The fact that the stupidity is intentional and the desired result is the rub. Stupid, uneducated people are less likely to think critically and more likely to accept and support whatever bullshit the political party behind all this shit Republicans spew out.
as a former public librarian, i can tell you there are absolutely boomer losers with nothing to do who will sit there and make sure someone's enforcing it. so fucking glad i work at an academic library now and no one can say shit when i put the gayest books in existence on display
Some libraries are doing things like this as a form of protest. The law doesn't require such a stringent process as this, but that's irrelevant. What's relevant is the law is infringing on freedom of speech by regulating libraries' content.
I'm sure the very people who put out these laws are going to be extremely bothered by libraries preventing kids from accessing cheap culture and education
True enough, but I think their aim is at citizens moreso than politicians. I would wager a lot of average folks probably weren't even aware of the law being passed, stuff like this brings it more attention. Is it effective? No idea, I don't live in Idaho. I wouldn't be surprised it isn't that effective, given how conservative most of Idaho is. But, I can respect libraries from at least trying to do something about it.
I posted this on my FB feed. One lady argued that it was down to parental rights to control what their kids consumed. I said just stay out of the public library and public schools, but she said that was not a "good faith" argument.
The irony is using "good faith" to impose their beliefs onto others was lost on her.
Voting Blue is the way; Kicking those MAGA Fascists and their Church Bullies out of politics will help lessen their power. I never want to see a sign like this in my own public library! Attacking access to knowledge is a bold move, if it succeeds, I will be deeply saddened (it has a high chance in my area due to the brainwashed MAGA Fascists).
As a rabblerouser above 18, if I browse the Restricted Stacks and accidentally forget them in the YA stacks, how much shit would those librarians be put through?
Why bother with that? I say go full Robin Hood, steal the restricted books and give them away to the youth. Or, if you've got the resources, run a black market library. It would be kinda like a speakeasy, with a password and a doorman and shit. Call it a "readeasy"? Since you're not supposed to talk in a library and all that.
I'd say, whatever you do, it has to be obvious that the librarians are innocent. So I'd say 'accidentally' forgetting the stacks in the wrong section is out.
We should just landscape over the entire middle with forests and solar panels. Not Louisiana, you can stay but as a warning to everyone between you and New Mexico and Colorado.