I agree with you. To anyone who still pretends Trump and Kamala were equally terrible with regard to Palestine: Kamala vocally supported an end to the war* and a two-state solution**, a prevailing US diplomatic philosophy. Please watch what Trump said tonight— it is so much worse than that. He advocates for the full removal of Palestinian people from their homeland.
*it is a genocide and not a war, I disagree with her.
**a two-state solution is not adequate as long as Israel continues to act as it does currently. Free Palestine. I disagree with her.
Remember when Trump said he would lower the prices of groceries? Do you judge him on that, or on his actions? Why is it different for Kamala and Dems?
You know, "empathy" isn't just "I feel bad for people sometimes!". Empathy is the ability to place your self in other people's shoes. So now let's practice some empathy. Imagine you are Palestinian, and you live in Gaza. Israel has bombed your neighbourhood with American bombs. Aid has been withheld from you and your family. Other hospitals and aid workers have been bombed by American bombs. Journalists are being shot with American supplied weapons and ammo. Some of your neighbours or friends - who weren't killed - have been captured and are being raped.
Now tell me - keeping that state of mind and empathy - what fucking difference does it make that Kamala "vocally supported an end to the war"?
Can you tell me right now - concretely and materialistically, no vague bullshit - how things were/would be better for Palestinians under the Dems? I've asked this question so many times and have never gotten an answer that wasn't just vague abstract BS like "but Trump said".
It seriously astonishes me that the one situation where there is no difference between Reps and Dems (except for the words they use while doing the same thing), is the one situation people decide to shout about how much better Dems would be than Reps.
It literally is a perfect example of "Blue MAGA" to make these comments in posts about Palestine, as if anyone ever though Trump would be better for Palestine, or as if the Dems hadn't been the ones in power until last November and Kamala was still "unwavering" in her support of Israel.
They spoke, some people did not think critically and believed it, and now here we are. Lemmy is minor leagues, but the sAmE happening in the major leagues like X & Facebook etc. seem to have carried the day. Perhaps now people will start to think strategically. Or... probably not even now. Sad.:-(
It's nice to see that Democrats suddenly care about genocide.
You all were perfectly accepting of it under Genocide Joe, and even nominated him to be your presidential candidate. You're also conveniently just ignoring that the genocide continued until the literal last day of his presidency.
Turns out the only moral genocide is Democrat genocide. The millisecond Republicans do it we can suddenly all agree that it's abhorrent and there are no excuses for our part in it.
Voting the red and blue parties wouldn't have save it either. It's time you accept the reality that the government is rigged. Making the good and best possible decision and not the "lesser evil" or other bullshit propaganda tells you is what you are supposed to do.
Nah. We had to listen to "gEnOcIDe jOe!!!1!" for the better part of a goddamn year from these people. I've got a LOT more "we fucking told you so" to get out of my system before I'm ready to move on let alone begin to forgive. The threat that is now reality was fully apparent, and these single-issue people still decided to hold the country hostage to "teach the dems a lesson". Fuck them. They've also shown they can't be counted on, so I'm in no hurry to make amends.
If Biden didn’t allow Israel to flatten Gaza we wouldn’t be here.
If Biden didn’t veto ceasefire at the UN multiple times we wouldn’t be here.
If Biden didn’t send the bombs to Israel we wouldn’t be here.
If Biden didn’t lie about the rape and beheadings we wouldn’t be here.
If Biden didn’t provide Israel with the political cover, including proposing sanctions on the ICC, we wouldn’t be here.
If Biden did what Reagan did in 1982 and demanded that Israel stop, we wouldn’t be here. Instead in private he was an enthusiastic supporter of Israel’s war in 1982 as he evidently was during his presidency.
Did biden do stupid shit? Sure. Did he made it worse? Yup. Was his at times clear and present dementia a deciding factor why trump has become president? Absofuckinglutely.
Is Biden the one proclaiming gaza a Trump realty project?
People who are too moronic to understand the tightrope that any good faith administration is walking in the middle east and think it's "just as bad" to give in to a fascist takeover instead are too far gone, and should start taking whatever meds are required asap.
I think you mean if people understood inflation was caused by the pandemic and Trumps monetary policy we wouldn't be here.
The number one factor in the election was the economy. Sadly, regarding Palestine, I think democrats would loss as many votes as they gained by taking a harder stance.
After seeing this sentiment expressed for the 50th time on similar threads, I’m more convinced than ever that: 1.) Many Democrats prefer beating up their left flank to actually opposing Republican ideology, 2.) Many Democrats are somehow pleased that the genocide is proceeding in this fashion because they both get to genocide Palestinians and beat up on their left flank. If Kamala had won, they would have only been able to enjoy half of these pastimes.
Nah. We're all just pissed that these shortsighted idiots decided to try and make a point about biden/harris and trump/vance being the same for Gaza/Palestine (which, clearly, factually, in every possible conceivable way, they are not), and in so doing, ended the longest running democracy in human history, to say nothing of making our lives a fucking hell for the next however many years until this shitshow is over or the country implodes.
It was idiotic, we told them it was idiotic, they argued against it, and they chose to let trump win and now we're all stuck with the fucking bill of their stupidity. All of us.
So yeah, I'm fucking pissed at them, and the trump supporters. At least with the maga asshats you know you're getting idiots marching on parade. We were counting on the dems not being a bunch of fuckwits.
But here we are, sitting in a shit timeline, eating a shit sandwich together.
A sandwich we all said we'd have to fucking eat if this felon rapist piece of shit clown got elected again.
It's just so fucking exhausting. God fucking damn it, and people like you trying to blame those of us that went out and voted and tried to keep democracy going for another round. We're not the bad guys here, and we absolutely get to fucking bag on all you dipshits that chose to let this happen by not exercising your right, and fucking DUTY, to vote.
It's kinda fascinating how every single comment section about another Trump news is filled with folks dogging on a minority who voted third-party and not the, what was it, third of the country (?) who didn't vote at all.
Do you all really think that those who trully didn't vote because of the Palestine would somehow change the final outcome? Were they that numerous?
This is a genuine question, I'm not trying to be snarky.
Given the highly political atmosphere of Lemmy, I have the impression that most users vote hard. Most in the liberal side were vocal about their desire to vote Kamala to prevent *gestures broadly* from happening. However, users from the tankie instances, amounting to a third of lemmy, regularly decried the democrat option, instead urging protest votes or abstention.
The world isn’t lemmy, lemmy is lemmy. And lemmy has plenty people to clown on for actively choosing this.
America has a FTTP voting system, so time has distilled its presidential election into to 2 real choices. This was one, and the milquetoast status quo party is the other. By that merit, not voting for one party helps the other party, though not as much as voting for the opposite. In our case, the opponent of the milquetoast party is the crypto Nazi party.
I'm not the other person you replied to, but personally I think there was a clear choice between the two candidates in regard to which one was better for the Palestinians given their track records. Granted, maybe not good enough in these voters opinions, given that they enabled a genocide in the first place and refused to swiftly correct that action.
Besides billionaires and straight, white, conservative, "Christian" men, I honestly don't know who benefits from a Trump/Musk presidency as compared to a Harris/Walz presidency.
I get that democrats weren't good enough, they rarely are in my opinion either, but I do consider them better than this. And yep, she and Biden enabled a genocide, no argument there. I even empathize with those that feel adamant that either we have justice all, or justice for none. But I think we are a little frustrated that in the fatalistic protest, Kamala's opponents ensured the doom of not just Palestinians, but women, LGBT+ folk, and likely many more.
There's a lot of frustration at the segment of the population who 1) vocally said that Harris would be just as bad as trump in regards to Gaza 2) loudly argued that failure to listen to them in regards to Gaza would cost the Democrats the election, and 3) said that anyone who was willing to vote for Harris despite not perfectly walking the line in regards to Gaza was a supporter of genocide. "The lesser of two evils is still a vote for genocide", and "it's not like it can be more genocide" are both things that have been said to me.
So, according to the people in question: yes, they are that numerous. I'm incredibly sad that I seem to have been right, but also fuck you to all the absolute assholes who accused me of supporting genocide because I'd rather the president get a middling cease fire and shamefully keep sending munitions to Israel than have us actively send troops to ethnically cleanse Gaza. Congrats! You got what you wanted! No more war in Gaza, because we're going to finish it now.
Even if they're in they're not large enough to matter, electorally, they were consistently aggressively smug and superior to anyone who said that maybe trump wasn't going to be the savior of the Palestinians, as evidence by his explicit words.
It's cathartic to be mad at people who were condescending towards you when they were wrong, even if you'd rather not be right, purely because they called you a bad person for wanting the same thing but thinking their way to get it wouldn't work.
Yes, because everyone who could have voted and didn't bears responsibility for looking the other way while Trump gained the presidency.
And everyone who was vocal at any point about not voting for Harris for any reason is culpable for assisting Trump in gaining the presidency, and for influencing others to do the same.
Funny to see them cry over 3rd party that at least showed up and helped dems get seats, instead of the people who didn’t come out to vote because the DNC can’t energise anyone saying the same nothing will change bullshit
I'm so fucking tired of seeing this comment, because it's just so unbelievably dumb. It would make (some level of) sense in posts about Elon taking over the government and immigrants being sent to Guantanamo Bay, but here? Like, just genuinely fucking stupid. And yet people keep fucking making them in all news threads about Palestine.
Can anyone here actually show me examples of people saying that Trump wouldn't do this? Because all I saw was people saying that Palestine is going to be fucked regardless, and they didn't want to cast their vote for someone who was going to support genocide. Meanwhile, comments like this one imply those people thought Palestine would be saved by not voting for Dems, which is a straw man.
Did you guys just forget how much happened under the Dems, and think Kamala winning would actually have improved things for Palestine? Is that it? Do you think it's somehow worse for Palestinians now?
Stop with this comment in Palestine posts already. It's seriously the dumbest fucking place you can make them. Go make these comments in a post about Trump censoring scientists or something.
So many downvotes across all my comments here (at least 26 in this comment as of right now), but not a single person has managed to actually answer me. No one can show me people who voted third party (or didn't vote) saying that Trump is better for Palestine, and no one can answer how are things materially and concretely worse for Palestinians under Trump. Someone even tried to lecture me about how Trump is worse for America - as if I hadn't literally said that already in this fucking comment.
This is why people use the term "Blue MAGA"; it might not be as bad as Trump MAGA, but it's just as delusional and cult like. The one way in which Dems and Reps are the exact fucking same, is the one that people are choosing to shout about how much better the Dems would have been. If you are one of those people, next time you are thinking to yourself "why are so many people uncritical, unquestioning, believe everything they hear, and have a tribe mentality, etc.", look to yourself for the answer.
Gonna leave this thread now, so any further replies I will answer when I am back on.
Yeah, alienating people for not supporting genocide is such an excellent move. Did you happen to work as a strategist with Harris campaign because this is right up their alley.
It's a fucking war. Sometimes the only option you get is to put off losing. We didn't do that, in no small part because of idiot idealists who apparently refuse to understand a concept so basic even chimps get it. Now, thanks to that and SO much more, even being hopeful is approaching the realm of deluded fantasy.
I have no problem alienating people who think their own precious idea of morality is somehow so sacrosanct it can't be compromised even to actually save the lives they pretend to care about.
I won't deny that it was a stupid move by the dems, but at the same time choosing to abstain from one of the most important elections in US history because you don't want to choose between the lesser of two evils is just naive. Life is literally full of choosing between the lesser of two evils, inside and outside of politics. And I understand that the situation in Gaza is fucked up, but I also know that by abstaining it only made the situation worse. I know its not 100% their fault as there were many factors that led to Trump winning, but I personally don't think betting with other people's lives is altruistic. I think it's selfish.
All, please read this article (NYT gift link) - this IS and has been the strategy. Blitzkrieg policy while distracting the "stupid" media with outrageous, ultimately meaningless distractions.
From the ever flatulent Steve Bannon: "All we have to do is flood the zone. Every day we hit them with three things. They’ll bite on one, and we’ll get all of our stuff done."
Steve Bannon said six years ago on Bill Maher: "You seperate the signal from the noise. Watch the signal. There's a flashbang grenade every day as far as noise goes. Watch the signal."
On what? It's all crazy. "We're going to invade Gaza" is just as insane as "we're going to put 18 year olds in charge of the Treasury", "eliminate the department of education" or "win the war on diversity".
Yeah people keep saying "this is just a distraction" to, like, very single story. So what are they distracting from? Please tell us, because all of it is fucking awful.
Maybe them draining the Calofornia reservoirs used to irrigate crops during the summer to cause widespread crop failures and drive up food prices massively in a few months.
They're actively trying to cripple the country to please Putin.
Yeah the shooting in Sweden is getting buried by news like this. Not that the situation in Gaza isn’t terrible or that the US isn’t a terrible country to be in, but stil
Just a not even remotely friendly reminder that if you are American, eligible to vote and didn't vote for Kamala then you actively voted for this. Actively voted for genocide. If you didn't vote you're even fucking worse because at least the Republicans were willing to openly say what horrible people they are. You just don't care.
The United States is a failed country, a terrorist state and should be wrenched away from its people. You do not deserve to have a country that large with that much power when you are incapable of agreeing on a singular fucking thing. The United States should be forcibly broken up into at least 2, if not more, countries that can make up a trade bloc. This bullshit of getting everyone killed from coast to coast because of your pathetic patriotic ego of "wahhhhhhh but my countryyyyyyyyyy"
I want to say I'm amazed at the shit fucking takes to justify awful choices that directly lead to a fascist overthrow in response to your comment. But these types love to justify their choices even though they directly lead to an open fascist takeover of our country because BoTh SiDeS bAd because they couldn't be bothered to engage in harm reduction and are ok with Gaza getting glassed and a probable trans genocide at home.
Fuck anyone who uses genocide to justify the situation where we now get more genocide, they never actually cared about it in the first place aside from talking points. Either that, or talk is more important than action. Either way, their opinions are meaningless to me as I help my trans homies survive.
Yup. It is incredible at how deeply they've fallen for propaganda. Like Joe Biden being the one to send bombs like he personally wrapped the package. No one is blaming Congress, the people who actually approved the transfer of weapons. Nah. They wanna blame the President for not illegally stopping a transfer and opening himself up for impeachment like Trump did.
These people have no understanding of the US political system. They just scream and cry because they saw a few Youtube Shorts or TikToks and think they're suddenly educated. That they can blame the figurehead for everything.
It is insane. Biden was the most progressive President the United States has had in decades and every single fuckwit bought the propaganda that the Right Wing was pushing. Was he perfect? God no. But he was miles better than Obama was but nah. Lets just scream about how awful he is because his hands were tied on Israel/Palestine, a problem that has absolutely no answer that doesn't rip the fabric of someones world.
What's the point of saying that here? If you're an American who could vote and you're on Lemmy there's a 99.9% chance you voted blue. But even if that weren't the case, all of this transpired while we had a Democrat in office, so it's just a horrible continuation of an already existing trend
The US shouldn’t be considered a single country. The EU has way more in common between it’s members and acts more like one country than the US.
Breaking it up in 50 different states is probably gonna cause a war I see that.
Slowly the US (which has been a terrible country for a lot of people) is dying and pulling others down. The US has pushed it’s bullshit into way to many countries it is not even funny.
The patriotism is what put them in this mess but the voting blocs are what is killing them. The United States had no business being the country that it is. It overextended its reach to an absurd extent. It tried to captiulate to too many people who all wanted to share in the nationlistic nonsense that America pumps out daily. Now the country is fragmented to hell. Too many people feel like that the country doesn't represent them in anyway while also insisting that the United States should be another way. So they rally around two voting blocs that diverge and don't represent really anyone because they're either like the Democrats and spreading themselves too thin while making no one happy or the Republicans who actively ignore what their voters want the second they have power.
Just a not even remotely friendly reminder that if you are American, eligible to vote and didn’t vote for Kamala then you actively voted for this.
Don't try to spin logic. The red and blue party were both and has always been unified in supporting the fascist israel government in getting rid of gaza. People who chose not to play the rigged show the US government put up with elections is doing way less harm to humanity than the ones actively voting and supporting murderers.
The Dems knew people were pissed with their support of the genocide in Israel, because several states had large percentages of people who voted 'undecided' in the Democratic primaries with the stated purpose of communicating that they wanted the US to stop sending WMD's to Israel.
And, like usual, the Dems just ignored it, and opted instead to literally help Genocide Joe stack bodies until his final day in office. Kamala, when asked what she'd do differently, replied: "Nothing comes to mind." Indulging she and Joe's arrogance was given more consideration than child genocide. Think about that.
As much as people hate hearing 'both sides', this is very much a both sides issue.
Correct. If you didn't vote then you are spineless, a coward and lack any morals. You saw fascism coming and ignored what everyone said and then decided that it wasn't worth the bare minimum effort of voting.
If you did not cast a ballot and you were eligible to do so then the things I want to say to you would get me banned from lemmy and probably arrested.
Not engaging is also a choice, a very shit one in this case. You either contributed -1, 0, or +1 to a fascist takeover, sure 0 might be better than +1 but taking a neutral stance against such a dogshit prospect really puts the chair in armchair revolutionary, and doesn't make you much better than the cheeto worshippers.
The US is his focus, everything else is a means to an end. Either to distract people with his antics, rile up his base to hate "the others", or get his detractors reacting instead of acting.
He has always been a two-bit conman, the problem is he's got the backing to get everyone hunting the queen, while his friends are busy picking our pockets.
I'm starting to adjust to the Trump term and learn how not to be disappointed with these news stories - here's my one simple trick:
Expect news tomorrow to be worse than today, in ways you can't even imagine. Each day repeat this process, with new baseline lowered expectations from the day before. It's that easy!
Yeah, in posting my comment, I was thinking about this as well. It's certainly their tactic and it's how fascists win.
The problem: I don't know how to effectively counteract it. "Stay hopeful," "don't get discouraged" is all well and good, and I'm going to continue to watch the bloody corpse of America get hacked to bits out of some semblance of duty, even if I'd like to look away.
The only response that would actually help is collective action and direct resistance - and I'll certainly join a protest, or something with an actual end-game plan that isn't just "raise awareness we don't like this." But none of the leaders we elected are giving any actual leadership. Even if they were, the media isn't reporting on it so we can't efficiently align. Lawsuits aren't even being filed fast enough to keep up with the onslaught, even if the Supreme Court is potentially captured. The Overton window is moving so fast, they're actually pulling off the coup.
Hmm, I'm worried to find out if we're talking a Fahrenheit/Celsius kinda scale where our expectations become negative at some point, or if it's more of a Kelvin where absolute 0 is the destruction of planet earth or life as we know it.
Trump is a real estate guy. That's why he wants Canada and Greenland: lots of undeveloped real estate. Never mind that the reason for this is given by being non-developable.
And now Gaza: he actually thinks that he just has to move a few million people somewhere, and turn it into his personal luxury resort.
Do you want another 9/11? That's how you get another 9/11.
"Shock", only people getting shocked are the centrist that arent far righters but actually believed in the shit they spread. But as always nobody learns from anything.
WASHINGTON, Feb 4 (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said the U.S. would take over the war-ravaged Gaza Strip and develop it economically
The scope of this statement is a shock, but the motivation that led to it, isn't. That said, I hate everything about this.
I'm not the first to bring this up, but it bears repeating. This is colonialism, plain and simple. That, in turn, is an outcome of unchecked capitalism. Practiced ideologically (i.e. as the guiding light in one's life), it holds up "exploitation at all costs" as a virtue. Second to that is "give your competition no quarter." Combined, that explains the current state of affairs.
We all may be used to thinking of colonialism as some thing that ended on one more more independence days in the last 300 years or so. In reality, the engines of commerce and industry that made that happen kept right on running. Since nation-state-sized real-estate deals like this don't come along very often anymore, these animals are quick to react and pounce before someone else figures out how to exploit the situation.
As an aside: the attitudes and values that enabled things like the US westward expansion, slavery, classism, eradication of indigenous peoples, environmental destruction in the pursuit of minerals, pollution and litter from energy extraction, etc., are still alive and well in the population. Being this kind of evil is insanely profitable under the right conditions, which confers an outsized advantage to reproduction and social influence. Which is to say that it's not the ideology of capitalism that propels these values to stay with us, but rather the other way around. It's as though those colonists with exploitation in their hearts are still very much with us, and that's something to keep an eye on.
People should be free to vote outside the two party system while still counting their votes against the Republicans.
Democrats made such a situation inevitable by keeping 3rd parties from participating in the electoral process on a even playing field in states they control. Who could say no to having more then one chance to beat the Republicans? The Democratic Party alongside the republicans.
Both parties are not the same, but why did they both want the same mathematically flawed voting system?
Democrats dont get to raise the gates of the electoral castle, declare themselves the sole and only defender of this countries liberty, and also get to escape 100% of the blame for when that plan goes to shit eventually.
The United States of America is more important then the Democratic Party. Why weren't they acting like it? Why was the DNC putting their party's needs of easy elections and safe seats over the needs of the country?
I do agree the democratic party caused their own doom.
I would like to point out however, the logic of "The United States of America is more important then the Democratic Party" could be applied in the same way to "The United States of America is more important than risking Trump to be in office to dismantle it", no?
The more I read comments like this, the more I realise nobody really paid attention in the lead up to the election. They even had artists impressions of beach front development for crying out loud.
I feel like Trump's campaign speed was like one of the early seasons of 24, where so much is happening that the "turning Gaza into a beach resort" subplot must have drowned.
Pre-election Danish news media were mostly covering the Harris roller-coaster, and post-election we've all been a little preoccupied with being threatened by our closest ally.
As an American... that dumbass doesn't speak for me. I sure as fuck didn't vote for him. I'm unfortunately stuck with him. But I have no want to take over any land... anywhere. Trump should man up, take ownership, and say HE wants to take over Gaza strip, Panama, Canada,... Earth.
Not voting for him is one thing, but also being eligible to vote and not voting for Kamala makes one an accomplice too. Even voting for a third party doesn't count, because that took away votes that could have gone towards the one contender.
It is difficult to vote for a party that has done nothing in over 1 year of active genocidal acts. Kamala and the Dems should have had the common decency to fight what Israel was doing, rather than appease, defend and provide further weaponry, money and legitimacy. They lost this election by themselves, and while the Palestinians in Gaza are likely to suffer more in the months to come, it is not because voters didn't vote for Trump's opposition. The Democratic Party was weak, the campaign was weak, the candidate was weak, and their vision was weak. Stop blaming voters and start working to fix the real issue at hand. We need a better Democratic Party.
All the eggs were stolen by UNRWA and buried in the Hamas warehouse deep underneath Gaza. Trump will send in the Navy Seals to ethnically cleanse Gaza and retrieve the eggs.
I made comments saying the us should just go in and take it for itself and be a real country again, one world nation, etc. but I thought I was clearly joking about an absurd situation thatd never happen
All his billionaire crones are going to be pissed. Think of all the jobs that will create. How will they be able to abuse the average worker when thier aren't enough of them to go around. It's going to drive up wages. And the investment capital that goes to gaza isn't going to the billionaires tech companies.
Sooner or later, one of them is going to off him.
Yeah, but on the other side there are people who don't like it feel powerless. And maybe Americans are divided, and it's was perfect to install a dictator while they are.
In other news, Trump would like to grab women by the pussy legally. Can someone please chime in on this with a comically long text wall explaining why he would never do that only to find a strange mans hand all up in your business tomorrow morning and you go to the police and they tell you its legal since last night while also grabbing you by the pussy?
Some of them want to abuse you. Some of them want be abused by you. But now legally! Well, I don't known if now now...I mean, the guy still has to rename Mexico to New Florida and deport Indians to African, Filipinos to China and Puerto Ricans to Mexico. And probably would want to test a nuclear weapon in Cuba to see if it effects people that look like people. The guy is busy. So busy in fact that god is still writing up the stuff he did on the first week.
Trump is gonna pretend like he meant forcing the Saudi/Qatar proposal that the Biden administration was attempting to negotiate and people will call him genius.
Liberals only pretend to care now that the president is a Republican. You could have stopped Biden at any time since October 2023, instead you mocked the people opposed to the genocide
Edit: may as well add this damning fact that many here missed
This crisis could result in displacement across borders and higher regional humanitarian needs, and funding may be used to meet evolving programming requirements outside of Gaza, including Israel, West Bank, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, and Egypt.