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Unknown_0671 rose_eye

artist. trans. pakistani.

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pink cookie rule
  • tldr:

    valve gets a lot of its things leaked to the point u cant even keep up with how many leaks have happened. the joke is the new interviewer probably interviewed for those leaks but the dev told about the water leaks

    dev text at the bottom:

    so its supposed to be a play on how the news probably went to interview the dev to learn about the game leaks of valve being fixed. but the dev had a very different leak to talk about and was happy that someone was there to listen. news however had to turn it into a clickbait thing, as they do, so the headline they wrote (in the meme so i wrote) was misleading. which is a metaphor for news not caring about actual problems in studios and when they have no choice but to mention them they clickbait.

    pink cookie:

    so the image of the valve developer comes from an interview where they say show their pink cookie that they say is available in the valve canteen. and make a joke that the cookie is very dense and it takes them 3 days to eat a single cookie. so that clip was a slight meme for a while

    (bc im lazy ill copied the last two explainations i wrote on previous post)

  • pink cookie rule

    does this count as programmar?

    cross-posted from:

    > i hope the meme makes sense

    Freshly stolen meme from another platform rule
  • finally bigender representation

  • pink cookie rule
  • so the image of the valve developer comes from an interview where they say show their 'pink cookie' that they say is available in the valve canteen. and make a joke that the cookie is very dense and it takes them 3 days to eat a single cookie. so that clip was a slight meme for a while

  • The Gulf of Ruleland
  • :O til x2 combo

  • pink cookie rule
  • so its supposed to be a play on how the news probably went to interview the dev to learn about the game leaks of valve being fixed. but the dev had a very different leak to talk about and was happy that someone was there to listen. news however had to turn it into a clickbait thing, as they do, so the headline they wrote (in the meme so i wrote) was misleading. which is a metaphor for news not caring about actual problems in studios and when they have no choice but to mention them they clickbait.

  • The Gulf of Ruleland
  • and this is how i realize how close spain is to africa

  • Advertising (rule)
  • good metaphor for AI's impact on global resources consumption. specifically water use in california to run gpus

  • as a gamedev who doesnt play many games, i thought dark souls 2 was a prequel to skyrim rule
  • also yea this. though for me, my passion for games slowly died out as i became a gamedev. now almost a decade of work in it and minus a few indie games like hollow knight and deltarune, i dont play much. it feels wrong knowing everything and the industry so deeply

    plus i work as a marketing and technical artist. most games i've worked on i havent played, i design their posters, covers, logos. i do play the games when i make trailers and in-game materials like screenshots and dev looks. but other than that i dont, and not really even by choice. most of the time the game isnt in a playable state when my work starts.

    most professions under gamedev umbrella dont need and hence arent given the chance to play the games until after release anyways. for me atleast, i do love the work i do, it is fun to do that work. but playing the games i worked on is rarely as fun.

  • hewlett packard lovecraft rule
  • HP Printers, u may get a print sometimes!

  • as a gamedev who doesnt play many games, i thought dark souls 2 was a prequel to skyrim rule
  • i once again mistaked and forgot a word. meant 'doesnt play many games'. let me edit that

  • sony why rule
  • all of the above plus DVD+R, Betacam, and probably others im forgetting

  • Fragile Glass

    cross-posted from:

    > My personal best art

    i blame the vatican church for ending flying rule
  • newton 'invented' gravity by seeing the apple fall. making it so no one could fly anymore (joke, not really how gravity works obv)

  • my u2 spy plane doesnt fit the u2 slot rule

    cross-posted from:

    > to be fair this time it wasnt sony

    Rulefast 🤤
  • any attempt to ruin ideals set by Kelloggs is a win in my book

  • "Together we can rule the galaxy"
  • threatening star wars to have substance

  • i st(rule)d this joke from 'tasting history' youtube channel
  • i disagree that u cant steal jokes, and not for copyright reasons. if you do mean 'public domain' in the copyright sense; i dont think copyright system should be what gets to define what can and cant be shared especially in victimless situation that is digital stuff.

    i disagree in like an ethical view in general, people can steal jokes. this post i made is somewhat transformative, turning a dialogue joke into an image format. but i'd still credit the person i got the idea from, and saying i 'stole it' is funnier to say than credit x (in the current context of a meme at a meme-centric community). in a public-ish place like this, crediting could lead to people even finding out about the channel, which is great.

    plus as someone who tries to keep credits intact for memes i download, it can really be fun re-discovering them, i.e. if its a tweet meme i can find the account for similar stuff, but usually its tumblr lol

  • i st(rule)d this joke from 'tasting history' youtube channel
  • private jets are real too... i dont get what u mean

  • rule :(
  • ???

  • libertarians shouldnt rule
  • hmm so i used that term here to mean 'capitalistically successful (in a bad way) girl boss'. i suppose me just using 'girl boss' to mean that might be presumptuous on my part. my bad

  • half life 4 conruled

    Artifact is an Artifact of the past


    tism rule

    void pixel art credit:
