Gen Z are over having their work ethic questioned: ‘Most boomers don’t know what it’s like to work 40+ hours a week and still not be able to afford a house’
I hate this idea that people need to work themselves to death to survive. We have such a surplus of resources today that people should barely have to work. I don't know what it was that pulled the mask off this farce of a system we have, but it sure as shit isn't worth it to bust my ass for 45 years so the CEO of FuCKYou Incorporated can get another bigger yacht.
We have tons of excess. The problem is it's hoarded by a small tyrannical group of psychopaths bent on increasing their wealth at the cost of everyone else.
Sociopathic greed is the root; Covid 19 pulled the mask off when people collectively had a few months to exit the rat race and discover life apart from being constantly ground to dust for some shareholders' profits.
Of course. American prosperity fell off a cliff around 1980, so the last 40 years or so have just been inertia and grinding the middle class into dust.