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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Never forget what they took from us...
  • And you’re saying there’s no difference between playing Black Mesa today vs playing Half life today, and therefore he might as well start out with Black Mesa? Or what is the meaning of your reply?

    Hard disagree. Games like Half life have a huge historical value for their impact. Playing the original is worth it. Especially if one takes the medium itself seriously. You wouldn’t say an original movie and a 22 years younger remake are “the same”, right? I think you’re playing dumb with me.

    Love the Wikipedia link btw. I’ve played Black Mesa in its early access phase already and then later on again when they released Xen.

  • More than 30% of world’s electricity now comes from renewables, report reveals
  • That’s a good thing imo. We do this so we can build up an industry for these things at home. That’s an important long term goal, too. If the last years have shown us anything it’s that being solely dependent on another state for certain critical stuff is a bad idea. And I’d say this is especially true for China.

    Edit: btw German talking here, not American.