My ex sister in law actually did this with a new puppy :(
It took weeks to convince them not to and I suspect they were still doing it in secret for longer
Wouldn't that possibly kill the dog though? In any case, look up a nearby biology lab, your ex-SIL's dog might be an interesting research specimen. I wonder what it does to the intestinal flora of the dog.
The other way around (humans drinking dog milk) is simply impractical because a removed has 8 tiny nipples with very little milk in them, and they don't like being milked at all.
Huh, well, that's an odd route you've forced my brain to take this morning. I'm now having to wonder... dogs and cats drink by lapping up liquids as adults. They don't really have lips like humans do. How do they suckle as infants?
I imagine it's a combination of having a gum ridge like human babies (which can HURT, btw), having more agile tongues than humans, and the fact that their adorable little howl faces can still generate enough of a seal.
On some screenshots the profile picture is the same as in this post, but the username is still ghost mom, so I guess thats her old picture.
Name is censored, because at some point this was reposted by a shitty repost bot, and some repost checking systems can be worked around by removing random words, or something similar