I mean, if President Joe Biden had brought Soros into the government as an “efficiency expert” and let him have access to federal government data, Republicans would have impeached Biden instantly. They would have set the White House on fire using the flames erupting from the heads of Fox News hosts.
The only difference I can see here is that Musk isn’t … ohhhhhh, wait a minute. I get it. He’s not Jewish. I forgot your whole thing has to be antisemitic. My bad.
It's specifically about being against the narrative. George Bush could come out and say he did 9/11 to destroy Hillary Clinton's checks to Jeffrey Epstein saying "For child prostitutes/adrenochrome" and they would go on about how that's just a psyop to make people go back into quarantine
Alex Jones use to complain about transhumanists but now that they guy who actually wants to put computer chips in your brain has control of the federal government his top concern is... (literally looking a infowars right now)... oh god just constantly glazing trump. Also, zelensky is a warmonger who wants nukes.
Not really the type of conspiracy they go for, it's being done overtly, visibly, and in a way that everyone believes it is going on. Most of the "fun" of crazy conspiracies is that you have to convince everyone that you aren't crazy, that it's totally happening, and your proof is real... none of that is necessary here, they are plainly stating what they are doing, no smoke, no mirrors. Just blatant criminal power grabbing.
He has a small team installing invisible parasites that transferred directly into untraceable coins like Monero. That's why he has a cloyd computing guy (Tom Krause) and a software engineer (Marko Elez) working closest to the system.
It's a heist because he's desperate to be the world's first trillionaire and take over everything... And he'll do it too. Mark my words, he'll be a trillionaire some time within four years.
Conspiracy theorists are quiet cause there is no conspiracy to unearth here LOL. Elmo has literally bought US President and he is openly running (ruining ?) the government as his personal office. He even provides regular public updates at his personal platform X on how he is destroying US government institution by institution!
This is more evidence for what I call "the meta conspiracy." I think conspiracy thinking has been actively promoted by the media and government in order to distract from actual government conspiracies. It both keeps people distracted with "UAPs" and "Adrenochrome" while also making any serious discussion of oligarchy, censorship, and oppression look ridiculous by association with crackpots.
I agree with the gaslighting part, but don’t necessarily think it was “the government”.
I think it was billionaire/adversaries funded groups, probably Elon in part, definitely Russia/China.
Elon understood Twitter/SM very early on. I remember reading somewhere how Tesla didn’t spend a dime on (traditional) marketing the first few years, it was pure social media manipulation / dark patterns.
“The point of propaganda is not to make you believe something in particular, is to make you not believe anything.”
Same set of dipshits that form groups like the oathkeepers, etc and stockpile weapons against a tyrannical government, but constantly advocate for everything counter to this country's people and for a tyrannical government...
Also the same set of dipshits that make up bullshit about "child trafficking" when it comes to Democrats, but embrace people like donvict, Gaetz, and so on...
Now we know who's been helping Russia spread their bullshit propaganda all over social networks for the last decade.
What's crazy is that we call them social networks without batting an eye... But don't hold them to the same standards of a broadcast network, which would have prevented a lot of the shit show we're in
Instead of echo chambering shitty journalism sites like commondreams, rawstory, new republic, etc, locations that feed you the headlines you want to hear or validate confirmation bias searching, and turning into Reddit, talk to people.
It’s a blind faith thing. They believe. The MAGA ethos of Trump encompasses Elon Musk. It’s like Jupiter’s magnetic field extending its protection to its moons. The MAGAs are making excuses for Elon just like they do for Trump.
The main argument: he’s not doing it for money, he’s already rich.
When you ask why is Elon doing it then, the answers get sycophantic and delve into the straight, benevolent love of America. (I know, lol.)
Remember, politics relies on drive by ideas that can be contained in a single, simple sentence, not essays. Essay readers are in the minority. Article readers beyond headlines are a minority. You have to have a punchy counter argument that fits a sentence as easily as the “he’s already rich, it’s love of America” or you’ll lose that debate.
It's because the corruption is too straight forward.
Conspiracy theorists revel in thinking they're smart for connecting the dots, even if the dots don't form any kind of picture. That part is irrelevant to them. Feeling smart is the whole point.
This is just basic corruption that doesn't require any imaginary dot connecting. It doesn't serve to make them feel intellectually superior.
Because most conspiracy theorists are right-wing, and only have issues with anything remotely left of Margaret Thatcher, if MT didn't somehow become "too far-left" due to how the Overton Window moved further to the right...
My brothers one of them. Thinks cuz he lucked out on Bitcoin he won't have to pay taxes of the government falls, so he's stoaked about it. Thinks he'll never have to work again cuz a lack of regulation means he keeps it all when he sells em. Also was genuinely happy when I called him an Anarcho capitalist..... Grown ass man, still a simpleton
I don't understand the US, there was a big fuzz a decade or so ago when there were talks of Schwarzenegger as presidential candidate and 10-15 years later you get a non-elected foreign in the government?
Honestly you need Arnold back, with his Conan sword.
No one has any theories about it because there's no need. They're doing everything in the light of day. You don't sound like a nut if you say "that racist billionaire bought the US government" because we WATCHED IT HAPPEN. The conspiracy crowd is busy with cryptocurrency and sovcit diversions.
At this stage, I would be happy to never have to interact with another conspiracy theorist. They can all go home and commit seppuku, do something useful for society for the first time in their shitty lives.
It's just a totem pole of different psychotic groups giving orders
On top, the "0.1%" being a vague amalgamation of Corpo and Tech Fascists, who are looking to basically seperate themselves from society. And gain a form of Sovereignty overtop of the government itself, with their territory not being states and nations but their own networks of followers. Primarily through Social Media , Television and Internet.
Then there's the government, That is populated with slackjawed knuckle dragging chuds who want to roll on a vague Ultranationalist-Jingoism-Ultraconservative ticket.
these two groups basically think they control the other, but more or less co-exist and let the other think they're in charge.
And then below both of these groups are the diehard, dimwitted followers who are supporting them either because they think they're going to get rich by doing so, or because they want to "own" someone.
and beyond that... it starts to become everyone else.
Whew that shattered off a fragment of my mind. It's ironic that we say they want to own (get one over on) the libs, but what they really want is to do is own (enslave) an outgroup.
Why don't you ask individual people what they think, instead of dealing with huge generalities and stereotypes that don't really apply to anyone in particular.
This is the part that you guys take over the conspiracy responsibilities. You know like: there wont be anymore elections, immigrant death camps, Musk has seized control of the gubment.........etc