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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Something that I realized about the fediverse is that you seem to be able to criticize the USA as a whole, but if you criticize the Democrats you get downvoted. Democrats suck they are not sacred cows
  • So keeping with your analogy, you're going against ever bit of legitimate survival advice from every single person that has any knowledge on survival, and you think you're still making the right choice?

    In any situation where clean water isn't an option you still don't drink things that will sicken you.

    You can work to purify whatever liquid you have (which can be the easiest or worst option), you can leave the area and try to find safer sources of water, or you can piss in your own mouth for a while and try to do one of the other two things in the mean time.

    Voters like you, however, drink the spoiled milk, diarrhea in your own mouths, while promising if you keep doing it you'll get around to purifying your own milk laden shits if you just keep funding genocide.

    You can't change a rotted system from within anymore than you can survive on contaminated water. At best you're making your life so much worse while deluding yourself into thinking you're doing the right thing.

  • The capitalist press
  • Intent is incredibly important. In all systems trade happens. The idea that capitalism=markets is incredibly stupid, equally stupid is the idea that all work is done under a corporation for the sole purpose of making someone else rich, as you have suggested here.

    The problem is not that things are done for the sake of the state or not, but what purpose things are done for. In fascism the state is owned by corporate interests, the leading interest being whatever dictator sits at the top. Work is done solely to make those corporate owners privately rich, nothing more. Each system is built openly for class oppression.

    Even in the most brain rotted American views the ussr is nothing like that. You'd have to be a fascist or brain damaged to even try to argue it.

  • At least it will be well documented for future historians
  • The collapse of the Soviet union arguably lasted thirty years. The roman empire collapsed over a couple hundred.

    Half of the US government does not know whether they currently have a job. And that's not an exaggeration, thousands on thousands of employees have been fired, their firing paused by a judge, and are currently awaiting whether or not their boss is going to listen to the president or the courts; all while these agencies have effectively been crippled and will not function practically at all for the next four years.

    The US is speed running collapse, and we're later in the game than you seem to want to admit. Scotus will pretty much universally support Trump over the law, as we have seen with recent decisions to overstep lower courts without a writ. It's now down to individuals, and at that point empires collapse. It just seems slow because societal and economic inertia for 370 million people is ridiculous.

  • The capitalist press
  • And if you knew anything about socialism you'd support the cpc. Maybe not the ussr but we've learned from their failures.

    China is a fully socialist state. If you think otherwise you either stopped paying attention to socialism in the mid 1800s, or you don't know enough about China.

  • The capitalist press
  • Not really, you're the one that is just taking all 1.67 inches of capitalist dick while trying to redefine fascism away from Mussolini's definition so you can protect the status quo you have been sold as 'not perfect but the best we've come up with'.

    Capitalism and liberalism have always lead to fascism. They are the only ideologies to ever develop into fascism. Socialism and communism, maybe even anarchism are the only future humanity has. Humanity can't coexist with capitalists long term.

  • The capitalist press
  • That's not the definition of the term, by any ones analysis. The simplest, original definition is that fascism is state and corporate power combined. Like the US has been for half a century.

  • The Ex-L.A. Sheriff’s Deputy seen grabbing an educator at an Idaho town hall in a viral clip has been collecting $150K+ in disability from Los Angeles county tax payers annually since 2020
  • Reread that, or go down a paragraph.

    SSDI cannot make over 1,500$ a month from working or earned income. They can have assets and investments though. SSI has a lower income limit and cannot have assets or investments.

    The income limit for SSDI is lower than the normal SSDI payment, and lower than most states (by population) full time minimum wage.

  • The Ex-L.A. Sheriff’s Deputy seen grabbing an educator at an Idaho town hall in a viral clip has been collecting $150K+ in disability from Los Angeles county tax payers annually since 2020
  • Yes, yes they do.

    SSDI in the US has strict income limits below the amount you receive in SSDI payments. If you cross that limit, which you will do if you work full time in any legally paid position or part time in any competently paid position, you no longer qualify and have to reapply from the beginning.

    SSI is similar, except you also cannot have any assets or investments.

    The US has the worst disability programs in the developed world, and one of the worst among countries that have similar programs.

    On top of this both SSI and SSDI payments are taxed, despite being funded by the person's own taxes, meaning the amount you get is even further reduced.

    On top of this it is possible to qualify for SSDI but not Medicare or Medicaid, meaning of the meager payments most of that money has to go towards medical care instead of living.

    This piece of trash with his supplemental insurance bypassed that and is working when most would be too scared of losing their limited fixed income. And he's working to oppress others.

    No one deserves to be disabled, but this person deserves far worse.

  • The Ex-L.A. Sheriff’s Deputy seen grabbing an educator at an Idaho town hall in a viral clip has been collecting $150K+ in disability from Los Angeles county tax payers annually since 2020
  • He can work, normal people with disabilities that work lose their disability check and normally die when they lose their job since it will take them years to requalify.

    If he wants to bring in more disability check money than the majority of people in the us make, he should be so disabled he cannot function at all day to day. Because he makes more than those that are so challenged by God.

  • We are at a point wherein the system can not repair itself and if things progress further in the proceeding 4 years what little we have been holding on to shall be reduced to nothing
  • The effect is the same even if the targets are different. Lgbtq people aren't ubermensch. They're not super human. They're not some untouchably high class. Our oppression is everyone else's, and so on. Just because you're now a victim doesn't change the fact there's the same number of victims.

    The US state and it's owners are the only enemy. Whatever colour the puppets are don't matter. Until you understand that you will always fail to make the world better, you will just change the current victims. That's all that happened when Obama or Biden were elected. The victims changed.