It does have a purpose. I found the name of it once, but it's basically choice confirmation. When you buy something and then shortly after see lots of ads of other people who bought the same thing and are really happy with it/it appears popular, it confirms to you that you made the right choice and should make it again if given the chance. This kind of "confirmation after the fact" advertising is especially used in larger purchases like a car. It reinforces the choice you made in your mind so you feel more satisfied with the brand itself.
If you're on android I'd recommend viewing youtube videos through newpipe as it strips out everything except for the stream. Only downside is that it doesn't have replacement functionality for sponsorblock.
Or that is so good, they don't need anything more than word of mouth. And I mean real word of mouth, not the fake influencer shilling that relies on parasocial relationships "word of mouth"
Maybe I’m just bad or slow at queries but I almost never found working coupons when I’m ready to purchase.
When I used to have honey (when it somewhat worked), I got a few token percentage off compared to entering codes that were expired or otherwise no longer valid.
Granted, once Honey moved to a rewards based model I dipped out since something didn’t sit right with me about it.
Most people are lazy, or don't even come up with the idea to do a web search. When they do, most non-techies don't know or struggle to write an effective search query
Same thing here. I've been using "everything" for long enough to know not to trust.. anything.. an app is going to get the best discount available for me? Yeah, we'll just see about that. I just wasnt ever going to not search for coupons myself, so I removed it.
I have a rule if they sponsor on multiple youtubers they are probably a scam and avoid. If i find the service interesting i search up alternatives that spend their money better
This is partly why I don't trust Ground News. They're putting way too much money into advertising for me to believe they're genuinely interested in providing an unbiased factual categorization of news sources.
I also simply don't believe it's possible to be unbiased, so anyone claiming to be is immediately suspect to me.
They also reinforce seeing liberal and conservative as opposites. The only good service they have is showing who sponsors which sources. However, the whole "blindspot" system seems designed as a both-sidesism
Exactly! It's really disheartening to me to see so many youtubers who are otherwise insightful be so uncritically supportive of Ground News because they "like what they're trying to do."
Is it perfect? no but it is the best way to be able to read the news from multiple POVs. They also include every single news outlet I've ever heard of and then some
I get that it offers a bunch of features that you can't get anywhere else, but I just can't shake the uneasy feeling that it's all a trojan horse for something more sinister. I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop and see it suddenly explode in controversy after someone exposes something not quite kosher going on under the surface.
I mean I get my news here on Lemmy and from other individuals on lotteries social media. I think awareness of local and world events no longer needs to be meditated through a news organization. As long as you don’t sit in an echo chamber and have some level of literacy it’s not too hard to stay up to date.
Only advertised product I've ever spent money on is NordVPN which is fine for my use case - avoiding geoblocking a couple of times a week. Probably switching to Mullvad soon though, because American companies can eat dirt.
But yeah, honey was always super sus. If something seems "too good to be true", maybe it is.
Funny to me because I can't recall the last time I ever saw a Mullvad ad but they had their little mole guy plastered over a bus in my (American) city. Thought it was cute and quirky because I doubt 80% of the people in my area even know what a VPN is. Better than the usual lame ads like for lawyers or health insurance.
To this day, I will never ever ever touch any Mazda products. All thanks to their dumb fucking zoom zoom advertising campaign about 20 years ago that involved their adverts playing twice during every ad break. Plus they were sponsoring shit, so it was everywhere. I feel like I still have PTSD from it. Fuck Mazda.
I can't speak for modern Mazdas but I got a lowest trim manual, power nothing, in the mid naughties and it was still going strong 15 years later. So for all of their marketing annoyance it was absolutely a good product.
You got it when they were still creating rustbuckets then. The newer ones have much stronger bodywork and don't oxidize within 3 minutes upon seeing salted roads. Can't speak for the long term reliability though, don't know anyone who's owned one for too long (only friend who owned a newish Mazda traded it in for a Volvo V90 after a few years because space)
I am tempted by new Mazdas because they now have some real nice engines available and they don't do the whole "everything is touch" thing because apparently they actually care about safety... BUT... I'm salty that they don't sell the CX90 here, only the CX80. I could really use the extra space nowadays.
Lol yeah they seem like decent cars actually. But I made myself a promise back then to never give them a cent and I tend to stick to my principles (or at least like to think I do). It's just a personal thing though. And also kinda funny, I think.
I'd say it was TV that gave you the PTSD. I bailed on TV at about 8 years old (28 years ago..) and every time I've been with people watching it since I was always amazed just how awful it all really was. But I guess it's just what becomes normal if you grow up with it
Oh yeah it's definitely TV. But this was before the days of Netflix and shit and before I had uncapped wifi. I don't watch standard TV anymore either and when I do see it, same reaction as you. It's probably a bit different from country to country but I think standard TV is mostly geared towards older people now too because most under 40 have unplugged by now.
Magic spoon got me. I was looking for a protein cereal so I was excited for a podcast I listen to advertise one. All the flavors are the same gross base that cut up your mouth with different artificial powders put on top. Of course I start seeing a bunch ads more after
To be fair, the hardware is pretty phenominal. The whole trying to lock customers into their ecosystem after they felt enough people had purchased their products was a whole next level of scummy though. We must be vigilant as a community in not letting them creep in antifeatures now they've backtracked. I keep mine in LAN only mode and will be switching to Orcaslicer as soon as the flatpak hits Flathub which should be soon.
I'm concerned how they're now trying to normalize not having control over the things you own. Especially since their printers are popular with influencers
If you piss me off on a regular basis by interrupting what I'm doing with your spam, at least make it entertaining in some way.
Don't force some scripted talking points on every content creator, give them free reign to provide their opinion about your product.
I would be 100x more interested in your product if I saw an objective review from somebody who I knew was being honest.
But if they only pay people to say good things about their product, I see that as the company admitting that their product is shit, because they're too scared to allow anyone to say it is.
Advertising is allllll subconscious. It’s not relying on your conscious choice and reasoning.
You will forget that you saw the advertisement. Then when you go to the store and are deciding between two brands, the idea is that you will pick the brand with which you have greater familiarity with (the one you’ve seen more adverts of), since your brain interprets familiarity with trustworthiness. All of this is done subconsciously without you even noticing.
Advertising isn’t a billion dollar per year industry for no reason. The reason being, that it works.
Advertising isn't allllll subconscious, even if mere exposure and priming can be powerful. If ads were all subconscious, they wouldn't try to get your attention and make you actually think about them. On top of that, backfire effects can overwhelm the subconscious approval, as can consciously making note of it.
I actually want to avoid products all together when I see ads. It makes me question whether or not I need it or alternatives, and often times, I decide that I don't. Every ad also represents the entire capitalist system to me. They remind me who the enemy is.
It's a great general policy to have, but there are exceptions. NordVPN and ExpressVPN are both great VPN services, and Nebula has been absolutely fantastic.
and there’s definitely VPN providers I distrust less than those two
I find that a weird way to phrase it. Both Nord and Express are perfectly good. So is PIA, and probably more besides, but I didn't mention others because those are the two I've frequently seen advertised. Both Nord and Express have passed security audits with flying colours, and Express even had a case where their servers were seized but the seizure was unable to be of any value to the authorities, because their claims of not keeping logs were true.
When I was shopping for a VPN I skipped those two specifically because they advertised on most podcasts I listened to (I know they are good now but that made me skeptic back then)
You're right to be skeptical of a VPN that spends that much money to advertise themselves. Especially when they fill the ad sections with lies about unencrypted content ans snooping your data.
I tried Nord VPN and realized three things:
1: The "limited time specials" they boast are completely misleading. You pay more per month than what they make it sound like in their sponsored messages.
2: They try to automatically renew your subscription and charge your credit card for a significantly higher price with the hope that you wouldn't notice.
3: Unsubscribing is made to be a frustrating pain in the ass. You have to talk to their sales representatives and they will make you argue for it. And then you'll have to do it all over again because even though they said they cancelled your subscription it won't be because " technical problems".
VPNs rely entirely on trust and Nord has proven to be completely untrustworthy.
I use Mullvad now and it uses none of those deceiving tactics to lock you into an expensive contact. It also goes long ways to keep you anonymous and has periodic audits to prove they don't collect your data.
NordVPN and ExpressVPN are both great VPN services
Nord is absolutely not trustworthy. They have sleazy tactics like trying to charge you after cancelling your subscription, and also have had a lot of controversy in the past, revealing their no-log policy is likely a lie. I didn't do as much digging on Express VPN but I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't have the same issues.
VPNs you see in Ads will always be less trustworthy than the ones who are... well... well known and Trustworthy. Ones like Mullvad which make an effort to protect and respect your privacy.
If you are fine with torrenting using your real IP, then yes. However, here this can easily lead to high legal bills as rightholders can demand pay for damages even if a tracker just returned your IP as a participant of a swarm. There is no first strike here where you just get a mean letter. It goes into the thousands straight away.
Personally, I wouldn't do that, especially here with law firms that specialize in that kind of behavior. I rather pay some bucks for that rare case where I want to get something from BitTorrent than risk all that hassle.
Where is "here"? Germany? Italy?
Most other EU nations don't give a fuck though. I've been torrenting straight from tpb proxies for over two decades without a single hitch.
If you're only interested in torrenting don't use a VPN, just get a seedbox. You can get one with minimal stats (1TB storage, 2TB/mo upload on a 50Gb connection) for like $6/mo. You use it to run all of your torrents and handle seeding (handy for getting access to private trackers) and then just download everything via SFTP/rsync/whatever. Or, you can spend a bit more and have them host the *arr suite and Plex/Jellyfin so you have your own private streaming service. Split between a few family members, this is a very affordable alternative to commercial streaming services.
If you're looking for a VPN for privacy concerns, don't use a US-based provider. You have no guarantee of privacy, just a flimsy 'guarantee' from the company. Use a provider located in a place that has strong privacy and secrecy laws, like Switzerland.
Yes and no. A lot of VPN ads are full of lies and misleading garbage, and they're also often pretty overpriced, but they can be a genuinely useful service for a lot of people as well. Just don't get the ones in the ads.
some vpns are scams, yes, but that happens in every industry. Ignoring illegal shit, my Internet speeds are faster when I use a vpn vs not, and that's reason enough to have one.
I used mine for a similar case because my previous provider had shitty peering which caused YouTube etc to not work well, especially Saturday evening (search for Telekom peering of you want to know more). VPN circumvented this. However I have since switched to a better provider