As a millennial that was somehow able to afford a house this bubble needs to fucking pop.
I'll be locked into this house until I die and all of my friends and family will have to keep moving further away as they get priced out of their apartments each year. Before this I had moved 8 times in 6 years.
Also a millennial. Wife and I got our condo right before everything shot up, got a nice 3.25% APR. Great mortgage honestly. But we've been trying to sell our condo for a YEAR now and I honestly think it's the bubble holding back a sale. The condo is just too expensive for what it is (and the horrific rise of small community HOA fees has gotten way out of hand...). We're priced right compared to others on the market, but selling condos is just stupid hard right now.
Sure I'd love it if we could sell now and get some nice profits from the sale, but I absolutely agree this bubble needs to pop!
Why stop at Berkshire? Vandalize any home that sits vacant. We have more vacant homes than homeless in America. We just need to make vacant homes too big of a risk