And the the next day they decide to completely disavow you. Well me anyway.
Maybe it's the constant emphasis on failure in Christianity and the unobtainable goals that are set? Maybe a numbness builds where people become comfortable saying things and going through ceremonious motions that are completely disconnected from their actual lives? You become able to project self-loathing and lose any sense of remorse or empathy. I dunno but man I feel this post.
So weird watching people complain about Christian values, but when you say you should tax the churches & that Christianity in any other context would be a diagnosable mental illness, you get attacked for those opinions cause you're not respecting religion. Heck, I saw a post recently saying there was a link between trans people & autism & I was attacked for pointing out the flaws in the study cause apparently now leftist want to claim trans people do have a mental disorder.
Remindes me of the time when I read Ernesto Cardenal who described himself as poet, priest and revolutionary (he meant it in the socialist sense). It isn't a contradiction, you just talked to the wrong Christians