I've heard someone speculate he will remove tariffs if other country buy 100 year US bonds. This seems kind of plausible.
The poor get mud water called Tim Horton's, as their rents double and they are forced to fund our government buying 50% of all mortgage bonds to reward existing asset holders.
Maybe if we rout out the corruption we can achieve a higher standard of living and allow productivity investment, so Canadians can afford nice coffee from a mom and pop establishment whose rents are also ballooning.
The US according to Powell can't maintain this level of debt. Interest rates are high because nobody wants to buy US bonds, and you've got talk of BRICS ending trading oil in USD altogether. Its not like its just borrowed and the US has no repercussions, this is all future austerity.
Money supply definitely gets looser and looser as peoples salaries are debased.
What's a better system then Keynes, monetarism or MMT?
Canada is actually a green economy now, they don't build pipelines east or west because demand for energy is over as soon as people start biking to work.
He wants to extend tax cuts on the other hand, and Canada would cut rates to nothing so its exports would get cheaper as CAD falls, which is deflationary for the US.
Make an alternative first, then stop using it. Build a new X alternative for Canadian government messaging, and then let anyone use it.
The "middle class" is built on currency debasement and the nominal value of assets built on ever increasing debt loads. Then the scheme fails and we do ever larger bailouts until the currency fails.
Cool I've never seen this.
Powell said the spending is unsustainable. No government other than Trump has so far reduced spending, even Reagan never cut spending he just spent Americas pension system replacing it with IOU's.
So given this is there room to ponder whether its extenuating circumstances?
I'd say we will save money by forcing them to be healthy. The outrage is about this not being a social safety net but something closer to a minimum income.
This is a great idea, it will make healthy food more abundant for everyone via economies of scale. Ban tartrazine and put a warning for high sugar content and trans fats.
The incentives in a corporation are misaligned with the decision makers. They want promotions and more employees under them to justify their own raises, so we get this cosplay of efficient work as natural monopolies keep us all employed.