🇮🇱🇺🇦 good guys support good guys 🇺🇦🇮🇱
I am going to start calling American children I want to silence "son of MAGA official" XD
spoiler: i don't want to silence any children and i am against genocide, no matter who the victim group is, no matter who the perpetrator group is
It is pathetic that among high voter suppression (due to Republican motions) the Democrats blame the people for not voting, instead of blaming voter suppression, or any of the other decades worth of inaction by Democrats to foresee and prepare for this. They have a two party system, it's not like the Republicans were a complete surprise
Totally agree "but here we are", but a better time would be 1992
Is the Democrat master plan to have a one party system? Everyone always and only vote Democrat, because if the other party of a two party system ever gets in to power we are screwed! It doesn't sound like a good plan.
You guys had a good idea with Ross Perot in 1992. Look into that (especially how he got 0 electoral college votes) and maybe you'll have a better idea of what you should be doing, instead of blaming each other.
The narrator is a child that has lived his whole life under siege
The narrators father's position in the department of agriculture is literally within the first 5 seconds of the film
To believe Zionist propaganda it is very important that people know nothing, but parrot well. Thank you for your service.
Who is representing Hamas, the depart of agriculture? Sounds like you don't know how a government works. Are the workers of USDA (United States) representing republicans? Only republicans work there? Only MAGA? Some thing for you to think about.
It requires very limited understanding to believe the Zionist line, apparently.
Perfect, thanks!
That is the Zionist line. The narrator's dad is a civil servant in the Department of Agriculture. Very scary.
Thanks! I need win 64 exe if you can, and catbox works fine for me. That's very considerate.
Need github account to download 😿😿😿😿
Codeburg and gitlab very outdated repo. Anywhere else?
Censored Documentary: Gaza How to Survive a Warzone
The documentary can be see here: kalamullah.com/gaza-how-to-survive-a-warzone DOT html
Reason for the film's removal TLDR narrator is son of a civil servant in Gaza Department of Agriculture. Racist genocide enthusiasts call this son of Hamas official. Aka genocide coverup
The documentary can be see here: kalamullah.com/gaza-how-to-survive-a-warzone DOT html
Reason for the film's removal TLDR narrator is son of a civil servant in Gaza Department of Agriculture. Racist genocide enthusiasts call this son of Hamas official. Aka genocide coverup
The documentary can be see here: kalamullah.com/gaza-how-to-survive-a-warzone DOT html
Reason for the film's removal TLDR narrator is son of a civil servant in Gaza Department of Agriculture. Racist genocide enthusiasts call this son of Hamas official. Aka genocide coverup
the luxuries and plentiful food that’s abundant in Gaza
A lot of Israeli hostages report their biggest fear was getting blown up by Israeli bombs.
You kind of did though, ~75% of voters did not vote for Trump, so you overwhelmingly agreed on that. Of course in elections you don't vote **against ** anything, you can only vote **for ** something. The question is why don't Americans have something to vote for, like a platform of affordable eggs and not supporting genocide, is beyond me.
It's like talking to a brick wall with these Democrat fanboys, but I appreciate that you try!
Don't forget that Israel has continued killing Palestinians and Lebanese during the ceasefire.
a closed-door meeting earlier this week to vent their frustrations with progressive advocacy groups
This tracks.
So why did the Super Bowl happen?
This is the real brain buster here 🤔🤔🤔 why **did ** it happen?
So how come the upper class in America is mostly white while the lower class is mostly black brown and indigenous? Is it because whites are.... supreme?
Can I just rsync lmdb?
My blockchain is 5 years behind and my friend is bringing over an up to date chain. Can I just rsync lmdb and it adds the new blocks or is it better to just paste the new chain in place of the old one? I don't think the up to date one is pruned but if it is will that cause problems if I try to rsync it?
On Linux. Thanks.
Is LineageOS without GApps basically the same as /e/OS?
I have to update a phone that currently has LOS, and degoogle it at the same time. If I just upgrade to the latest version (by flashing) and not install mind the gapps, is it basically a degoogled phone? It seems that installing /e/ over the current LOS would require me to flash stock rom first, which takes more time. The current LOS version on the phone was just 1 or 2 iterations below the latest version, 20 or 21 I don't remember.