Alsephina OP The piss one would probably sell alot actually...
83 0 Replyunexposedhazard As shown by the fact that people buy beer made in the US
45 10 Replykn33 Spoken like someone that's never had U.S. beer that isn't one of the mass produced ones like Miller, Bud, etc.
21 8 ReplyBetaBlake Oh American beer is piss, haven't heard that tired joke before. You should try different beer that isn't Coors or miller sometime
4 6 Reply1rre If you're drinking beer from hops that aren't from the US (or New Zealand but that's a way smaller market) then there's a very good chance your beer is average at best (unless it's a stout, wheat beer, bitter, sour etc. rather than a lager or pale ale, but those two are most likely)
2 9 Reply
Imgonnatrythis Do they do factory tours?
11 0 Replysamus12345
As long as you called it Trump Piss.
3 0 Replyanarchoilluminati [comrade/them]
Depends whose piss is advertised.
3 0 Reply
renzev 79 0 Replydesktop_user where's the lemonade stand that has a side hustle of nuclear/chemical waste disposal?
13 0 Replyqaz This is completely absurd, why would they want to make the straws last longer?
8 0 ReplyShinkanTrain Use paper straws for greenwashing, people complain that they're shit, they add in the chemicals
5 0 ReplyMiDaBa Because then you'd really have to suck to enjoy capitalist cost cutting lemonade.
3 0 Reply
DarkCloud It's not dilluted so much as, this cheap cancer inducing chemical can flavor it strongly for not much money... But we know it's associated with cancer... Good thing we own the FDA too.
.... and then they make a lot of money.
67 0 ReplyAlsephina OP There should be a third panel with text from this HB comment:
Even more reality:
Capitalist 1: I launched a fascist coup in el salvador to gain easier access for tropical fruits
Capitalist 2: I cut away all my lemonade production to invest in AI
35 0 Reply
nialv7 that "original" is translated from somewhere as well. did this meme go full circle?!
21 0 Replyrandint ランディント
I believe the English one is the original. The "original" one (the one in Chinese) was probably translated from English.
2 0 Reply
RevolverSly The piss and pink hair make reference to Belle Delphine's bath water sale, right?
19 0 ReplyMr Fish It had just been long enough that I forgot about that shit. Now you had to go and remind me.
I return the favor.
19 0 Reply
xia Reminds me of that "how much sawdust can you put in rice krispies before someone notices" thing.
18 0 ReplySwampYankee I couldn't help myself...
Edit - probably should have left "Reality:" in. See revised meme below.
22 13 Replyrenzev To all the people downvoting: plastering the political compass in contexts where it makes no fucking sense is a kind of ironic humor meant to highlight the reductive nature of judging political ideology by two axes. It's a shitpost, and a top-tier one at that.
27 2 Replydrolex - Immanuel Kant, Critic of the political compass shitposts
10 0 Reply
Frozengyro I think it's more like
Red: State owned brewery is best
Blue: I diluted mine for more profit
Green: mine is just piss (horny)
Yellow: mine is just piss (no sanitation laws)
21 0 Reply
Authentic horseco piss or the imitation shit
4 0 Replydx1 Honestly, there's some HFCS bullshit, but mostly storebought lemonade seems to be just lemon juice and cane sugar.
2 0 Replywieson Because of food safety regulations
3 0 Replydx1 Food safety regulations don't ban dilution.
1 0 Reply