25m so it is a short game but the control that I felt I had in my hands to make the story go where I wanted by deciding what piece of information I wanted to submit felt just the right amount of narrative tightness and player freedom.

    I can already tell it has so many little variations in it's ending that you could come and play it again after you have moved on and get something completed differently. Also, it manages to talk about privacy and information and data that is perhaps even more relevant than it was back in 2016.

    Very similar to Hypnospace Outlaw another game where you are an "online enforcer" but with of course very different themes, this one is a lot serious than Hypnospace Outlaw.

    I do have some complaints about the game, the major being that the computer interface and it's very aspects didn't feel as interactive and engaging as to compliment an increasingly complex story. They sort of remain the same static mechanics (you click something, it does the same thing that has happened before regardless of it's thematic value) that they were introduced as. This removes a sense of compelling intrigue in the gameplay itself and really starts to wear down on you if you try to finish it in one sitting.

    Overrall, a recommended 7.5/10

    Do give this game a try if you're looking at your library for something different and as it requires a lot of reading, be a little patient with it in the beginning. This was given free on epic games before so I assume most gamers already have it

    What business plan seemed so dumb to you but actually worked out?
  • Getting one of these sounds like the dream

  • What business plan seemed so dumb to you but actually worked out?
  • Just curious about what does VC stand for, don't know anything about business

  • What generation are you?
  • Yeah exactly, you absorb what you grow around in and learn from that. There's no guarantee that just because you were born in a generation that you would behave according to the mainstream stereotypes of that generation

  • What generation are you?
  • That's so lame 😔 you mean my years of reading books, playing original Pokemon games on java phone, reading Barefoot Gen manga and loving Down the Waterfront were wasted because I came to exist at a time when my entire generation is from Ohio?

  • What generation are you?
  • I was born in 2001, what does that make me?

  • If there's one thing you want people to learn, what would it be and why?
  • That they need to understand others in order for people to understand them. That the "tragic prince" is just a fallacy and I would really really want other people around me to appreciate art-forms more. Most of the time they find a movie good and just list the content as the reason for it's goodness, not paying attention to any of the craft and it baffles me that more people are not attached to or interested in how art-forms do the things they do.

  • Responsive Design Go Brrrr
  • There needs to be a list for games that don't like you alt-tabbing out of them so people can avoid

  • Responsive Design Go Brrrr
  • There are games like that? The only games that don't like it I find are the old computer games that are already troublesome to run on a modern Windows machine

  • Will humanity ever be able to overcome that tribalistic instinct of "us vs. them?"
  • I just finished this one today! Introduced me to a lot of new ideas and contexts. Good read

  • 'Gun-loving' GOP governor reportedly seen 'running scared for his life' from mass shooting
  • Can someone tell me what GOP is? Looking to expand my Americana lore lol

  • LineageOS is currently installed on 1.5 million Android devices
  • Thanks, doesn't seem like my phone's officially supported and I don't feel safe about the custom roms. Maybe one day

  • LineageOS is currently installed on 1.5 million Android devices
  • How can I do this? I have an old Realmi stuck on Android 9

  • Happened to me multiple times
  • What's a fork, I know what GitHub is and use it too. Just don't know what a fork is haha

  • Happy Christian Pride Month!
  • Fine but I'm not getting down

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Wow..Linux has a lot of options compared to Windows

  • The full source code for GTA 5 has apparently been publicly leaked
  • Wait, all mods have to go through that app? That's total shite. Is there any way to launch it completely offline or would someone just have to pirate it?