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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Why does it feel like evil is winning globally?
  • What would happen if capital succeeded in smashing the Republic of Soviets? There would set in an era of the blackest reaction in all the capitalist and colonial countries, the working class and the oppressed peoples would be seized by the throat, the positions of international communism would be lost.

  • Conservatives push to overturn same-sex marriage: "Just a matter of when"
  • It'll go the same way it went for abortion. Red states will get worse while blue states stay more or less the same, which will prevent libs in the blue areas from mobilizing effectively to protect minorities in the red ones.

  • The issue is not space, but how we move through it
  • Fun fact: massive parking lots also cause problems for those with mobility issues. So do really wide roads. Dense and therefore walkable city infrastructure is also the most disability-friendly city infrastructure, full stop.

  • Murica
  • I've wiped out a bunch of times on my motorcycle, never broke anything. I wiped out on my bike, broken arm.

    The solution is clear: mandate motorcycle jackets and helmets for bicyclists.

  • Used to consume not produce
  • cost effective

    I'm not so sure. A used Thinkpad comes with everything you need, whereas a PS3 or PS4 also needs a screen and a controller at bare minimum. The Thinkpad also has access to a game library of (checks notes) almost every single game ever made excluding mainly AAA titles from the 2010s onward. The PS3/4 is only the better value proposition if you specifically want to play those kinds of games, or if you highly value plug-and-play ease of use.

  • Used to consume not produce
  • you can buy a piece of crap laptop for $250 but it won’t be able to play ANYTHING

    a thinkpad t490 can't play anything new but it can play quite a bit. I play emulators on mine.

  • Used to consume not produce
  • Electricity definitely spent a generation or two in the "requires technical knowledge from the user" zone before all the standardization and safety requirements got figured out.

  • Little know fact
  • I think people got mad at something she said about Avatar on twitter (the cartoon not the movie), and her anti-fandom reached a critical mass spreading around every single thing she'd ever said that could be interpreted uncharitably, and with her book out and her presence on Nebula secured she decided that being on YouTube was more trouble than its worth.