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Republicans enabling Trump's reign of terror will be remembered for nothing but their silence
  • Their silence? The boorish knobs can hardly shut up about it...

  • Mapmaker activist posts locations of automated plate readers, receives cease-and-desist from surveillance company | EFF
  • Any word on local groups destroying the cameras in question, or is everyone just using the info to change their routes instead?

  • White House official pushes to axe Canada from Five Eyes intelligence group
  • Something tells me that an intelligence community alliance between the U.S., the U.K., and three former United Kingdom colonies could well do without the United States, just sayin'.

  • place yer bets
  • Holdup, your user avatar can be a GIF too?!

  • place yer bets
  • You're right, but the nuke is a good backup plan too. Beyond that, the UFO community has been saying for years that NHI's explicitly told human leaders to never use nuclear weapons in space (or else), and I want to know if it's true or not...

  • I love the future.
  • Yes, pay attention to mention of "shedding". They think that vaccination causes the PT in question to shuck it off as though they were Pigpen from Charlie Brown cartoon.

  • After 40 years of being free Microsoft has added a paywall to Notepad
  • So, turns out that they final push that convinced me to start learning Linux is the ol' Text Document.txt of all things. Swear to God, I thought that it would be the automatic updates nuking my unsaved work (again), but here we are...

  • place yer bets
  • Odds are low, but not zero. Still a bit of a nothingburger now that we've been able to successfully land probes on asteroids to sample their contents (and even send back video similar to images taken by Mars rovers). Strap a small thermonuclear warhead to an unmanned probe and redirect its trajectory - not a simple matter but entirely feasible.