It's actually really simple. See... *unpacks a pile of books of advanced biology and genetics*
Although... *gets another pile of books about psychology and neurology*
And we have to consider... *drops another pile of books about sociology and anthropology*.
Pretty obvious, isn't it?
52 0 ReplyI figure it is like football team supporters.
Football isn't real either. It's a made up thing with made up rules and made up uniforms.
But it someone tells you they support a team, you go, "OK".
Even if they are wearing the shirt of one team and say they support the other, "OK".
Maybe they don't look like they support either team, stil,l "OK".
44 0 Reply"Did you see that ludicrous display last night?"
"Oh, no, I only pay attention when my gender makes it to the playoffs."
23 0 ReplySounds a bit gay…
1 0 Reply
me when my gender gets a broken arm and loses to the Washington Senators
2 0 Reply
You don't really need to. All that matters is to respect how a person identifies.
13 1 ReplyThat's the neat part: you don't
10 0 ReplySee my gender is "bottom," which means that anyone who has sex with me is a "top." ez.
9 2 Replybut what about those who dont have sex 😔
6 0 Reply
I'm still cis tho, but gender isn't real. It's all performance.
4 0 Replymy genders are he/they
4 0 ReplyHe/They because I'll never be Him.
6 0 Reply
how does one differentiate between man and woman? owo
2 0 ReplyI have for some reason always felt that the meaning of the words "sex" and "gender" should be reversed.
Maybe that is because Freud has called "any form of societal behavior" is a form of sexuality, as far as i remember.
1 0 Reply