Gen Z are over having their work ethic questioned: ‘Most boomers don’t know what it’s like to work 40+ hours a week and still not be able to afford a house’
Me and my fiancee both work full time to just barely survive each month with no savings because the CoL is so fucking high it's unmaintainable. And if you reply with "just move", first: I'm in the midwest, it's not AS bad out here, and second: Moving is a privilege, it's expensive, time consuming, and often times you end up in a worse spot than you were before
I had to work construction 60+ hours a week and sell drugs at the fucking mid level just to afford my 30 thousand dollar down payment on my house, and it still took me till I was 25 to do it. It was bullshit ten years ago and it’s just gotten worse since then.
Exactly! Same boat, I am too poor to move! Due to missed payments on mortgage, credit cards, and medical bills, our credit score is abysmal. There is no way we can get a new mortgage or pass credit checks for an apartment. On top of that I don't have the time or money to invest into the house so there are many things that need to be fixed, some of these absolutely need to before selling it so I also can't just sell either. 3rd, you're right. Wherever I do end up moving (if somehow we did get approved), it's probably going to cost more due to higher interest rates, and it will most likely cost more. We are praying to make it a few more years until stupid daycare is done so we can finally make ends meet a little...
I never thought I would be in this bad of a situation in my life, but here I am and I just want to survive each day. Thinking about money every day for years now is tiring and stressful. They have a name for it, its called poverty brain.
I had a basic but nice first house, but I sold it to move for a new job. I even was lucky enough to still make a bit of a profit. But not enough, and now I'm stuck back with renting again, can't really afford to buy a new house with interest rates, prices, inflation eroding my income in other areas, and poor availability. I think back to my parents buying their first house and how nice it was by comparison, for a fraction of the price even adjusted for inflation and it gives me a really unfortunate sense of perspective, much less hearing stories like yours or from friends I know who are in a bad situations. I'm not struggling, but prospects for improving things aren't great either, and that seems to be the case for everyone I know.
The US requiring credit cards is part of the problem why people have money troubles. It’s a lot less transparent than just using bankcards (or cash). The whole credit system mostly benefits older people and richer people than starters. It should be that if you don’t have debt your need to pay monthly on you should be able to take a mortgage for the max amount.
In the end if I can spend 1000$ a month for a mortgage and I have zero other monthly loan payments I should be able to get a loan which requires a payment of 1000$.
Edit: budgeting using a free tool like Actual Budget can help you give some more headspace
I'd love to know your version of "just barely" is you have two adults working full time in a 2 person household.
Maybe your mortgage is far higher then I'm imagining.
I live in an apartment, but it's overpriced, and it's just me. This world is designed to be a 2 person household.
So I have to imagine you're living beyond your means. I'm living beyond my means too, but I also don't have a decent wage either. So living at all is living beyond my means.
You should add up your whole house income, divide that number by 4, and THAT number should be what your mortgage shouldn't be higher than.
I suspect your mortgage is probably much higher than that number.
Either that or we have different definitions of "just getting by".
Lets use WA as an example. Average house costs 588k interest rate is about 7% now. So you'll be paying $4300 per month. So man that's rough but surely there are some cheaper that average units out there! If you want to be anywhere near where the majority of the jobs are even a lot drive away you are going to have a hard time getting below 450k or 3300 per month.
Well maybe you can rent cheaper right? 2BR 1.5 bath where again most of the jobs are can easily run you $2000-2500 which seems like a very nice savings however whereas your fixed rate mortgage is you know fixed your rent will probably exceed the payment on your mortgage within 10-12 years and since you have no equity you have no cushion to fall back on if you ever experience a downturn you could find yourself a bum on the street. Hell if you aren't able to save anything you will definitely be heading for bum status when you get old enough that you can't work. Holding on to being able to own something is an investment in not descending into desperate poverty later.
I think its weird how people don't believe people can actually be struggling in America without also somehow being the source of their own problems. It's like people like you have broken brains.
Poor people move all the time. It's a fucking wild take to call moving a privilege. Though I do agree with the last bit about sometimes (or maybe even often) being in a worse position than before
Hey Gen Z, first time being gaslit by boomers? Heh, yyeeeaaaahhhhhhh.......they do that. Now imagine having them as your parent, and you're 5, and you have to just live with their bullshit.
That’s because pidgeonholing people into “generations” has always been stupid. The common thread is an absolute lack of empathy. Let’s just call them “late boomers”. And if there are decent boomers, just call them “early Xers” or “late silent” accordingly.
However, I'm old enough to remember watching the boomers getting gaslit by the "Greatest Generation".
But yeah, as an Xer, it seems like we got the short straw. The boomers sucked all the air out of the room for so very long, that if the (mostly boomer- and Greatest Generation- led) media stopped giving them all the attention for a moment, it was to only label us the "slacker generation".
By the time the boomer narcissism's grip was loosened, the focus was mostly on to Gen Y, and if we are being honest here, due to their numbers, the media narcissism around Gen Y reminds me very much of the boomers, with Gen Z quickly catching up.
I suspect that's very much due to a numbers game - if advertising dollars figure they can center a particular group enough, they can scoop up all those $$$ by selling a certain age range a story about themselves...
I'm Gen Z and my fathers are boomers... Making fun of our situation as a "First time? We had it much worse than you!" just feels horrible, I'm sick of this kind of conversation were we are being more divided because of "differences between generations" when the problem is a bunch of assholes who had a great time in a great economy making present look like hell and then blaming us for that, it's not about "generations", it's about abuse.
My parents holding fast with "well, it's always been like that" made me realize how big this generational divide is.
There are good boomers who get it, yes. There are also some really dumb ones who have literally no clue what kind of world they helped create. Full stop.
And there are some Nazi gen z. We have to pull together the good ones from every generation and become helpers together. We can't removed about the ones that are shit, there are shit people in every generation, so it's a waste of time and a distraction.
Yes, 100% this. There are plenty of boomers that got reamed by various elitist schemes, too. People right on the cusp of retirement only to have everything wiped out by something like an Enron or the real-estate bubble and they get to keep working another 10+ years...I think people have rose-colored glasses when it comes to the things boomers faced, too. It was not all sunshine and roses for everyone in that age bracket. It is lunacy to suggest that it was/is.
There may be some boomers doing nefarious things like Blackstone, driving up the cost of living for everyone, but I bet there are some very, very young people in schemes like that, too, making lots of money. Or individuals like fElon's boyz - I don't think the Dogebags are boomers. And fElon himself is Gen X....
Then there are headlines that I see like this that run counter to virtually everything you'd hear about Gen Y in recent years:
Let's get over the idea that it's a generation war and not a class war. Thinking all boomers are rich and own houses is like thinking all gen z are lazy. Neither is true by a long shot, but this is what the oligarchs and corporations want us to think about each other so we get distracted and don't notice that they are the ones buying up all the housing so we can't and they can rent to us at whatever price they want. Let's stick together against them instead.
edit to add: And BTW don't forget the next gens are growing up in an even worse situation and will face the effects of living under an autocracy and the effects of unaddressed climate change, while you get old and boomers are gone. Who do you think they're going to blame? You, that's who, while those in power laugh at all of us.
Something else: even boomers who own houses can still be poor and struggle to make ends meet.
"Oh, why don't you just sell your house then!" 'cause then they and their family have no place to live. "But you could rent!" Yeah, that will work for a while and then they'll be poor again.
Let's also stop using terms like Gen Z or Boomers altogether. They are often used by the media to make articles seem more interesting to certain target groups. But from a scientific point of view, they are about as meaningful as zodiac signs.
"Here's why Cancers can't keep their money together and why Scorpios nevertheless are constantly jealous of their standard of living."
They were originally created by the advertisement agencies to know how to tweak their products and advertising. It was never supposed to be an all knowing way of separating people. It was just supposed to help sell products.
Please stop falling for efforts to divide the working class.
Amy such efforts should immediately be viewed as suspicious. The divide is not old vs young, or white vs black, or even rich vs poor. It is the capital class versus the labor class.
Boomers grew up in a very tiny slice of global history where the working class actually got improvements in their material conditions, so it is hard for them to understand the struggles of people before or after... but they are being ground down by capitalism the same as the rest of us.
Your comrades at work may not understand the importance of unions or collective action, but they are still your comrades. Your grandmother may not realize that all of her extra productivity went to make billionaires richer, but she is still your comrade.
There are plenty of people that don't consider themselves poor or who most people would not consider poor who are still in the labor class. If you produce value more than extract value from ownership then you are labor class.
It is genuinely difficult not to hate them for it. But you need to keep telling yourself that they're victims to propaganda from media and their upbringing. It's hard to overcome that.
Thank you for saying this. One of my posts where I tried to express similar things got voted down to the extreme, lol.
The moment right after WWII was a very unique period of time. Virtually every other country had their manufacturing decimated and we were about the only ones left. Labor unions were strong, taxation was not so regressive (top rate in the 90s) as now, etc.
And the boomers were born into that environment. And they were huge in numbers, too. So they had outsized influence and were probably given more of a chance at the lower and middle class levels than many generations before or since (though new numbers show that maybe Gen Z and Millennials have surpassed everyone). Probably as a general rule. But also, during their youth, many of them agitated for making things better. So I just don't understand why an entire generation (even though I lived in their shadow my entire life - believe me, Gen X are the OGs when it comes to resenting boomers - we resented a lot of them very much long before it became a mainstream media hit by pitting Gen Y against the boomers decades later) can be trashed like that, just en masse. It is rather absurd and is hardly a complete picture.
They also had a lot of struggles and not all financial, either. If someone makes blanket statements about how all of boomers had it better than everyone since, well, that's rather silly, since I bet if you look at the typical experience of a Black boomer as contrasted with a typical Black person of later generations it might be a completely inverted situation. Same for LGBTQ. Same for women. If you know any boomer women, ask them about something simple like getting a credit card. Or being allowed entry into college.
Its how much productivity is demanded in that 40 hours. and the compensation for it.
and theres a LOT more productivity demanded from workers today, than there was in 1950.
Because all the technologies that were supposed to make life easier... didnt. They just increased the amount of things we can/have to do in a day.
People working today are doing more labor, producing more effort per hour than 70 years ago, but are being paid less in purchasing power for it... and if thats not a recipe for violent upheaval i dont know what is.
Back before the clock was invented, agricultural workers had about 160 days of the year to themselves. (Admittedly, to do intensive chores.) Also, employers gave free breakfast and lunch, with a bit of beer. Workers might also do as low as 4 hours of work IIRC, depending on the day and season. Below is a video on the subject. Civilis also covers topics, such as the fall of the Roman republic...which feels awfully relevant, nowadays.
I love Historia Civilis. I wish he'd also discuss the Roman leaders that came after Gaius Julius Augustus. A lot of historians and books stop there after the fall of the Republic, but from what I understand a lot happened within the Roman empire since then. It would be nice to learn more about it all.
The amount of time that corporations feel entitled to is ridiculous. I've quit my last two positions because these billion dollar companies feel that they own you for every second when you're on the clock. It feels exploitative and gives you the sense that you're just some beast of burden.
We're humans, not machines to push production to the maximum. But all the higher-ups see is bottom line pushers.
What, are not grateful that they trickle down a tiny bit of money from what is left after the shareholders and CEO take their hard earned cut? Just because you did all the work and earned all of the money? How gready can you be? I mean they graciously let you be sick 6 days a year, and let you frolic for another 10. Don't you realize how much effort they had to put in worrying that the small smidgen of their enormous wealth that they had inherited and invested in your company was not earning them greater wealth at a rate that was grossly unhealthy for the company or the economy?
It's fun when it is extended beyond work hours, too. Email/IMs/texts/Teams/Slack/whateverelsethefuck from people round the clock and on the weekend. Calls when on vacation. People asking if you could cancel your vacation just before going on one planned months in advance because of some contrived milestone. Stuff like that.
Oh, and I'm Gen-X - this kind of thing has been around since I started work, but it does seem like it's increasing as a "norm". People doing performative shit in public, and now others assuming this is expected - like how many commits you are doing FOR FREE on Github, or fake internet points on Stack Overflow, as an example. I honestly feel sorry for people that fall for this, thinking it's a way to break into a job, or that they must do this to maintain one.
Though I do think that Covid did a modicum of a reset on some of the grindset nonsense. Of course, I think all the really big tech companies colluded with one another to then start doing massive layoffs to make sure that everyone still knew who was calling the tune (even if it made no sense to cut staff). Lots of managers have a real xitter envy - they'd love to cut their company to the very bone and run the place like absolute tyrants like they see fElon doing. Thing is, it is obviously a stupid way to run a business - xitter is just a Nazi bar with questionable business fundamentals at this point. But it doesn't stop useless copycat monkeys in the C-suite from thinking he's great.
My last job at a call center was staffed in such a way that they were basically on the phone continuously for their entire shift with no downtime between calls. This meant anytime something happened to increase call volume all the metrics the bean counters cared about went to shit. Their solution was to tighten the screws and demand lower handle times and better adherence from their already burnt out staff and cracking down on anyone who wasn't logged in when they were supposed to be. Meanwhile the supervisors were leaving to go run errands and shit whenever they felt like it. Turnover quickly got ridiculous.
I personally am capable of working any boomer in their prime into exhausting while I'm still pushing for hours more. The whole "millenials are lazy" is corporate bullshit designed to make parents think their kids are just lazy and not being ripped off by the system they demand exists.
Pull a 16hr shift working network engineering during an outage, then come back to work in 8hrs for another full day on a Monday, then when the boomer stops having their mental break down they can apologize in person to every millennial they talked shit about.
I hate this idea that people need to work themselves to death to survive. We have such a surplus of resources today that people should barely have to work. I don't know what it was that pulled the mask off this farce of a system we have, but it sure as shit isn't worth it to bust my ass for 45 years so the CEO of FuCKYou Incorporated can get another bigger yacht.
We have tons of excess. The problem is it's hoarded by a small tyrannical group of psychopaths bent on increasing their wealth at the cost of everyone else.
Sociopathic greed is the root; Covid 19 pulled the mask off when people collectively had a few months to exit the rat race and discover life apart from being constantly ground to dust for some shareholders' profits.
I've gotta say i admire Zoomers a lot. Im a 1990 millenial and most of my generation simply put their heads down and pushed through and tried to emulate their boomers parents while not living their boomer parents reality, destroying themselves in the process. It seems that almost collectively your generation has said FUCK THIS SHIT and made moves to end it.
I don't know about that. I'm a 1990 millennial and the vast majority of ppl my age collectively said fuck giving the extra effort for no return. I remember reading in my 20s that millennials pretty much gave up on retirement and started traveling.
Literally the poorest condition house would cost 100% of 8 years of take-home pay of my engineer salary where I live. That's before accounting for loan interest on 20% down payment (I have 5%) which would push it up to 18 full years of my labor.
A single-family house is simply not worth 15+ years of my life, and I'm actively looking into cheaper options.
Among all my friends, there are two clear common denominators between those who rent and those who own houses. The ones renting have office jobs and live in the capital, while the ones who own houses live in smaller cities or the countryside and work in manual labor.
I’m not saying correlation is causation, but it’s an interesting observation - and so far, it applies to 100% of my friends.
People say I'm crazy for commuting 1,5 hours (one way). But I get to go home to my own property. Especially now with hybrid working still being a thing, I only go to the office once or twice a week.
I must agree with the people saying you're crazy for having that long commute. That's over a month spent getting to and from work every year. Time is the most valuable asset in the entire world. By working we're trading time for money but for the time spent commuting you're not even getting paid. I would seriously consider trying to find an alternative solution to this.
Well that should be easy to fix. Just have a world war with a general draft and all for about 5 years. Then another one soon after in an arbitrary place. That sort of thing really brings people together, and also kills many of them, all contributing to a healthy housing market!
Less than half of us voted. As a member of Gen Z who DID vote for Khamala its because the only good thing she does is not be Trump.
A good portion of our generations more liberal/left-leaning side just got done having the shit beaten out of them by cops before getting kicked out of school for protesting against the genocide in Gaza.
What makes you think any of these people want to turn around and vote for a law-and-order ex-DA who's ignoring some of the worst atrocities of our times?
Everyone in this generation who isn't jaded and disillusioned is a fascist or fascist sympathiser (same difference :p). No one has the energy to care let alone vote.
They probably won't until establishment democrats keel over, and unfortunately it looks like medical science kept them alive and puttering until it was too late.
I think she got so many votes because she wasn't Trump. And thats it. She was so frustrating as a candidate who was "super Law and Order DA from liberal land, California. She's the best of both worlds!"
Christ she was so bad at being charismatic. I liked her when she made fun of Trump so hard he refused to ever debate her again. But then she tried to play both sides and toured with Liz Cheney. It's like, the entire message of her failed campaign will look at all the answers but the right one: she wasn't an active evil fascist. She just supported fascism her whole life and learned to make concessions to sound more progressive. Gen Z will learn to hate the DNC.
Ah yes. The “I didn’t vote” excuse so I can absolve myself from why this country is turning to shit.
If you didn’t vote YOU ARE THE PROBLEM.
If you didn’t vote you effectively voted for Trump. If you didn’t vote you already accept Trump as the result. If you didn’t vote you’re a fucking moron who deserves all the pain this admin brings.
So: boomers have had the easy life, they're wealthy and own nice houses, but also they still have to keep working even though they've reached retirement age, but that's just because they want to keep you from getting their fantastic job that they still keep working at even though they have the easy life and plenty of money ... 🤦
I used to work in a consulting firm for import/export driven businesses. Almost every single client was a Boomer who inherited the business from their parents, knew fuckall about business, and spent their time mainlining Fox News and lamenting the laziness of their workers and their general dissatisfaction with trends in America.
The uniform dearth of awareness and irony of their entire existence was astounding. Most, if not all, would be otherwise unemployable personalities, in any other scenario.
Ever wonder how "work ethic" became a trait that defines the quality of an individual? You can probably guess. Religion. Which of course needed people to work hard so they could donate more money to them.
My dad worked two full time jobs for a while to help the family get ahead while we were little. I think spending time with his young children would have been time better spent for everyone. He did stop when we got to school age. And he did spend a lot of time with us. Was a scout master, tball coach, all that. So I know he probably would have rather been with us than working that extra job. But from a young age it was drilled into him that work came first.
Now with younger people less into religion. We see more and more who realize that working hard for someone else doesn't need to be a defining characterist of a person's quality.
I think they see the boomers doing nothing, but having everything, and the dream of having a house, two cars, and 2.5 kids was not something they were ever told they could have. They grew up with depressed millennials close enough in age to still be friends, who tell them “I’m fucked, so you don’t have a chance in hell!” And they’re right. With prices going up and wages stagnant or going down, they don’t ever get to save anything. And why should they? At the rate houses are climbing, that down payment keeps running away from them. And still, the only thing they will ever be able to pay for is a dump in a shitty part of town.
Until we bring back hope for the future, we will keep seeing people give fewer fucks.
Maybe his motivation wasn't so much "work ethic" as it was "taking responsibility to care for one's family", since he did stop the extra job when he could and spent time with you. He sounds like a great dad!
I mean part of it was good financial sense. Money saved early has longer to grow. But I don’t think they "needed" the money that bad. Two full time jobs is nuts. And there were plenty more instances where he clearly communicated that work ethic was equal to a persons value. But yeah, he was a good Dad.
Watch out the propaganda of government and ruling class trying to divide the public and turn people against each others. Boomers are idiots but owning a house is peanuts compared to billionares expenses or the money being spent on military weapons.
Let's talk about suburbs. These generations left the city because they couldn't afford it. Now suddenly living 5 mins from work is expected but then the an entry level job can't afford it and it's a generational difference? Can you afford to buy a house within 45 mins to your work? Hell ya where I live but you don't have immediate access to all city amenities.
I was talking to a boomer here in Canada. When I asked him why he stayed in the same company for 30 years he said, hey they kept giving me promotions and increasing my salary from the first year. As well as having a work pension plan.
Just with a bachelor's and no beginning experience.
MFs be asking masters and years of experience from new grades.
I bought a lawnmower from someone online and went to pick it up. The lady was a turbo hoarder in her late 60's she was smoking and smelled like a brewery. Her home was DISGUSTING. And i mean rat shit on the countertop. The only reason i was in her house was because there was so much shit around her house that the only way into her backyard was through the house. If you haven't seen it, you can not understand how bizzare it was to carry a lawnmower through a hoarder house, when she had technically a big yard around.
I just wanted to get the fuck out of here when she said: a lot of people wanted the lawnmower, but she doesn't sell it to anyone (she mant she didn't sell it to immigrants). And: "no offence to you, but your generation is absolutely useless." It was like some weird snl sketch
Not all of us were beneficiaries of the largess. Most black people and a lot of single mothers, anyone who wasn't able to finish college or secure a union job ... we were all left out of that. It gets real tiring being accused of the ills of a small demographic when we are down here suffering right along with you. AND being blamed for it.
‘Most WHITE boomers don’t know what it’s like to work 40+ hours a week and still not be able to afford a house’ FTFY
People have been working 40+ hours a week for CENTURIES with no hope of affording a house. The housing that non-whites have been able to secure is always tenuous, subject to the racist whims of the ruling class. They could be rezoned, subject to a new law that strips them of their property, or even what happens in Palestine the racist ruling class just bulldozes your house with no compensation.
This is definitely not about Gen Z vs Boomers, but the ruling class wants you to think it is so we don't unite and make heads roll.
So how come the upper class in America is mostly white while the lower class is mostly black brown and indigenous? Is it because whites are.... supreme?
Must be nice to be able to ignore race. You haven't noticed tho. You haven't noticed you're part of the problem, either. I bet you think you're a Good Guy™️, voting Democrat every 2-4 years and wondering why people are dissatisfied. Don't they know they just need to make smarter choices? I hope you're not American because if you are... sheesh "its not about race".
Stop making it about race. It’s about class, not race. You’re just race baiting
I love how you got to the literally second word of my comment and had an emotional meltdown when you read WHITE. The majority of my comment was about class but that's ok, based on your response I don't expect you to be too smart. The article was about generation but you somehow managed to shoehorn class into it to protect white supremacy... impressive lol
Oh fuck off. If it was truly about class why is in every single metric from wages, employment, health, education, and housing black and brown ppl currently are worse off then their white counter parts regardless of income and location. If it was only about class wouldnt it be the same across the board? And it's ALWAYS been that way.
It's almost like white ppl are pissed they're being denied the dreams they actively keep everyone else from receiving and the rest of us are just suppose to forget about the very real problems specific to our races just to keep white ppl comfortable.
Of course I didn't watch the super bowl and that's about the single dumbest metric I've ever heard of. American football players didn't protest Trump during the big game so that means racism doesn't exist? In America?? You are so lost.
In 1990 my mom stayed home and raised us. My dad worked a measly construction job and we lived in a two story, 5 bedroom house (which they lost after the 2008 collapse, I took it over and lost in 2012).
My mom was also able to borrow against that house over and over again for cars.
Around 1996 my dad got his CDLs and drove a coal truck.
We bought that house for 30k.
My aunt bought a huge colonial house with 8 bedrooms for roughly 60k in 1979-80. She never worked. Her husband was a coal miner.
When it burned down in 1996, she bought a beautiful brick home in a wonderful neighborhood for 100k. She sold that same house recently for 600k.
My mom worked at Sizzlers in the early 90s when she and her husband, a no-degree "engineer" were able to buy a 4 bedroom house with a huge yard and 2 car garage in the DC suburbs (MD side), with two cars. A few years later, they upgraded to an even bigger house in an even nicer part of the county.
Objectively poor people had houses that they owned, in places people wanted to live. None of that has been possible for at least a decade or more. Millennials are now in our 40s and have more education and experience than Boomers ever did, yet the ROI and QOL differentials are staggering.
Don't let Boomers gaslight you; they collectively played this game on the easiest mode.
A "measly construction job" is a good paying one. A person working at a McDonald's for 40 hours a week at that time would not be able to afford an apartment let alone a house. When your aunt bought her house interest rates were in the teens, today they are 7% and that's a record high. My parents bought a house in 1976 for $28,000 dad worked full time at a city job plus always had a second job or side hustle. Our family would strip copper to make ends meet. Mom cooked every meal, eating out was a rare treat. Never once did we even order pizza, Mom make it with powder dough. We didn't have cable. Got by on two junker cars sometimes one.
Every generation has it's challenges. This is the first to have a public circle jerk/pity party
Um, life was maybe easy-ish for some boomers. Plenty of them got reamed by the many boom/bust cycles. Boomers lived through stagflation, two oil embargoes, Vietnam, the 80s fad of downsizing/rightsizing, many losing farms in the 80s, the 90s rush to offshore and outsource everything, the deskilling of Americans and the export of most manufacturing, NAFTA reordering things, the rise of big box retailers and further deskilling, the disintegration of unions, the Wall Street crash of 1987, the dot-com bubble burst in early 00s, the real-estate crash in 2008, etc. Gen X and millennials suffered some of these later ones, too, or dealt with the fallout from their parents having these struggles.
The ageist shit is just a distraction. Generations are not really a thing; it's more of a marketing strategy and also a way for the elites to further atomize Americans. Don't fall for it.
It is more about how policies were set at the national level. Those policies have benefited them throughout their lifetimes. Boomers going to college. College is affordable. Boomers buying house make family. House good and affordable on one wage. Boomers working hard providing for wife and 2.5 kiddos. Jobs pay good and has pension. Family affordable one wage. Boomers retiring???
Not to mention their wholesale willingness, as a cohort, to pull up the ladders that they used to raise themselves, assuring that subsequent generations would have it much harder, and would likely fail to achieve the same cornerstone successes of prosperity.
At the same time, Boomers have a penchant for constantly gaslighting any opinion or statement that might pierce the insulating lies in whatever trumped up mockery they call an identity.
It's why Boomers are always regaling the world with anecdotes of how hard they worked and how much they deserve their stations in life, when anyone with the ability to parse history can see that Baby Boomers objectively had the easiest, most rewarding slice of American prosperity in the history of the country. In the richest nation on Earth.