Party safe this weekend yall

Today's drugs: weed and alcohol
Today's music:
Now playing Justice x Tame Impala - One Night/All Night
nazis from mars
Casual Lenin W, on the Anniversary of his Death

For good fun, here are a few of Lenin's most important contributions to Marxist theory, I highly recommend all of them (but Imperialism especially).
Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism (must read for any Leftist wanting to understand modern Capitalism, Anarchists included!)
Шрек 2 (Shrek 2 official™™ Soviet Russian translation)
Click to view this content.
A détournement.
Mandatory reading: Investigating Shrek: Power, Identity, and Ideology
Y'all ready for Corvid25?

Crows are rad. Maybe next life I could be a crow.
Now playing The Cure - Burn

I have 2 fans on my GPU, and I can control the curve through CoolerControl on Linux. I've also looked at LACT which has GPU fan control, though a bit simpler. I kept the services separated, so I could test each without them interfering with each other, but I have to say, when I woke up today, that's what I thought was the problem, but no, after some testing I can see that it's just that my fans, perhaps due to firmware, just doesn't spin up unless it's above 45%.
I looked around to see if others were having issues, and this github issue says that Nvidia API caps it at 30%. Maybe it's capped at 45% for me on linux for some reason? I'm not too fussed about it, I've just made a curve that kicks in around the time I need it to.
EDIT: I did see the fans try and kick in around 40%, that's why there are those spikes on the histogram on the left, that's me slowly increasing from 40% to 41%, to 42% etc. Was only stable at 45%.

Blackstone is not BlackRock, but yes they are also scary. 📺 So does private equity own everything?

I'll never understand people like this. Most of us will never own a home at this rate. Yet there are folks, who already own their home, who are complaining they can't switch their home like it's some trading-card game. They're part of the problem.
President Donald Trump meets with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy as Vice President JD Vance reacts at the White House in Washington, D.C., Feb. 28, 2025. (Trump/Vance hands up/palms out meme)
Brian Snyder/Reuters
Jim Lo Scalzo/Pool/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock 🌟

What if they start a huge fire and burnt down a ton of houses if they couldn't hold out anymore?

Not only do BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street own everything, they also own shares in each other. Antitrust is dead; it’s basically one big monopoly. These three firms own corporate America

Just be aware that BlackRock is capitalism’s final boss.

The U.S. Did Not Defeat Fascism in WWII, It Discretely Internationalized It
When the United States entered WWII, the future head of the CIA, Allen Dulles, bemoaned that his country was fighting the wrong enemy. The Nazis, as he explained, were pro-capitalist Aryan Christians, whereas the true enemy was godless communism and its resolute anti-capitalism. After all, the U.S. had, only some 20 years prior, been part of a massive military intervention in the U.S.S.R., when fourteen capitalist countries sought—in the words of Winston Churchill—to “strangle the Bolshevik baby in its crib.” Dulles understood, like many of his colleagues in the U.S. government, that what would later become known as the Cold War was actually the old war, as Michael Parenti has convincingly argued: the one they had been fighting against communism since its inception.

Militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation, and strong regimentation of society are all characteristics of fascism listed in the meme.
USA 1941:
The German Nazis loved the whole salute to the flag thingy.
Also Henry Ford - The International Jew
Also American Eugenics Society
Just posted Jeffrey Sachs’s address at the EU Parliament about this.
There are no headers before this. The "we the people" is actually quite large too

I think you’re underselling the legitimate dire fear modern leftists have when they see the brutality of the periphery returning home.
Liberal democracies have historically been as brutal to their domestic populations as any historical fascist formulation. You can look at how the US treated (and still treats) it's internal colonies / minorities. Nazi Germany explicitly wanted to carry out in eastern europe, what the US successfully carried out against native peoples, and failed.
Even outside of internal colonies, if you look at how the US or Britain treated its workers or its poor of their own races(they arguably entirely defeated its domestic working class movement, rebased their countries on finance capital, and exported class struggle to the global south), it doesn't look any different than how the historical fascist countries also defeated their working class movements.
To me, the basis of this is western chauvinism, and belief that "liberal democracy" isn't far worse. By pointing a finger at fascism, they get to keep their belief in the supremacy of their mode of government, that continues to wreak havoc on not just the globe, but internally also. It's a subtle form of western-supremacist scapegoating (pointing a finger at a settler-colonialism that dared to attack western countries also)