In other news, shit spewing liar spews more shit and lies to get more of your money.
He thinks they're on the wrong side of history my ass. He doesn't care. He never cared. He will never care. The open source you and I know is completely different than the "open source" this chucklefuck is probably selling you on. "We need to figure out a different open source strategy" should be the biggest indicator here. Take everything he and his circlejerk says with the biggest fucking mountain of salt you can dream of and double it.
Yeah totally agree. He has proven to be one of the slimiest people on the scene.
I mean, he is pretty much throwing his colleagues under the bus in this statement too lol
I've never even seen him say something remotely intelligent. He also hires rabid zionists foaming at the mouth to bomb Gaza and in response he was like "I hire muslims so it cancels out man".
Personal projects aside, I work for a major industrial technology company in the US East Coast and we are looking into it just in case. It may not be what we want but we are definitely trying it out.
It grinds my gears that someone who can't be fucked with capitalization has that much money and power. I get that using the shift key occasionally is an inconvenience but we do it to help the readers. A conversation is give and take.
i generally type in all lower case anyways because it appears more casual, at least to me. it's not exactly a rule i follow, so it's never consistent, and i don't mind capitalizing abbreviations and names and such anyways.
i am on a phone. i did not press any extra keys to make my phone not do caps - this is because i have changed my phone to this, because when you write about technical things, capitalisation is important - lower case everything is lower case everything. i’m not about to start hitting an extra key at random times when this is perfectly fine. i’ve never had an issue reading all lower case
it’s not try-hard; it’s practical for people who work with tech
i disabled auto-capitalisation a decade ago on my phone and that change has persisted ever since, but yeah guess i'm a tryhard. yeesh, being a grammar "nazi" was uncool even back then on reddit, imagine still being hard up about it in 2025.
OpenAI was started to be as open as possible, and to prevent the kinds of capitalism-driven Closed-AI development that they have now themselves become.
My personal opinion is that closed AI systems are only good if the owners are trustworthy. And in the long-run, no single owner can be trusted. There are risks with letting everyone copy and customize AI, however the worse danger is that the power gets too centralized with one single company.
OpenAI was started to be as open as possible, and to prevent the kinds of capitalism-driven Closed-AI development that they have now themselves become.
No, that was what OpenAI said its goals originally were. They were lying. They always intended for it to become a capitalist venture. Anyone who listens to Tech Won’t Save Us or This Machine Kills or Team Human have known all along. Or anyone like me who’s been in the industry for thirty years.
Backing up my Saved page from reddit, I found that Dall-E post from four years ago. It is buck-wild how far all of this has come... in image generators. Text still fundamentally sucks because people keep trying to use an improv partner as an oracle. And its artistic uses are of low value because text was always dead easy to crank out.
And all I though to comment was "generate nude Tayne," about four hours before the American coup.
Well, if openai open sources all their models, what value is there left that is unique to openai? Training data? But that is only valuable if they invent a better way to make it into an "AI".
Most companies that have open source products make their money in providing support for it to other companies, so theoretically OpenAI could do that (in fact top level AI developers are pretty rare so they could charge way more than other companies do for consulting) but that wouldn't be a hundreds-of-billions-of-dollars business plan because it's much too sensible.
Hosting a model of that size requires ~800GB of VRAM. Even if they release their models, it wouldn't make them obsolete since most people and many companies couldn't host it either way.
Anyone can now provide that service. Why pay OpenAI when you can pay a different service who is cheaper or provides a service more aligned with your needs or ethics or legal requirements?