The American president said the Canada-U.S. boundary could disappear when he spoke with the prime minister Monday, according to details Trudeau revealed behind closed doors on Friday.
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, in a private meeting inadvertently broadcast via a hot mic, warned that Donald Trump is seriously considering annexing Canada to secure its critical mineral resources.
Speaking to business and labor leaders, Trudeau claimed Trump’s administration is keenly aware of Canada’s resource wealth and sees annexation as a means to control it.
The comments, cut off after staff realized they were audible, underscore growing economic and political tensions.
He also stressed the need to diversify trade, noting, “Geography means we’re always going to both benefit and be challenged by trade with the United States.”
That's not enough. They should immediately negotiate an agreement with Britain and France to have British and French nuclear weapons stationed on Canadian soil. Have them there long enough until Canada can acquire their own domestic arsenal.
Canada needs the bomb. It sounds insane, but I am not joking. That is the obvious lesson of the Ukraine war. Canada is already an advanced near-nuclear state. They could have a domestic arsenal within a year or two if they wanted. And borrowing a few nukes from London or Paris in the meantime would provide cover to allow that.
And I say this as an American. I know Canadians may be loathe at the idea of a Canadian nuclear arsenal. But be realistic. It is the only way for Canada to ever be able to credibly deter a direct threat from the US. We can no longer be trusted.
The fact that that your comment even makes a bit of sense is so completely fucked. Of course I don't speak for everybody but I think it's fair to say that most Canadians do not want to be a nuclear power. We do not want to hurt or threaten anyone, particularly our American brothers? When Pearl Harbour was attacked we declared war on Japan before America did ffs.. shit is fucked up down there
Yes, absolutely, you are an American. Nobody needs a damn atomic bomb. Not even the USA in WWII. If Trump tries to take Canada by force, it's the end for him. The enemies of the USA will find all the wholes they need in USA's northern and southern borders. For the first time in a long time, war would be fought in USA territory, and everyone would know who caused it.
I'd consider supporting it, if there was a serious public discussion on the matter.
The one argument against it - besides the lame "that's violent" or "we couldn't actually need one" - is that saving this one nation isn't worth the increased risk of a nuclear exchange.
The US did not allow nukes in Cuba in the 60s. We very nearly had a nuclear war over it. You think the US will roll over and allow a second tier power like France to do it now?
American here: yep. NATO is going to become effectively useless in short order, and it’ll be all our fault. Save yourselves; hopefully we can get our shit together at some point, but I’m not counting on it tbh.
You're in NATO, if the USA betrays NATO and attacks NATO, they will presumably trigger the famous Article 5 and be at war with all of NATO.
Besides that, you're also in the Commonwealth, and as such I expect the UK and her allies to come to your aid. Our government is spineless shite these days, but I expect we won't shirk our most solemn of obligations.
Either way, if the fascist US invades Canada, it'll be all out war between the US and all of NATO. Won't end well for anybody, but it definitely won't end with the US annexing Canada.
Might end with the Western world being an atomic crater (including the USA) with nations like Russia and China picking over our corpses to establish a new world order, but won't end with Canada being annexed.
The US government would have to be suicidal to do this. Utterly suicidal, to the point of actually being traitors to their own nation.
if the USA betrays NATO and attacks NATO, they will presumably trigger the famous Article 5 and be at war with all of NATO.
If the US used military force (unlikely), they'd just do what the Russians did in 2014. They'd little green men in who were obviously American soldiers, but where there was (barely) plausible deniability.
No sane country wants to actually go to war with the US, so that would give the NATO allies the excuse they needed not to declare war on the US. They'd just lament the tragic incident, and demand an investigation into who these soldiers actually were, and then it would all be over.
Most likely, the next thing to happen would be negotiations with the US like the negotiations with Germany after the Anchluss, with European leaders playing the role of Neville Chamberlain, attempting to appease Trump.
I fucking wish man. I have wanted to live in Iceland for my entire adult life and I finally could. I know they aren't EU but they are Schengen before someone says "well actualyl"
I would kill and die in a war with Americans if they tried to force us into becoming Americans. I would rather die and take as many of you with me as possible than become an american
Guarantee I'd be sabotaging shit on this side to help you guys win. Every sensible American loves our Canadian neighbors and respects their sovereignty.
make no mistake, that line gets crossed. its over for everyone.
The US will enter a civil war. And it probably wont end for decades
Canada will be destroyed. Gobbled up in the same civil war south.
NATO will cease to exist. Europe will be in peices. The war with Russia will expand, many of europes countries will refuse to honor treaties and end up fighting each other until some vague lines are drawn between Russia and the resistance.
How would that even work. It's an an entire country made up of provinces. We have our own provincial governments. Canada is fucking huge. How would they enter? The border spans the whole width of the continent. Do they even have a big enough military to even do that?
None of this even makes sense, it sounds like the biggest dumbest joke any president has ever came up with, besides building a wall along the opposite border, which may have started but never even finished, or turned out way too expensice to be realistic or something like that, what ever the fuck happened.
For Canada's population they are a remarkable country, but even so, for Canada to win a war they don't need to fight, they only need to walk backwards and wait for winter.
Yo, this won't be an annex. It will be an invasion if he really wants it, same with Greenland. You think Canada will just roll over? Imagine if fucking Mexico decided to take back Texas. (At this point, please do, I could use some new leadership here)
I'm so sorry Canadians, yall just up there doing your thing and these assholes just trying to fuck your shit up.
I'm in the GTA. I'm ready to die for my country. Are Americans ready to say the same when their president gives them the order?
Rest assured you do not want to fuck with us Canadians. We are deeply embedded in your country. You would see terrorism the likes of which you have only seen in your nightmares. 9/11 will seem like happier times.
As an Australian, I have no idea how my country would respond to this officially. The US alliance is basically our entire defence strategy, and we have fostered that by supporting the US in every conflict they're involved in. On the other hand, we could never go against another Commonwealth nation. The cultural weight is too great.
Perhaps the best we could offer is assurance that any Canadian visitors (refugees) to Australia can probably overstay your visas for as long as necessary. For some reason we only care when immigrants arrive by boat. Just follow all the Aussies when they start leaving your ski fields.
"The start of a tariff war with the United States is changing voters' moods. It's harder to talk about a broken Canada when there's a growing sense of patriotism," another Conservative source said.
Our Cons need bogeymen to rile up our Centrist voters. They rail about borderguards or evil carbon taxes (that are given back to the vast majority of Canadians) or whatever, only now we're getting Nationalist Cons rising up, despite their favourite leader Harper being a vanguard of International Conservatism.
We have an absolute issue up here with our Con voters, (when Léger asked Canadians about the Biden-Trump match up in the fall of 2020, 41 per cent of Conservative voters sided with Trump.) and they are extremely susceptible to Russian propaganda:
Currently, Trumps team is just trying to get something boiling so that if/when polievre gets in power, the situation can be "resolved" without bloodshed.
I'm definitely curious to see what happens in the polls when we find out who the Liberals choose. I don't get the impression that people really trust Poilievre to handle Trump.
After 20 million scared civilians are neutralized and pacified.... it will look like a fait accompli.
and then will come the car bombs, the mass shootings, the assassination's.
The only thing stupider than Russia invading Ukraine and expecting not to deal with a massive insurgency. Two countries that are culturally very close but had extremely bad history with each other as a cycle of abuse, is America trying to do the same thing with Canada,
Treachery is according to the divine comedy, the worst sin of all. Canada doesn't have the boon of bordering other allies trying to help them in an imperialist war from their supposed brothers. but being stabbed in the back will sure motivate people to do things they wouldnt dream of against people they used to call friends. Yes, I'm referring to the "T" word.
also. theres no way Canada gets attacked, and it doesn't cause a revolution or coup in the US. The first moves into Canada, would effectively be the first moves of a 2nd Civil War.
Trump is using Putins playbook. Constantly threaten to annex your neighbors. Neighbors take those threats seriously and start to build up a standing army at the border. Convince populous that the neighbors are threatening the nation and are preparing for an invasion. Yada yada yada. Start a “special military op“ and invade neighbor.
I mean Trump has literally forced both Canada and Mexico to move a standing army in the thousands to the borders now, so I see he is not wasting time with this casus belli.
he already had control of Ukraine, the problem was his capos were idiots, pissed off the people. and the people kicked out his capo with torches and pitchforks.
he then declared all future ukrainian governments illigetimate. and his actions have been based on a vague idea of "It all used to be one country 300 years ago because of imperialism, and the current government is not legitimate"
That argument doesn't work with Canada and the US. Yes, the US tried multiple times to take British North America, but failed.
Effectively, America already does control Canada through influence and assertion. but Canada is still a sovereign country. Smooth brained fascist and imperialist Chuds, just want America to look bigger on a map. they think that if there is ever a war with China, they'll need Unfettered access to all materials in grasp. (which doesnt make sense based on their tariffs against taiwan, those tariffs imply they're going to let China take taiwan, therfore no war with China)
at the end of the day, its dumb chuds who treat world politics and the hundreds of millions of peoples lives affected by it, like its a game. and they're angry with canada because america has believed for decades that they're in a culture war, and canadians are the opposition because they're on average, much more liberal than american liberals.
Can Americans just own their own dictator and expanding philosophy, please? Americans have been invading nonstop since they started to exist, Putin wasn't even a spermatozoid. If there is an encyclopedia on this, it is written in English.
Wrote up a summary months ago (with reputable sources!) and warned about Nazis too and was permabanned from Lemmy news and politics for it.
Idk man, you can tell people stuff, but it’s so hard for them to access what’s real right now. There’s a concerted online effort to suppress factual info.
Doubt there will be anything "hot"; it'll be threats of violence, being met with rational, thoughtful responses that will aim to save as many lives as possible.
It's sad that all I can do as an Aussie is buy some real maple syrup. It also says a lot about what Canada gives to the world. There's a damn good reason that Americans put the Canadian flag on their backpacks. We say here that New Zealand is to Australia what Canada is to America. They are our better, kinder sibling, the ones who didn't join the war, the ons with more honour and integrity. Go Canada.
Pump the breaks there buddy. Canada has done plenty of fucked up shit that mirrors America and in some cases were actualy worse. They've just got better PR.
Trump is clearly a fucking asshole facist but ask the First Nations how much better and kinder Canadians are.
Yeah we aussies know how badly we treated our indigenuos people too, the new zealanders were better, as I said. I'm still going to shill for anyone who stands up to trump. We live in the prrsent.
In my opinion the most similar country to Canada is actually Australia.
our colonial past
our continued colonialism
we all live in one area and the rest of the country is uninhabitable
our wildlife kills us regularly
bogans and rednecks are basically the same thing
drinking culture
housing crisis, but precisely that you are brainwashed like us into thinking that owning a house is literally all that matters in life. I think our two countries are the most extreme version of 'success is literally owning a detached house'. Our societies both are in on the exact same pyramid scheme
funny accents with funny dialogue options
I don't think we are kinder than you guys. I have a theory that our kindness is actually just a lack of honesty or directness, or in harsher words, spineless. That said my experience with Australians has been universally good. I should visit straya, never been...
Most Americans don't realize the scale at which their empire works tirelessly to oppress or subsume all other nations. Telling them about CIA interference in the '70s and '80s blows their fucking minds, let alone what's going on today across the world. It goes against the narrative that they're tough but fair stewards of the planet and not schoolyard bullies with nukes who have transformed the global economic landscape to benefit themselves, so it doesn't make sense to them.
it's a distraction, but it's also very real. everything is a disraction from everything else. they'll get away with whatever they're allowed. use what power you have to sabotage the things you can and do your best to have faith that someone is doing the same for the things you can't help. i with there was more to do. i really do. but right now the biggest, most dangerous force in the battle between good, evil, and indifferent are the indifferent. we're stuck out here desperately trying to convince the indifferent that the news media is fully captured and that the onslaught minorities say is happening is really happening
American here. You're definitely not a moron. Too many of our own people are for not taking the orange idiot seriously. He may be tremendously stupid, but he has more than enough malice and greed to make up for it. And the people staffing his regime are honestly worse.
Well a lot of what he does is distraction. But yeah I think he wants Canada (even though it would shift things left, which he hasn't thought about and likely won't acknowledge) and Greenland, cuz big land.
It's not going to shift things left if Canada was annexed. Even if they were given voting rights (which is doubtful), their population is both a magnitude smaller, and Alberta exists.
even though it would shift things left, which he hasn't thought about and likely won't acknowledge
I keep hearing this and, ignoring the fact that it annoys me that we're even entertaining the idea of annexation, it doesn't make much sense. For one, there's no way we'd be given the right to vote; And two, Canada will be a bombed out warzone for the far foreseeable future. It's more likely the USA will break apart before Canadians accept being American. Even if we pretended that we wouldn't call on NATO for help, Canadians would go guerrilla until the last Canadian is standing
I think Americans underestimate the level of pride Canadians take in not being American.
The primary reason for the annexation were Canada's natural resources, considered vital to the American military effort in the Sino-American War.
The tipping point came in 2072. As the U.S. escalated its exploitation of Canada's resources, her people took to the streets. Protests and riots erupted in several Canadian cities and an attempt to sabotage the Alaskan pipeline by unknown forces was foiled, but provided the U.S. Government an excuse to officially annex Canada.
When pictures of the atrocities committed in the name of the United States made it over the border, they sparked unrest and protests from the American public. Both sides thoroughly armed, it had little impact on history, as former Canadian land provided much-needed resources for maintaining the war effort, and the country was overrun.[Non-game 5][Non-game 6]
In a statement to the press, Buzz Babcock, commander of U.S. forces in Canada, cited security concerns as the primary reason for the annexation. He also stated that "Little America" was always the property of the United States and the U.S. military announced the official annexation of Canada on June 3, 2072.
Even among the military, the annexation was met with mixed reactions. For some, the act was considered criminal.[5] Open warfare between the opposing armies across the former nation commenced, with the Yukon becoming one of the many fronts alongside Anchorage in the Resource Wars.[6] Despite the outcry, the military initiative forged ahead. Propaganda portrayed the annexation as a "liberation", with comic series such as Tales from the Front and cartoons such as Armor Ace and the Power Patrol championing U.S. occupation forces while vilifying Canadian resistance; for instance, the villainous "rogue robots" of the Yukon Five in the Armor Ace board game Cold Steel were explicitly described as part of the "Yukon Uprising." Vault-Tec in particular sought to bank on the annexation as they began building and advertising available Vaults in "newly-annexed Canada."
Fallout is supposed to be over-the-top dystopian parody, but here we are.
Just... don't show any of this to the administration, hm?
I remember playing that one FO3 dlc where you're fighting in Alaska (in a simulator maybe?)... I always thought that was one of the more plausible plot lines in the series.
Okay not to downplay the fucked up reality of this situation, but does it bother anyone else that the Orange Idiot thinks Canada should be just one State? And one hostile to him and his party at that, out of spite if nothing else.
I live in rural AB and I'd be surprised if 1 person in 10 had anything good to say about trump. Most people know that he's a lying shitbird, and want nothing to do with him. And frankly Danielle Smith is sliding fast since her toadying reaction to his tariff threats.
Even if the higher ups somehow agree (which would be insane), the actual troops are the ground are 50% POC or minorities. I can't imagine them going through this hatred by the whitehouse and still continuing to follow orders. There will be a break in chain of command at some point.
Also peep the military subreddit on Reddit they are talking about breaking chain a lot, whether they will it's still to be tested but it's definitely indication of where things lie.
Legally. Trump is Commander in Chief. the readers digest version of most people's understandings is they're supposed to follow his orders to the letter.
practically. who fucking knows. I would predict military bases start shooting at themselves as factions fight for dominance in towns, cities, bases, and states. it would effectively be a civil war. there would absolutely be a coup attempt by a faction of the military.
The amount of chaos this decision would cause would be on the same scale as World War III officially breaking out. America would be in total chaos while it tries to launch an invasion of Canada, (Whether it be the Little green men method of just rolling troops in and the defenders choose not to shoot at them. or it be the Feb 2022 method where Canada formally declares itself to be in a war state and the state attempts to resist, IE a shooting war then insurgenct)
this would absolutely cause a civil war in the states, like I said, but Im not even gonna attempt to theorize how it would turn out. the only thing I know is the world would be in flames.
Thwre is never a permanent ally or permanent enemy in the context of countries and alliances.
USSR was an "ally" until the the axis lost, then immediately became an enemy overnight. Japan then went through the occupation and changed from an enemy into an "ally of the US.
China (ROC), was once an ally of the us, then CCP took over and became an enemy, then the "Opening Up and Economic reforms" happened and now the US and China are sort of "frienemies", but now with trump's tariffs, its enemies again.
Heck, the US revolted against UK, and now they are sort of allies all the way throught the world wars until now with trump's isolationism.
There is no "allies" or "enemies", just temporary co-operations and competitions
can we skip to the part where america and china nuke each other, (and hit russia too for good measure). and the rest of the world can go about its business not being treated like pawns by imperialistic savages
I wish Canada would start an immigration program for Americans who don't want to be a part of this shit.
I voted, I'm politically active, and I don't want to be on this ride. While I don't have a sought-after degree, I want to work for and contribute to my community. I have skills that I would be glad to contribute. I would pounce on the chance to get out of this shit hole.
Ya know, even with all the apt comparisons to Hitler and Putin, one thing I didn't have on my bingo card was him actually trying to expand US territory by invading and annexing other countries. I thought that was one big difference.
Everything else I could imagine is now in progress: Disregard/end of the Constitution and rule of law--check. Dismantling of democracy into an authoritarian dictatorship--check. Mass deportations and concentration camps--check. Full-on implementation of Project 2025--check. Blatant corruption, lawlessness and self-enrichment for trump family and oligarchs--check. Implementation of Christian Nationalist policies--check. Dismantling of federal agencies and beneficial aid programs--check (so far DOJ/FBI, USAID, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Dept of Education).
As yet unchecked, but only a matter of time (it's only been 3 weeks!): dismantling of additional agencies and programs: SNAP, medicaid first, then social security, medicare, all the stuff they hate. Use of military against civilians, requirement to carry ID papers with proof of citizenship, sham elections, and more!
Unanticipated by me: Musk given free reign to dismantle whatever parts of the US government he feels like, and now invasion and annexation of other countries and territories!?! In the sights: Panama Canal zone, Greenland, Canada, and Gaza. Could this really happen?
Also one thing Hitler and his Nazi friends have over the Business v2.0 plotters: genuine combat experience. They may be shitty people, but they also got blooded. They were willing to kill and be killed.
A fair chunk of the military minorities that Trump has alienated are veterans, and more importantly, know they will die if he got his way. On the other paw, we got Proud Boys, ICE, and the Xitler Youth. That bunch, as a general rule, are cosplayers. I suspect this what it would look like if they went up against minority soldiers:
Monkey Paw: Supreme court rules that the federal government get to draw the maps. You get a totally gerrymandered State of Canada, Magats remain in power forever.
its a meat puppet beholden to Corpo/Tech Fascists, Evangelical radicals, The Russian Mafia, and the State of Israel. We have no interest in becoming slaves .
Your society is so broken you have healthcare insurance CEOs being murdered on the street and people cheering for the death because the system is so fundementally broken for people who aren't modern day aristocrats / old money.
Lol that would probably look like the Winter War where Finns were vastly outnumbered but still won because they know how to survive the winter. I hope the americans wear body cams when they invade. It will be very satisfying to watch the Rocky Mountains literally kill them man vs nature style.
Also not sure if relevant but Canadian true crime seems to be way more often gory and needlessly violent compared to your typical run of the mill murder stories.
I would deeply, deeply hope that American soldiers would never follow an order to attack Canada. For all of the Trump insanity, I still have hope that most people aren't batshit like him.
Not to disrespect the amazing achievements of the Finn's in that war, but they lost, and lost half their country. (Edit: 10%, not half. Sorry Finland.)
As a finn, not sure I would call it a lost war to keep independence against an enemy that has superior manpower and resources at their disposal in comparison.
Not to disrespect the amazing achievements of the Finn’s in that war, but they lost, and lost half their country.
In actual reality, we lost 9% of our territory to USSR due to WW2. One city, two towns. By official sources, about 400 000 Finns evacuated the conquered territory, and about 20 people remained and became Soviet citizens.
The Americans who will actually follow the orders will come from red states though. I know Alaska is red but I don't think those people are the invade Canada type
the reality is that americans will do just fine with the winter.
the part that will destroy them, is trying to manage an occupation of a country on its own border. where the population is almost indistinguishable and hidden, Just like Russia deals with in Ukraine. the Americans didnt have the stomach for an occupation on the other side of the world where the culture was so different they might as well have been aliens, they lost to that. They would have even less so for one on their own border where the "enemy" is attacking them from within.
the enemy, being both Insurgents from Canada, as well as their own population. Attacking Canada will absolutely, 100% cause a Civil war in America, Even US military bases could start shooting at themselves as units fight it out for a prevailing loyality once there's a constitutional and moral crisis in america.
And the Adminstration would end up going into Putin Bunker mode. if they aren't deposed or eliminated right away by a Coup.
Dude what. Why are you lusting for blood from Americans? This is the fault of one administration that I'm still not convinced won this election fairly. We don't like this shit anymore than you.
One big worry I have is about the fate of the Project 2025 authors. Elon Musk and Trump could easily become the fall guys for this whole fiasco, allowing Yarvin's Cabal to escape justice. ALL of the Business v2.0 plotters need to be put on trial and executed.
This is just big talk for the cameras. The logistics of such a thing. Are so ridiculous and insane that if it was actually attempted. Canadians would basically become slaves with no rights.. The Country would be torn apart by Resource fiends. They wouldnt even know what to do with 40 million people under a different legal system, so that would imply hundreds of thousands of people would end up just getting murdered or dying of neglect as society collapses
And that would open the door for massive waves of violence. What ISIS, AQ, etc did to America, That would absolutely be on the table.
This goes for any country. But if a country that's supposed to have been our friend and ally for generations decides its time for Imperialism, and wipes out their neighbor like that in some putin hairbrained map drawing fantasy.... Let me just say that Treachery is the lowest circle of hell. And people would have absolutely zero qualms after having everything taken away from them, in such a betrayal, zero qualms about targetting the civilian population of the aggressor.
and abandoning the whole somber story of how life would be over for 30-40 million Canadians, let me say that this act would 101%, without a doubt, Cause a US civil war. This is a Red line. And if there isn't an eruption of mutinies, coups, revolts and violence in the US as it was enacted, Well, in that case, the Nazis already won.
unironically, something like this would likely happen.
factions within the country, political, civil and military, would fight amongst themselves, and some would ultimatley decide that the Trump Adminstration is Treasonous, Terrorists, not legitimate, etc. and start shooting.
Attacking Canada, is just a red line that would signal the start of the Second American Civil War.
US is like a bully. But a huge, strong, armed bully, which is now also crazy and looks unpredictable. I doubt the rest of Nato, especially this castrated, limp EU would do anything to protect Canada. They would frown and condemn the us verbally, but probably watch from afar. That's my impression at least.
Exactly, theres no way this triggers WW3 unless Canada starts working more closely with China immediately and even then it's unlikely China goes to bat for Canada. Western countries have gotten way too comfortable with the US.
He thinks this is his way into the history books. He thinks like Putin and other dictators that just look at land size and wants bigger (remember when he said Trump tower was now the tallest after 9/11?)
Unless the British and French are going to Nuke America, Article 5 is useless for Canada being attacked by America. Article 5 was made for Europe and North America vs Russia... NATO fighting against America would basically end up being, US bases in Europe get wiped out, Europe takes cataclysmic casualties trying to fight America, and deal with Russia at the same time
(who would absolutely move in, and possibly try to align with America. its been a poorly kept secret for a decade that Republicans want Russia to be their ally so they can control a monopoly of the world's nuclear weapons and point them at China)
and after all of that, Fascist America would basically be an Island while it rapes Mexico and Canada in a genocidal purge. and probably erupts into a civil war at the same time Because no one is going to be able to cross either ocean to come to their aid.
You know without the US Nato has five full aircraft carriers if you count lhds they have about 20. They absolutely could bring the war directly to America.
Meanwhile China will be watching on likely to pick off the remnants.
I'm glad we're on an island in the middle of nowhere now, however note it is basically the same propaganda machine over here, with a relatively similar proportion of morons that believe everything they're told.
That's honestly what worries me the most. I'm pretty sure any actual conflict will look an awful lot like a civil war, and any student of history knows how incredibly bloody those tend to get.
This is part of what has made Trump so successful:
He has convinced his base (and a lot of the media) that what he says doesnt matter - lying, outrageous claims, incendiary remarks. He is schrodingers politician and his positions generally are "Whatever person X wants him to be". There is also massive dissonance on Trump "telling it like it is" - despite that NOBODY holds him to his word.
Eh...maybe our 4th territory instead. If we ever have a stable enough government, we can reopen the constitution and consider province status for individual states on a case-by-case basis
This might go very badly for Canada. I want it to go badly for the US, but let's try to be real here for a second. Doesn't a very, very large proportion of Canada live in like five cities? The USAF could have that paved in an afternoon, more or less by itself.
Edit: somebody pointed out that Canada has nukes. That could definitely change the equation.
Edit 2 edit boogaloo: unclear if Canada has nukes, citation needed. De-striking until I can find some proof.
Trudeau needs to take this shit serious and start looking into bringing EU and Aussie troops/armor/air defence over for long term "training exercises". If you're Canadian and reading this, you need to be preparing. Get out of the city if you can; if not, start preparing a bug out bag, keep your gas tank over half full, and start preparing enough supplies to shelter in place for at least three days for however many people are in your household. Count on losing power, water, gas, and other utilities. If you have a gun, make sure you know how to aim it, use it, clean it, clear any jams, etc. before you need it. If you don't have a gun, give some real thought to it; ask yourself what Vasily Zaitsev would do. I hope it doesn't come to this; I want to apologize that this is happening, though I know it's not worth the pixels it's printed on.
I have hope that it won't happen. Most USians have a very positive view of Canada, and this anti-canadian rhetoric is way, way, way out of left field for a wide majority of us. I can't see any but a very small minority of people thinking this is good. I have a small hope that our military will make the right choice if the time comes.
Don't trust uncited information. I am sure we do not have nukes. Look up the nuclear nonproliferation treaty for Canada, we not only don't have any, but haven't stored them for any other country since 1984.
The Canadians and Canadiens should start thinking about their military purchases. Do you rely on a neighbor who is constantly threatening you with a trade war and annexation? Nope. The Orange Fuck-up will end up destroying the US MIC export business and their will be some pissed off wealthy people with deep connections.
His best trait is his comedy skills in my honest opinion. He absolutely has a sense of humour. And I'm an angry Canadian who would put a bullet in the guy's head if I could.
Dude is funny. That's why he's in office.
The thing is that there is a truth behind every joke.