The right wing activist and convicted felon's gesture was identical to the one Musk made at Donald Trump's inauguration The post Steve Bannon Gives Apparent Nazi Salute During CPAC Speech, Mirroring Elon Musk | Video appeared first on TheWrap.
Nah. Getting sued for libel is what these outlets should be absolutely proud to have sent their way. That's literally a news story in itself. It would also means he'd actually have to defend it instead of posting Nazi puns on Twitter.
In this case I think the point is to be on the nose about how fucking ridiculous it is - just from this article:
Steve Bannon made a gesture that is identical to a Nazi salute
Bannon made the gesture — extending his arm, palm down, fingers straight, at an upward angle away from his chest, which is also what Nazi salutes look like
the gesture was also identical to one made by billionaire Elon Musk
extended his arm straight out, palm down, fingers straight, at an upward angle away from his chest. Which, whatever the billionaire’s intention, just happens to be precisely how a Nazi salute is performed.
Musk repeated the gesture. Here’s how that looked. <pic of Musk doing a Nazi salute>
I also wouldn't be surprised if the DoJ would be specifically ordered to look at this case. When you're challenging power, it makes sense to cross your Ts and dot your Is.
The space karen one was blatantly apparent, this was a pretty half assed attempt. Like he is too much of a removed to put his contemptible fascist ideology on full display.
I can't even think of a way that this could be given some veil of innocence either. The "my heart goes out to you" thing was always bullshit, but it was an attempt at plausible deniability. I don't think even that could be done here
It's just an involuntary hand movement, like when someone reaches for glasses they are already wearing, or reach out for a phone that's not in the pocket. He got the habit from all the times he does the Nazi salute behind closed doors. /s (but I wouldn't be surprised if it's actually true)
In times past, anyone doing anything like that around the president would have put the president on the fast track to impeachment.
Today, this will just slide, and we'll have another piece of outrageous news tomorrow that nobody will be outraged about for more than 10 minutes. Different values today I guess...
It's because impeachment is a partisan process. If the Republicans had an ounce of integrity (or even self-preservation) they would have joined the Democrats in voting to convict when Trump was impeached multiple times previously.
The goal of fox news post nixon was to prevent anything similar to what happened to nixon as a result of watergate. That and the fact that wall street robber barons were mot punished for the business plot fascist coup attempt against fdr and then the son and grandson of that coup attempt’s primary architect were both sitting presidents and now America has been obviously fascist to anyone paying attention the last 40-50 years now they are so emboldened they don’t even try and hide it.
It's not so much values as it is a lack of power in the working class. These things can be done because the greater population has no power or influence. Since their is no organization to resist it the mass of the population falls into two areas of "cope". The crowd that knows it's fucked up and has no one to organize against it. And the crowd that knows it's fucked up but "no one is doing anything" so they find a place to normalize or deny it. It's not "really" a Nazi salute.
You may call this "values". But I'd say it's more about how well the ruling class has controlled and passified the population.
Also, when half the country is worried about putting food on the table or paying rent. They really don't have time to give a fuck. Material conditions really shape what we might perceive as a "lack of values".
I shall now remind the world that the USA didn't care all that much about nazis in WW2 until it got attacked by Japan in Pearl Harbor and felt the need to react.
We turned away Jewish refugees, and we also had our own Nazi political party. Support for the Nazis during WW2 was at a high point among the population before the US entered the war. We did not as a nation support Europe, and in fact there were large protests across the US against FDR supporting the allies by bypassing Congress. Speaking of Congress, they specifically created and expanded the Neutrality Act to prevent FDR from providing aid to the allies.
So no, there was much less help from Congress for supporting the allies than there is for supporting Ukraine, and it wasn't a popular move by FDR to boot.
I agree with your first point, but it's not the main reason why US was attacked - even if it was 100% isolationist, it would have been attacked anyway, because Japan can't really fulfill its imperial ambitions, if they have the US pacific fleet in its backside.
I'm not saying America was pro-nazi (though some were). I'm saying the US could've fought Japan and just continued to fund the Soviets. The red army was more than up to the task of sweeping through every country held by the Nazis after they broke them in the East.
They didn't though, they prioritized victory in Europe ahead of victory in the Pacific. That is because they were racing against the communists to liberate as much as Europe as they could. They were already planning for the next war.
Remember how the justification for nuking civilians in Japan was so American soldiers didn't have to give their lives taking the island? So why sacrifice American lives in Europe if you know the USSR is months away from totally steamrolling Nazi Germany? There has to be a geopolitical reason.
Pearl Harbor happened because Japan was not happy about American imperialism in east Asia. Japan wanted to have its own imperialism in that region all to itself. It didn't have much to do with America supporting European Nazi resistance.
I would go as far to say the reason they did d-day wasn't to defeat the nazis, but to liberate as much of western europe as they could before the soviets set up social republics in france and the netherlands.
He looked very anxious doing it, tbh. Pathetic. Like a child muttering a swear under their breath before nervously scanning the room to see if anyone heard.
I don't think this one is nearly as obvious as Musk's, and I feel like blowing something like this up makes us look bad and will only further them doing sarcastic, vague gestures "as a joke" until it gets normalized more.
it is very obvious. he isn't waving, he isn't pointing at anything, he isn't emphasizing or illustrating anything because he's not even talking when he does it. there's a bunch of things you might be doing that can be screen grabbed to look like a salute. but the video is clear, he's just doing a salute.
My friend, you can't have it both ways. If he "made a mistake" and then humbly and profusely apologized, then you could maybe pretend it was accidental... But that's not what happened, right? He didn't apologize because he meant it.
We will never, ever, look bad for calling out racism when we see it as clearly as we did here. But we would certainly be horrible human beings if we decided to pretend it wasn't happening.
Anyway, of course you can do what you feel is right. For me, it's simple. Fuck that racist motherfucker.
It could be a trap, where we make a big deal about it and they claim they're "joking" each time and then it gets normalized.
But the alternative is preemptively normalizing it by buying into the plausible deniability. There's no 'winning' move, I'd rather call him a fucking Nazi
Bannon’s whole schtick is saving white culture from “Marxism”. It’s not about this being obvious in a single moment in a vacuum. It’s obvious given who he is and what he fights for. He saw Musk get away with it. He wants to reinforce it.
Nah I think peacefully occupying a sidewalk that oligarchs never walk on or care about even maintaining is the best idea, we should keep doing that for 40 more years, that'll work!
I mean, Bannon started this whole thing. He was pushed out of the inner circle but he was the one with the vision back in 2016.
Bannon is a visionary and he had the right idea. He just didn't have the ability to execute. Trump took the ideas from Bannon and found new allies who have the ability to execute. Musk (and Thiel) were more than happy to jump on board
Edit: just in case it's not clear I'm not endorsing his views. I am firmly anti-Nazi
Germany is literally right on the edge of their own fascist issues right now. The symbolism may not be as directly 1to1 as America. But the outcomes are building up to be the same. Germans learned all the wrong lessons from their past and now the "never again" seems to be "well, again, but only to Muslims this time. We promise it stops there"
How's that song go? "Tell them that the Nazis never really went away". They weren't kidding.
it's worse than that, we shift all the guilt about antisemitism and nazism onto muslims, so that they're perceived as the actual nazis and we're innocent happy fellows who are bestest of friends with The Jews™ who just happen to all support and live in israel and no other jewish opinion or existence is allowed or acknowledged. the palestinian genocide really is a denazification, israel is just cleaning up little hitler babies with daily bomb and drone strikes.
This was in the same speech where he said that the Holy Spirit was working through Trump to do all of this, and that Trump should have a third term and beyond.
It's becoming obvious that we should be treating Trumpism as a religious cult, not just a political movement.
And here I thought Steve had seen the light because he spoke out against some of the stuff Trump was doing but I guess that orange dick is just too good to take out of their butts/mouths.
Most people have muscle memory of like normal wave or maybe a clenched fist pump for "fight fight fight" right? It's not supposed to be difficult to avoid nazi saluting. Like I've never ALMOST sieg heil'd, you know? fuck sakes
look there was no plausible deniability when Elon did it. He pretended like he was a weirdo autist the night of with his weird head bobbing and his exaggerated gestures to try and give plausible deniability. but the Nazi salute was putting the toe in the water. feeling the room
it seems that the wannabe Nazis felt like the water was warm enough and they're gonna start descending the staircase into the pool
It's not exactly the same as Musk's (doesn't thump his heart first) -- which is probably the point. Trying to sneak in more completely implausible "plausible deniability." Nobody's fooled. It looks like a duck, it's a duck.
I agree mostly but #1 and #5 just look like a sideways wave. I don't think it's a duck and shouldn't be thrown in as a duck when there's 5 other pictures that very much look like a duck
The #1 clip is Eduardo Verastegui, a former actor who is now trying to start a far right political party in Mexico, so he knows what he's doing there. He outwardly said that he was following Musk's lead and "threw his heart out" like he did.
At the end of his speech he did an actual sideways wave, but the one in this clip is the heil, make no mistake
Me too, and in my 17 years of living there many people were trying to tell them what was happening, but their "American Exceptionalism" and "I don't care about politics" or "I'd rather just work on myself" mentality they used to ignore the writing on the walls makes me feel for them a lot less. If anything it makes me more afraid for them than ever now that it's gotten this bad and there's still nothing close to the 1960's in terms of leftist movements. It's just hard to organize in a country that's willing to drop bombs on Philadelphia in 1985 when people start organizing.
But then I remember how okay Americans are with all this, and that in reality all along they've been a fascist country that has wanted and practiced fascist ideals for a long long time now. I remember what Americans do to people that try to help - not just kill them, but worst of all ignore them afterwards. A big part of me thinks America needs to go through an unspeakable horror of their own making, otherwise they can never wake up. And you can bet that Russia and China will rush in to give weapons to both sides of the next American conflict (one could argue they already are.)
Well yeah, but he's not a cool Nazi: he looks like he sleeps in the street while the South African one is a kajillionaire who makes space rockets and electric cars.
Nobody likes an uncool Nazi.
Also, here's the actual source of the article instead of a link to an aggregator:
You'd think it would be easy to avoid doing this, but watch as the MAGA scum come out of the woodwork to rush to the defense of another guy who totally didn't mean it, honest.
It's super annoying isn't it? The video is superbly clear. He did it, he did it on purpose, and he knew what it meant. You can see it, and his intent easily.
There seems to be an epidemic of "awkward hand gestures" and "Roman salutes" and according to some people on Twitter we're not allowed to call them Nazis because we can't literally read minds. I'm so tired of enablers.
I'm unfamiliar with the context for most of these. Plenty don't look like Nazi salutes. To me, anyway.
But literally every word that has slithered out of that moldy potato's mouth for the last two decades is all you need to know he's a white supremacist.
Yeah a lot of those look moderately benign (waving away media, for example). Best case scenario it's an unfortunate habit what happens to make him look like a Nazi... At the same time, I'd expect someone to break the habit to distance themselves from it.
The cognitive dissonance over at r/conservative is showing cracks over this one. Same with the "dictator" comments about Zelensky. You can make MAGATs believe a lot of things, but telling them that, actually, Putin is the good guy, and Nazis are pretty cool, is a hard sell.
I don't know.... I had a guy doing some landscape work for me and despite not engaging him he kept dropping comments about how great Trump was and how excited he was that he had just been reelected. Eventually he started asking directed questions and while I kept my answers honest and short, ("I think he is a terrible person by all metrics, including the 4 years he previously spent fucking things up, and anyone who voted for him is a fool at best and a psycho at worst") he kept driving home how great Trump was and how this will really save our country.
He eventually asked me where I get my news and I told him, and he said "see I don't trust any of those guys anymore, I like to get my news from various sources, I'm actually listening to a lot of Russian news these days."
I asked him if he knew Russian and he said no, and asked him who the target audience might be for those news outlet (he had asked about who my news sources were catering too), but he didn't seem to catch on.
Also fun fact we are in Canada facepalm.
He didn't like talking much about Canadian politics, I think because I had answers to most of his really dumb "questions", whereas I wasn't listening to 10 hours of Russian propaganda at the time so didn't know all the angles he was using about how smart Trump's picks were and how Harris was the literal devil.
There are things that happen to people who are nazis.
The thing that should really give nazis pause is, even if they win, they still lose. It's not like they're gonna have a good life in whatever society they think they're making.
Distraction & diversion. He's revealed his "secrets" in length in the past about his calculated moves in puppeteering the media and general discourse, preventing us from focusing on what's actually important. It's already working on the shoddy news media of 2025. Don't let it work on general discourse as well
So where are these salutes coming from? Are all of these shitstains attending nazi rallies somewhere amd are literally knee-jerking when they get to a podium?
Meh, that was a pretty weak nazi salute. I care less about that stuff and more about thier actions that affect actual policy and such. Those actions are usually worse anyway.
I think this is a stretch and i do this sometimes as well. An outreached hand as a greeting or similar. The Nazi salute is very obvious and has a strong flat hand at like 45 degrees. This doesn’t look like that.
This is Steve Bannon. And he's doing a poor man's Nazi salute so he can claim plausible deniability after the fact. He even responds with a smile when the crowd cheers it.
Considering the current context of the political climate in America, if you didn't want to associate yourself with Nazis you would steer clear of anything that might associate you with being a Nazi. Especially while on a public podium.
... though Musk has not as of this date specifically denied the accusations that the gesture was a Nazi salute. However, for reasons one can only guess at, others took the liberty of denying that on his behalf, unprompted.
The top image but not the others. Do it now. Notice how your fingers are relaxed and spaced apart, not held rigid and bunched together like they would be for a salute.