Trump is doing exactly what he said he would do and the obvious outcome happens, but they still don't see through his bullshit not matter how many times it bites them in the ass.
Even past that, the market has been on a historic bull run. The NASDAQ is up around 150% over five years. Unprecedented gains, even with the COVID dip.
What kind of whiny bullshit is this about a 15% decline? You're holding equity with a 100+ p/e. You took a bunch of leveraged risk and came out ahead, but you're still not happy because... you're not a trillionaire like Daddy Musk yet? Take your fucking profits and back away from the roulette wheel, you degenerates.
Right? Fuck around and find out. Damn them all for setting us on this path of this hellscape they set us all upon. If you're MAGA or didn't vote at all I don't have the sympathy or empathy left to give a shit what happens. The leopards are going to eat so many faces the next four years they're going to die of obesity.
The problem is we (Americans) are all reaping what a small group of people sowed. Some of us didn't vote for this. Most people didn't vote at all. I wish it was mandatory like in Australia. I want my voting sausage.
I wish there was a way to spin up an IRL virtual machine and show Americans what the two presidencies would look like in real time, and make it compulsory to watch. Then let people vote on Nov 5th. And make it required.
It fucking sucks when people don't vote, and we end up with evil idiots who trash our country, our climate, and our people. Not to mention our allies and our economy. It's so preventable.
Well, he's being the same failed businessman and bigot he's been his entire life, the biggest difference between the two terms is that now he doesn't have undoing all the things that a black man did while in office to keep him busy.
I can't decide what the right move right now to do is. I lost months of growth in a couple weeks. The market has always come back before, but the orange shitstain is pretty uniquely awful, and showing us how he cares jackshit about nuking the economy.
I've known a few of those. "Environmentalism" to them only goes as far as making sure they have some fields around them stocked with deer and pheasant to hunt, and maybe a lake they can tool around in their bass boat.
Like is he just ignoring the “Drill baby drill” shit? Or the fact that in his first term Trump reduced the size of national parks for the sake of oil operations?
I saw a calculation once that found he'd be more wealthy now if he literally just shoved all of his money into stocks when he turned 18. Truly evidence of an incredibly smart business man
This person is rich enough to own stocks. It's good that they're feeling some negative effects of what they voted for, but calling a 15 % dip in their portfolio "suffering" is kind of devaluing the actual human suffering that Trump's policies are causing.
Anyone who must be employed to survive is one of us, I’d say. Even “millionaires” understand that pressure. Still, it probably doesn’t matter if they have any realizations because they’ve all served their purpose to him.
I don't even know how that's possible, casinos are barely legal money printing machines. People drive hours to the middle of buttfuck, nowhere in many states just to gamble, and his were in major cities for Christsake, lol.
It is very unsettling to see him in financial control of all of us again, after crashing the economy once already.
Which is because he tried to put his name on all of it and charge a premium. No actual added value. Just his name. Turns out that's not a winning strategy.
"we need someone to run the government like a business" "lets pick this guy with 40 bankruptcies" my guy even if the premise wasn't idiotic what did you think would happen
Notice how even when potentially becoming self aware they still say it’s having a negative effect on “conservative Canadians” as if they’re the only demographic that would be pissed about a hostile foreign power threatening to take their sovereignty.
What I love is how many of them talk about, "he's just trolling," and it's like, even if he was, is that seriously what you want in a president? Now it's, "even if he is just trolling, this is a bad idea," as if there's ever a time that the fucking president treating international relations like a shitpost would be a good idea. These people are so, so stupid.
I am guessing a lot of them will blame this on Biden, citing the normal truth that presidents usually don't make immediately apparent noticeable impacts on the economy. It normally takes months or years for most policy to make a big difference. In this case, the tariffs are so stupid on their face that no honest person could deny they would have drastic effects. Compare stock market graphs to the timeline of trump announcements... but they will deny it and pretend this is business as usual, and because it's only a month in, it's obviously Biden. Nevermind that they would never normally believe that shit if it's inconvenient to their case.
Conservatives are for the most part still deluded into thinking that his goal is to "balance the trade deficit."
It's horseshit. That's not his goal, it's his pretense; the idiot reason he gives his idiot followers so that they don't see him for the Russian asset he is.
Talked to my MAGA blood again yesterday. Apparently, the conservative talk radio is telling listeners Europe and Canada have had tariffs on us from day one and trump is just trying to level the playing field. America is always paying for them and now it’s their turn to pay.
In addition, firings are “political reward” jobs being removed, because that’s not fair. (Injustice and not fair resonates with everyone.) And a caller apparently called in to talk about his government employee buddy upset that his job credit card he normally uses to buy lunch was cut off, discovered when he tried to buy subway. Again with the “not fair” because most jobs don’t buy you lunch.
They still haven’t told me what show they heard this is on, because I invariably listen and pick it apart and they find my “over-analysis” upsetting.
I mentioned this to a relative that a federal job has lost all security compared to a equivalent private sector position. They said "well no job ever has security". Private sectors only goal is make money for the boss - the other provides essential public services and maintains infrastructure. They are not the same
My closest genetic link on the planet is a conservative. I feel like the MAGA part is as committed as simply staying conservative. They’re my 1.
Everyone else can go to Hell, granted, I speak to many people in the course of my job. Since these people discuss all manner of things with me, invited or otherwise, I do my job and listen, always.
I keep seeing this sentiment expressed over and over again and it seems that a large cross-section of the public still doesn't get it. I know I'm preaching to the choir here, of all places, but it bears repeating:
Trump is not a "businessman." Trump is a con man.
He has never actually run a successful business and he doesn't know how. The only thing he does know how to do is run a grift to bilk investors, creditors, the government, HUD, etc. out of money for projects that he really has no intention of completing or to prop up businesses he has no intention of sustaining. He is incessantly robbing Peter to pay Paul just long enough in the hopes of keeping his creditors or the prosecution at bay -- not always successfully, I might add, because his businesses have been bankrupted four times including the infamous three casinos.
The issue now is that since he's oozed his way into government he is shielded from having the hammer brought down on him by many of the people he's cheated.
And countries can totally do the same. Argentina was bankrupt at least twice, Venezuela has defaulted on bonds, Greece was restructured. And I'm pretty sure there are others.
I saw the "and there's no filing for bankruptcy on this one" at the end and all I could think is that even if you thought running a country like a business was a good idea (it's not) why would you pick a businessman who's filed for bankruptcy quite a lot to be the one to do so? I feel like he needs to ask himself that.
The bankruptcy claim comes up a lot. I hate Trump as much as anyone who can form opinions that don't come from a radio talk show, but I'd be willing to he's the bankruptcies were by design. He probably did what the toys r us CEO and 50 cent did, where they funnel money out of a company, and the company goes under.
That being said. He's still a fucking piece of shit who's making the founding fathers roll in their graves
No he isn't. Everything she's ever touched turned to utter shit and went bankrupt. He bankrupted a casino. Like, how even do you do that? That's not incompetence, that requires a very specific skill set to do
You very well and most likely all of us are missing the Y as to why Donald Trump has done the things he’s done and managed to always fall upwards.
I say that because if he’s so bad, he wouldn’t be continuously hired upwards. He’s now the most powerful position in the world so keep it in mind. He didn’t get there because every large business and its founders and CEOs are so much more dumber than the rest of us that they didn’t know what they were doing.
Some CEOs are hired as a hatchet CEO to destroy companies on purpose. To dismantle them from the inside. You guys need to start thinking that all of this is on purpose and is malicious and that they’re smarter than you. The art of war: do not underestimate your enemy.
This is a prime example of survivorship bias. It's the equivalent of an idiot winning the lottery, continuing to buy tickets, winning the lottery again, and having people say "look how much money he has, he must be some financial genius!"
Fruitcake is actually really nice, provided you make it yourself. Those bricks they sell in stores are nothing like the real thing. I think the store sold stuff is intended as replacements for structural support walls.
Don't you understand, an actual person (him) is experiencing consequences! He's said all the right words and hated the correct kind of human, this should not be happening to him!
Even if Biden had been as "out to lunch" as they all claimed (which was so crazy it hurt to see), even if he was worse, then at least the people around him knew what they were doing.
We're instead now surrounded by people like the crazy drunk fox news weekend host Hegseth and "one of the victors re-writing history Patel.
These aren't even serious enough people to have a conversation with. I legit think they would devolve immediately into literally saying "hurr durrr" if asked about their behavior for more than a couple minutes.
American media promotes Canada as a singular place. Seattle is in Washington, but Vancouver is in Canada; Detroit is in Michigan, but Toronto is in Canada. The idea that other countries can also be broken down into sub-national jurisdictions that are not politically or culturally aligned just doesn't come up.
May they lose every dime. May they only know the taste of day old bread and stagnant water for the rest of time. May they shiver in the night and boil in the day. May the rain soak them to the bone, and may the snow freeze their skin. No love, no shelter, no aid.
He's a TV businessman as in he's as much a business man as any actor. Conservatives seem to repeatedly make the mistake that actors actually do the things for real
My favorite part of this is "Real people are suffering..." Oh no! Real people, you say? I better take that seriously, unlike all those fake people whose suffering is both imaginary, and completely justified. Who the hell cares about any of them?
It’s a bittersweet feeling to see their true colors come to the surface from what was always festering under the guise of “traditional values” and “conservative fiscal policies”. To refer to our country as a “company”…well that truly frames the photo exactly for how it is and how it’s been run… at everyone else’s expense for the benefit of very few. Surprise! May not like it so much now that it’s affecting sweet little ol’ you.
Here's my thinking: we forgive these people if they agree to stand at the frontlines and endure the impacts of the first tear gas canisters/rubber bullets. Then it feels more fair and we can work together again maybe.
Maybe, just fucking maybe, the government isnt a business and you should stop thinking the proven vampires of the world will somehow be good for us cattle.
I heard an interesting theory that the stupid tariffs on Canada are intended to destroy their economy and force them to surrender their sovereignty to the US. He doesn't care if his threats trigger nationalist backlash because he thinks Canada is so dependent on the US that they can't resist.
I'm not sure he actually has a plan, but if there is a plan I could see it as a play for conquest.
That would be absolutely mentally deranged reasoning but given other shit hes done, like cancelling the CHIPS act, i would not at all be suprised if this was how he thought/planned
There's no point trying to make rational arguments against something that's fundamentally irrational. Trump's tariffs are just more Rambo posturing for his diehard MAGA legions, who don't even understand that they're the ones paying the tariffs.
Lol what morons. They deserved to be fleeced for all they're worth - they're still goddamn idiotic enough to believe Trump is a business man or that he doesn't explicitly want the "company" tanked.
No, just thought of Canada being part of the US is just mind fucking blowing. People here besides the military have no clue what war fucking is. That alone is bonkers. Anything besides that is just as mind blowing. Not even a fucking conversation or thought to have. Canada is Canada and I’m glad to be their neighbor.
Anyone want to grab a puppers?
Indeed. But my point is how in the hell do you even entertain that idea or finish a sentence like that post? Shouldn’t even be a topic nor a joke.
Anyways….. I can go for a puppers.
the idea is to convince the rabble that invading and taking over Canada is....noble, warranted, patriotic and an American right. just as the Nazis did in the 30s
The guy that has had way more business failures than successes (and even that's questionable if you control for fraudulent reporting) doesn't understand how economics works? The hell you say...
I wish I had saved it. On r/conservative they posted a meme where libs said they told you this would happen and they say they don't care because they wanted it to happen. That would love lovely next to this.
I hate everything about this. This "passive income" shit is total BS. Fuck investors, landlords, and anyone absent from their own business. You're scum leeching off the backs of hardworking people!