Ironically musk starting a servitude-built Mars colony and then the next religious leader that can just exist in a vacuum without dying or breathing is born there or something, is basically where I’m putting my faith in this timeline I live in; because it appears logic and human compassion were cool ideas when more people were using psychedelic drugs.
The Bitcoin reserve might be the closest thing to property rights the US has achieved in a century. Its been 10 years of stealing peoples gold and purchasing power, in order to deliver stellar bailouts to risky bankers and hedge funds.
It’s not a bitcoin reserve it’s a corrupt shitcoin reserve so that musk and pals can pilfer US dollars. Do you really just believe everything the proven liar says?
I assume you don't believe in Buddhism, but if you do it makes sense. The Dalai Lama is the reincarnation of an enlightened being. Its like if jesus would have come back all the time instead of just once for a few days. (It's not exactly like that and I'm not Buddhist)
You can call it a cope but the writing is on the wall for them: the Dalai Lama either exists outside of China in the next generation or there is no next generation as the dictatorship exerts full control over them.
It's over for them. Their temples have been torn down, their faith has become a political tool.
What would be really cool, was if the kid didn't belong to a Tibetan buddhist family. It was just some random kid in rural Alabama. Think about it: "We have found the 15th Dalai Lama! It's a boy called Billybob Jackson"
If you ascribe to the idea that the Dalaï Llama is/was a cia operative, and a sort of bridge/conduit between the interests of East and West, this sets up quite the “lottery” for where power may shift.
Because his followers are quite far and wide, not just of “race” (and I use that very loosely), it creates a very powerful base that will follow a sort of leader.
Interesting timing, especially since his long time friend the Aga Khan just passed away.
Since India and the PRC are geopolitical rivals, and India is home to a lot of Tibetan Independence activists actually quite likely to be India I'd think.
It's doubtful that they killed him, he was just a kid when they took him. They have him squirrelled away somewhere, having gone through heavy indoctrination. Just waiting for the Dali Lama to die.
The stuff he tells to the world is very different from what he tells his own followers. Let's not forget that he comes from a very long tradition of repressive theocracy.
Show me one example, please. In my experience the message for his followers is absolutely the same. He speakes about Buddha, about kindness and wisdom and how to apply the Buddhas words in the modern world.
I have seen quite a few events now that he has held for Tibtain monks and nuns and that were provided with English subtitles. I see no different message there, than he has for his western audiences. Of course, there is a difference in how he speaks about things, but not what he is saying.
Nothing wrong with meditating on a stone all your life, but where does a monk's meal come from? Who grows the food? Who weaves the cloth? If it were all just charity, that would be one thing...
Before China, Tibet was a feudal society, with the monastery at the top of the hierarchy. They wielded power; religious, political, and physical. The punishment for disobeying a monk was to have your hands cut off. And this wasn't just some ancient state of affairs, it was happening in the 20th century.
Take aways: don't be racist and judge and very different cultjre's interaction through a sexualised, western lens.
Besides, If there's more, don't you think that the PRC would have had everyone shouting it from the roof tops by now?
If this is the most damming thing they can show, which according to Tibetans isn't a big deal, then how likely do you think he is to actually be paedohpilic?
Planning on international child trafficking this time? Quite progressive abduction policy. Fucking Catholic Buddhist child abusers. How is it they get a pass? "Oh that whole tongue sucking thing was just a joke!" SMDH
Clarification: they are the Catholicism of Buddhism in my view (read up on the history of abuses they committed, cutting off peasants hands, gouging out eyes, regularly abducting kids from families)
Yeah they are an organized theocracy that regularly abused their power and children through history and exploited the peasants. It's my own personal term for them since the parallels are too hard to ignore.
Take aways: don't be racist judging by a sexualised western lens. If there's more, you'd think that the PRC would have had everyone shouting it from the root tops by now right?
As for the corporeal punishment, the most extreme cases had already been legislated against in the decades before 1951.
But even if they hadn't, which they had, I don't think you agree that human rights deficiency is justification for invasion and annexation. The Qing Empire's slow slicing and other forms of corporeal punishment, child sex cases, etc., didn't justify Imperial Japan, the British, Germans, or whomever's, imperial expansion.
Reformed theocracy as a form of government is peachy keen then? LOL. "We said we're sorry and we won't do the eye gouging thing anymore, now let us resume the child abduction."
As soon as the US gives all the land back to natives and pays reparations to blacks and repatriates the money stolen from workers by the capitalists I'll consider the idea of China relinquishing Tibet back to the theocracy (I probably won't to be fair since we know that will never happen).
Also tongue sucking is a Tibetan greeting now is it? How TF you can say "western sexualized lens" with a straight face is mind boggling.
I think it's a little racist to remove agency from people who've made moves equally validly explained as self-defence and preservation against a hostile invader.
The invader was only hostile to the wealthy landowners who quite literally enslaved the people in literally feudal Tibet. Imagine if China had given international recognition to Marie Antoinette during the French Revolution, and people were treating her as a sort of government in exile. This is literally what the US is doing with the fucking Dalai Lama