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Călin Georgescu does a nazi salute after leaving the General Prosecutor's office (Romania)
  • I put some context links in the body of the post, to read.

    Georgescu has a platform of autarky, which he calls "sovereigntism". He's also surrounded by fascists ("legion of archangel Michael"), is directly connected to a paramilitary mercenary group, uses dogwhistles regularly. He also believes he's a new messiah who is chosen by God to "save" the People (he may actually be schizophrenic, but the people around him are encouraging it). He's also constantly spewing conspiracy stories and wellness pseudoscience on social media, parroting them and mixing them up with famous speeches from movies.

    Georgescu is like if Trump and RFK Jr. had a son with Alex Jones as the nanny.

  • Călin Georgescu does a nazi salute after leaving the General Prosecutor's office (Romania)
  • I added another version from a different angle:

    There should be no* debate, but there will be, of course.

  • Romania Far-Right Candidate Georgescu Brought In For Questioning
  • You don't get to reduce inequality with fascists in power.

  • Călin Georgescu does a nazi salute after leaving the General Prosecutor's office (Romania)

    edit: seems that gif images don't work, so here's the gif:


    edit2: another angle from a different TV camera: (I'm not embedding it because it's larger and one animation is enough)

    For context:


    Source video on reddit: from a Romanian TV (I wouldn't call it "news", it's like OAN for Trump now)

    Broader issue of election meddling:

    Here's the short gif:

    Not sure if this should be NSFW.

    Romania Far-Right Candidate Georgescu Brought In For Questioning
  • Georgescu doing a discrete nazi salute (after warming up a bit) as he leaves:

    I'm not going to post a mirror, but it's uploaded to reddit (in case anyone wants to download):ălin_georgescu_face_salutul_nazist_la_ieșirea_de/

    edit: gif

    Longer cut:

    Shorter cut:

  • Study finds bullies have more children than non-bullies
  • Is this evopsych bullshit?

    "This study shows us that bullying seems to be associated with some meaningful outcomes that help explain why kids do it," Volk says. "This isn't just 'broken kids' doing bad behavior; it's getting them important things that matter."

    Yeah, same as bandits.

    Volk says the results support the idea that adolescent bullying is, at least in part, an evolutionary adaptation that may help individuals pass on their genes to future generations.

    Yep, evopsych bullshit.

  • Lung abnormalities seen in children and teens with long COVID
  • I'm no medical doctor, but that perfusion looks bad (bottom images in reddish colors).

  • Romania Far-Right Candidate Georgescu Brought In For Questioning
  • We'll see how it goes, questioning is not enough to shut down fascist organizations.

    edit: he's going to be investigated without being in jail (free), so expect lots of drama.

    Accusations against him:

    1. incitement to actions against the constitutional order, in attempted form, provided for by art.47 C.p. rap. to art.32 C.p. rap. to art.397 para.2 C.p. – (punished by imprisonment from 15 to 25 years and prohibition of the exercise of certain rights)

    2. communication of false information, provided for by art.404 C.p. (punished by imprisonment from one to 5 years)

    3. false statements in continuous form, provided for by art.326 para. 1 C.p. with appl. art.35 para. 1 C.p. (regarding sources of financing of the electoral campaign and declarations of assets) (punished by a sentence of 3 months to 2 years or a fine)

    4. initiation or establishment of an organization with a fascist, racist or xenophobic character, joining or supporting, in any form, such a group, provided for by art. 3 paragraph 1 of O.U.G. 31/2002 (punishable by a sentence of 5 to 15 years and the prohibition of certain rights)

    5. promoting, in public, the cult of persons guilty of committing crimes of genocide against humanity and war crimes, as well as the act of promoting, in public, fascist, legionary, racist or xenophobic ideas, conceptions or doctrines, as provided for in art. 5 of O.U.G. 31/2002 (punishable by a sentence of 3 months to 3 years and the prohibition of certain rights)

    6. initiating or constituting an organization with an antisemitic character, joining or supporting, in any form, such an organization, as provided for in art. 6 paragraph 1 of Law 157/2018.

    (this is posted on many local news sites, here's one of them)

    "Legionary" is a specific term relating to

  • Dogs may have domesticated themselves because they really liked snacks, model suggests
  • "When females were selecting mates, they also had to select males that had a similar tameness to themselves," study co-author Alex Capaldi, a mathematician and statistician at James Madison University in Virginia, told Live Science. "So if both of those processes are in play, then it is possible for the self-domestication hypothesis to beat the time constraint critique."

    "Snax and chill."

    The genomic signature of dog domestication reveals adaptation to a starch-rich diet | Nature

  • "Arctic Climate Collapse! This time it's REALLY flipped!!" - Just have a Think
  • Here, some context:

    Fascists want what they always want, action on conservative goals: "more for me, less for everyone else", with an ambiguous and dynamic "me group" usually. Sometimes it's just a family clan thing, and it can even be reduced to the "Sovereign Citizen" who's doing a type of solo fascism (ancaps).

    A shrinking environment means, for fascists & friends, fewer resources to use for themselves, thus a reason to take even more resources from others. It's the prepper ideology at a large scale - survival of the fittest group by hoarding resources and killing the competition.

    The techbro types have their own version of this, as mentioned above with the TESCREAL ideologies.

    To summarize this in a different way, ecofascists look at the problem of overshoot (includes global warming) as "how to get rid of the competition in order to reduce the overall damage and thus achieve 'sustainability'".

    If you're familiar ideas like the Kaya identity then you understand the very basic: IMPACT = population size x average individual impact. Fascists love the high impact living (high consumption, lots of waste and pollution) and want to fix the impact problem by reducing the population size, not the nice lifestyle. This applies proportionally to the rich, the billionaires. Fascist narratives help to outline which population to reduce and which population to preserve (see: "the great replacement" conspiracy theory). This isn't super precise, they constantly redefine groups and there's, of course, a hierarchy or caste system aspect to it, since the rich and privileged depend on the poor and exploited. Techbros hope to achieve fully automated capitalism, so that they no longer depend on the masses. You can guess what happens if that happens.

  • The Perfect Pedestrian (1927)
  • Originally found on the big and now nazi platform: VisionZeroCA/status/916952016152297472

  • The Perfect Pedestrian (1927)

    "The Perfect Pedestrian ; or, Making the World Safe for Motocracy."

    Cartoon in Punch Magazine, Feb 2, 1927.

    Content Moderation: 2/23/25: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
  • On a side note, the moderation tools for Lemmy sites look terrible (unsustainable).

  • Content Moderation: 2/23/25: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

    This is the official episode on YouTube, it may not work in some locations. The relevant segment starts at around 9:00.

    I'm posting it here because the Trump regime is making a big point of protecting "Big Tech" interests in Europe. And the moderation challenge presented by Oliver shows why "Big Tech", at least social media, needs to be severely limited, if not kicked out entirely.

    It's a conflict and the moderation issue is a key aspect of it because, without moderation, these platforms become superspreaders for scams, misinformation, and divisive & delusional conservative "narratives" (as they call them). It is cyberwarfare and also social engineering, and the Trump regime is demanding maximum deregulation.

    From the video description:

    >John Oliver discusses Facebook’s controversial new plans for content moderation and DOGE’s continued firing of government workers, including some of America’s best dorks: Park rangers.

    "Arctic Climate Collapse! This time it's REALLY flipped!!" - Just have a Think
  • Bunkers are a scam. They're fine for some occasional wildfire or flood, but not for climate chaos and all the damage that will do to society. Having a bunker just means you die later, perhaps after you eat your bunker mates, or they eat you. It's not like they'll "repopulate" after, climate change is going to go on long after 2100 and these inbred clowns will just inbreed more until they die off.

  • "Arctic Climate Collapse! This time it's REALLY flipped!!" - Just have a Think
  • Ecofascism, like fascism, is a dead end. They just accelerate the destruction. The climate is global, nobody is going to escape climate chaos while remaining on this planet.

    I don't disagree with you, but the point is to not make more excuses for them. They need excuses because fascists hide monstrous intentions behind great PR. Don't do their work for them.

  • Can Moldova – population 2.4m – show the world how to stand up to Putin?

    The tiny former Soviet republic’s determination not to be cowed by the Kremlin could provide a template for the west on how to hold back the tide of subversion and corruption

    Can Moldova – population 2.4m – show the world how to stand up to Putin?

    "Arctic Climate Collapse! This time it's REALLY flipped!!" - Just have a Think

    >The Arctic region has been a massive store of carbon for thousands of years. Now it's warming between 3 and 7 times faster than the global average and that carbon is escaping into our atmosphere. The latest research suggests that more than a third of it is now a net emitter! And in case you're wondering...that's NOT good!

    Sadiq Khan says ‘Brexit was a mistake’ and closer EU ties could counter Trump tariffs
  • It's unwise to wait, especially if it means collective amnesia and another round of more intense conservative/neoliberal rule.

  • "Istanbul buried in snow, Turkey on alert!"
  • The other user answered, so the channel is a bit clickbaity / suspect, but they do string together some footage that you don't usually encounter.

  • "Istanbul buried in snow, Turkey on alert!"


    See timecode 3:54


    Definitions of fascism: populism vs right-wing fake populism


    > radical art and comix from the heart of the city -- @ww3illustrated --


    Resisting Nazi-era Narratives at the European Parliament Resisting Nazi-era Narratives at the European Parliament - EU Scream

    Far-right MEPs are pushing Nazi-era narratives act "like they own the place."

    Resisting Nazi-era Narratives at the European Parliament - EU Scream

    Episode of "EU Scream" podcast.

    >There are many more politicians and policymakers from the far right on our TVs, in our social media feeds, and in our legislatures. They have a new swagger and an even more conspicuous disdain for their adversaries. “They act like they own the place,” observes Raquel García Hermida-van der Valle, a liberal member of the European Parliament for the Dutch D66 party. Two far-right groups, the Patriots and Sovereigntists, still face a so-called cordon sanitaire. But another, the European Conservatives and Reformists, has been welcomed into a right-wing mainstream that includes the party of European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen. And, in reality, all three far-right groups have much in common, from xenophobia, to distrust of state institutions, and a fixation on free speech.

    >In this episode: Raquel talks about her recent showdowns with increasingly combative far-right lawmakers including a race-baiting Bulgarian and a conspiracy theorist from Hungary. Raquel speculates that some far-right MEPs have “gone down the rabbit hole” and actually believe the EU is replacing white Christians with Muslims and people of colour. Others, says Raquel, are probably following Steve Bannon’s notorious battle plan, “to flood the zone with shit,” so as to disorient the media and voters. Raquel also talks about how she’s looking to better coordinate with other MEPs to counter a European far right that appears to be growing more openly radical as it grows in size and influence. Also in this episode, snapshots of MEPs from the three far-right blocs: Stephen Nikola Bartulica, Zsuzsanna Borvendég, Jorge Buxadé Villalba, Ivan David, Geadis Geadi, Sarah Knafo, Rada Laykova and Jaak Madison.



    Common discourse tactics of the "Alt"-Right

    >Having risen out of obscure boards on 4chan and Reddit, the alt-right is a right-wing extremist movement that’s mostly decentralized. Despite this, they have become incredibly pervasive, not through logical argument, but through operating in a way that makes spotting and opposing them particularly tricky. This post shall act as a brief look into some of the tactics they employ, and how leftists can effectively counter them.

    >1. The Lulz

    >2. Never On The Defensive

    >3. I Decide What You Believe

    >4. Whataboutism


    DOGE Website Features Data From a Climate Denial Group With Industry Ties: The Competitive Enterprise Institute aims to thwart policies that reduce greenhouse gas emissions. DOGE website features data from climate denial group with industry ties

    The Competitive Enterprise Institute aims to thwart policies that reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

    DOGE website features data from climate denial group with industry ties

    > New elements include DOGE’s feed from X, Musk’s social network, and a blank section for savings identified by the agency, promised to be updated “no later than” Valentine’s Day. At the top of the website’s regulations page, DOGE used data published by the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI), a libertarian think tank that claims to fight “climate alarmism.” > > The CEI’s “unconstitutionality index,” which it started in 2003, compares regulations or rules introduced by government agencies with laws enacted by Congress. > > The CEI claims to fight “climate alarmism,” and has long worked to block climate-focused policies, successfully lobbying against the ratification of the international climate treaty the Kyoto Protocol in 1997 as well as the enactment of the 2009 Waxman-Markey bill, which aimed to place a cap on greenhouse gas emissions.

    5 Christian Nationalists Plot To 'Seize The Institutions Of The Federal Government'

    Lance Wallnau explains how Christian nationalists intend to the White House Faith Office to "seize the institutions of the federal government."

    Christian Nationalists Plot To 'Seize The Institutions Of The Federal Government'

    >Shortly thereafter, Wallnau proclaimed that once Trump took office, "the government and the church" would begin "moving together to build the ekklesia" to take control of "the government mountain" globally. ("Ekklesia" is a term used by dominionists to refer to the church as God’s governing body on Earth.)

    >Wallnau then announced something he called The Nehemiah Project, which is committed to "partnering the prophetic collaboration of government and church and business together to take all the domains we can while we have the wind to our back."


    >"There are three arteries that make this happen: Legislation, litigation and the shaping of public opinion," Wallnau replied, explaining that they intend to pass laws and file lawsuits to further their Christian nationalist agenda while simultaneously using the power and influence of the media, the government, and the church to shape public opinion in support of that agenda.

    >"Paula White has to be careful [about] what she says in public.," Wallnau stated. "[But] I believe I might have learned that from her."


    "Ban on conversion practices in the European Union" initiative still needs support

    > ### Objectives > > We call on the European Commission to propose a binding legal ban on conversion practices targeting LGBTQ+ citizens in the European Union: > > Conversion Practices are interventions aimed at changing, repressing or suppressing the sexual orientation, gender identity and/or gender expression of LGBTQ+ persons. > > Such practices, due to their discriminatory, degrading, harmful and fraudulent nature have been qualified as torture by the United Nations, and are currently being banned in a growing number of States. > > The EU plays a key role in the protection of fundamental rights and should take actions to fight against all inhuman practices. The Commission should propose a directive adding conversion practices to the list of euro-crimes and/or amend the ongoing directive on equality (2008) to include a ban on these practices. > > Furthermore, to fight against the legislative moratorium, the Commission should also enforce a non-binding resolution calling for a widespread ban of conversion practices in the EU. > > Finally, we call on the Commission to amend the Victims’ Rights Directive to establishes minimum standards on the rights, support and protection of victims of conversion practices. > > All member states should introduce a ban on conversion practices or review their current ones.


    Chagrin Falls. "Your lying eyes" (Tom the Dancing Bug)

    Permalink to artist page:


    sudo ...for windows


    Deregulation Watch Deregulation Watch | Corporate Europe Observatory

    We have set up Deregulation Watch to help civil society monitor new developments in the deregulation agenda, assess what’s at stake, and organise in defense of strong social, environmental and human rights protections.

    >Corporate Europe Observatory has set up Deregulation Watch to help civil society monitor new developments in the deregulation agenda, assess what’s at stake, and organise in defense of strong social, environmental and human rights protections.

    On a related note:


    TV host 'Dr. Phil' films as ICE targets migrants in Chicago

    > - 'Dr. Phil' embeds with ICE in Chicago > - Trump administration deputizes DOJ agencies for immigration enforcement > - ICE makes arrests in Arizona, Puerto Rico
