I have the most hours in Warframe, but Factorio is on a different level. If you're anywhere on the spectrum, it is pure crack cocaine. The only reason I haven't bought the DLC is because I know it'll consume a month of my free time.
But you can always do more. I have a childhood friend who, when some leagues were released, averaged about 14 hours per day for Path of Exile for two weeks straight. Like 180 hours playtime in two weeks.
Another friend of mine should be at about 8000 hours of Rocket League by now on his main account only. That's over the game's full lifespan though.
I kind of miss when No Man's Sky was an endless, empty expanse. That sense of loneliness and futility was an emotional experience that it doesn't have now. It's become a much better game, no doubt, but putting time and careful planning into that long crawl towards the galactic centre felt right.
Give Songs of Syx a try. One guy, who developed the game in a shed in Poland so he could get away from his family. You can try the "demo" which is the full game just one version behind. Once he gets tired of developing it he said he'll make it open source. Think dwarf fortress but you're capable of having a population of thousands. Oh, and nevermind the race riots or cannibalism.
There was a shitty f2p MMO called GunZ online once upon a time. It was so badly programmed that glitches literally became the primary gameplay loop.
I loved it. For those few that could get into it, it was a unique heaven of fps and fighting game that filled a void an over caffeinated teen with nothing but hyper focus and time didn't know they had.
Hellgate London was such fun, unique hybrid twist on ARPG and looter shooter, I was sad when I heard it was shutdown.
I woulda played it more if I had known it was about to be shutdown. There were some crash bugs and sudden difficulty spikes that made me quit, thinking Id come back to it later. That later never happened.
Currently playing World of Warships. I play in 1-3 month stints and don't touch it for months at a time. I always enjoy coming back to it because they just keep adding more stuff.
I haven't actually played WoT since they added tier 8-10 light tanks, but god did I sink a lot of my teenage years into it. I have been really craving it lately, but I know better than to go back to it.
I don't think I've ever busted as much ass to beat a game as a child as I did with Bubsy. Maaaaybe getting the "Happy End" in Bubble Bobble, but of course that's a friendship effort. Thanks, Scott, for helping me achieve that all those years ago.
Everything Hidetake Miyazaki makes. It's basically the same game, but it's spread across 7 games. (Well I guess technically 6 since he didn't direct DS2).
These are the worst games when it comes to sucking up my time and energy. The games themselves are actually bomb ASF.
Space Station 13 on the BYOND client. Someone has a space station 14 play test available on steam right now and I'm desperately trying not to get into it
Oh yeah, SS14 has finally made the game playable with high ping... anddddd has therefore I've put like 300 hours into it.
Its really one of the few games that seems to avoid a community of "meta-gaming" or "instrumental play" which sucks all the fun out of a lot of games with huge roleplay potential.
When I don't know what to do or watch, i like to watch some rust videos. I love that game. The idea, the execution, the building, the insanity of it. The only downside is that i can't stand the average rust player. Over all these years i played 12 hours of rust. It's the only game i own that i play once a year and immediately uninstall after every session.
I once went on a role playing server and it had really nice people on there. Everything was civilized too, they had police officers walking around lol.
Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts and Sword of the Stars 2.
part of Sword of the stars 2 is even now it sometimes gets so laggy that you can't finish a game. You just at some point declare that you've snowballed enough and can't be beat anymore.
Hundreds of hours.
Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts is at least getting better now that the devs have abandoned it and modders are taking over.