I know neolibs like to blame everyone and everything but themselves but even if 100% of the protest voters voted for Harris, she still would have lost.
Do you think this wouldn't happen if Kamala was president? Because I seem to recall an entire genocide they could have halted a year ago but chose not to.
Are you seriously arguing that slow genocide is better than quick genocide?
I would be curious to see the numbers but I don't think the pro Palestine protest voters cost the Democrats the election. It definitely didn't help, but the Dems shat the bed in way more ways than just the Palestine situation.
Pro-Palestine protest votes didn't cost the Dems the election, but that a single group was not the deciding factor in a contest does not absolve them of responsibility. IE single-issue pro-Israel voters probably were not the reason for Trump's victory, but they still deserve a portion of the blame in voting for Trump.
And many of these selfsame pro-Palestine protest vote types are continuing their dumbass games even as Trump greenlights fascism both at home and abroad - like everyone fucking told them he would.
And many of these selfsame pro-Palestine protest vote types are continuing their dumbass games even as Trump greenlights fascism both at home and abroad - like everyone fucking told them he would.
The dimbass games are posts like this instead of arguing for civil disruption and actions beyond elections. The protesters entire point was the election won't stop the genocide either way and further action is needed. Trying to bait them into an argument about an election that's already fucking over serves nothing. Unless you don't care about the issue in the first place and just want to be divisive about it.
Haha it's people with flawed logic like you who deserve all the blame.
People who think like you should have to pass aptitude tests before they vote since they literally lined up behind an undemocratically appointed presidential candidate who had no concrete policy position except vibez and no fundamental changes from Biden.
People who couldn't see an obvious and humiliating loss coming for Harris and the democrats since Biden was the candidate are the only people responsible for this disaster.
The democrats could have given you options. They didn't because they don't care about you. They paraded around a half-dead 80 year old man as competent and made excuses for his ineptitude while telling everyone who said he wasn't fit that they were the ones who were actually crazy. Then they do a last minute bait and switch because he is literally falling apart before the world's eyes. They lied to you over and over and you are still carrying water for them. Does the history of the situation not matter now that Trump is president?
That's exactly why people are being called bluemaga.
Unfortunately "We aren't Donald Trump" wasn't a winning strategy two of the three times they tried it.
I wonder what two terrible choices we are gonna have in 2028. Watch it be like fuckin Nancy Pelosi with an exoskeleton holding her up vs Dan Crenshaw who will have replaced his eye patch with a gun by then.
I question even that: Did they really? Where did the party articulate a cohesive plan (or hell, even just an enthusiastic promise) to counter the rise of oligarchy?
They promised an escape from him stylistically, but the majority of citizens who aren't political junkies weren't sick of it, because they weren't exposed to it, because they don't pay much attention to political news. What did they promise that the non-informed voter would notice in they're day-to-day life?
I think the 2024 election cycle failure falls almost exclusively on the shoulders of the Democrats.
Yeah Trump and his bullshit obviously played a part in where we ended up, but I genuinely believe that it more so came down to how the Democrats handled things in the years leading up to and during the election. I know people want to shift blame and point fingers. You could even make the argument that I'm doing that right now, but the data says otherwise.
It's not like Trump is some generally beloved figure that was already super popular. No he's highly controversial. Many old school Republicans and conservatives despise the guy.
So how does someone that nobody on the left likes and significant chunks on the right also aren't a fan of end up in the office again?
At some point the democratic party need to actually reflect on where they went wrong instead of just pointing fingers and trying to shift blame.
At the end of the day it's the job of the party to earn the votes of the people. They clearly didn't earn enough votes.
Blue lost ground to red in every single state. That type of thing doesn't just happen outta nowhere.
It wouldn't have been a landslide, but it certainly assured the worst case scenario, MAGA sweeping all 3.
Who knows how it would have gone down otherwise, maybe the Democrats regained the house, maybe held onto the Senate. Maybe Trump would have lost, but Republicunts held onto Congress.
Who knows, but any of those would have been 10000x better than letting Drump get a hold of all 3.
A lot of the House Senate races are likely due to the "victory fund" nonsense Hillary started and was then passed down to Biden and Kamala
The way it gets away donation limits is using the max from state parties. The last time we got to see the books was after 2016, and states got like 1% of what was donated "for them" to the DNC and Clinton campaigns
There's no sign anything has changed, and the neoliberals running the party have no requirements to disclose them
So I just assume if they're hiding the books, they're hiding grifts at this point.
Id say anyone with half a brain, paid attention and was an informed voter knew exactly this is what we were in for - but it's clear most Americans are not informed because of the huge number of people who didn't participate (for whatever reasons)
Highly engaged voters voted overwhelmingly for Kamala. Not because they liked her, but because they knew the alternative was dog shit. This is not an ideal situation.
If you think white people have problems because of brown people, you're a stupid fuck. White people collect all the money that makes white people poor.
"It's pretty cool that MAGA Elon has so much money and my life sucks."
Bullshit. I voted against my conscience because I knew orange would harm people I love. It wasn’t enough.
Dems didn’t offer anything compelling because they are a failed party that can only drive votes with threats of even worse. It’s pretty easy to not fund a genocide and lie and say it isn’t happening when it clearly is. Dems can blame only themselves for poor turnout.
That I didn't vote because I knew trump was worse? I voted.
the threats didn’t come from the dems. they came from the magats.
"We're fighting fascism," or whatever they were saying. They didn't convince enough people to vote for them.
you make it sound easy but agreements between nations are anything but that. last time I checked both the dems and repubs were running the government…how convenient of you to forget that.
Regan called the head (premiere, president, I don't know) of Israel to tell them to calm down and the did. I'm not forgetting things. You don't know history.
agreements between nations are anything but that
Wait did I forget how he took us out of the Iran deal to limit their nuclear program?
yeah when the choice is between horrible and double super extra horrible, it’s hard to get really motivated to vote for horrible….
it’s pretty much the genocide version of the trolly problem. palestine genocide is on one track, on the other track, there’s the palestinian genocide, trans genocide, hispanic genocide, and entire planet ecocide…
the choice is obvious but not particularly inspiring… at least under harris there was some hope of lobbying her to stop… protest at the whitehouse now and trump will try to have you shot… hopefully they refuse next time.
... you know that's really an apt comparison. Never thought about it that way but really it's like a trolley problem except it is their job to shout for people to come up and pull the lever.
It's no surprise they had trouble finding volunteers.
yeah when the choice is between horrible and double super extra horrible, it’s hard to get really motivated to vote for horrible….
I guess that's true if you're not used to being an adult. As an adult I can verify that a pretty common aspect of being an adult is minimizing fallout by making intelligent decisions.
Turns out, there's a lot of children trapped in adult bodies in the U.S.
I voted against my conscience because I knew orange would harm people I love. It wasn’t enough.
So what? You still did the right/smart thing.
Dems didn’t offer anything compelling because they are a failed party
A failed party with a history of voting in favor of the middle/lower classes, who have provided affordable healthcare, strengthened worker rights/unions, lowered prescription drug costs, banned medical debt from showing up on credit reports, invested in clean energy, placed regulations on companies harming our environment, etc etc etc?
When are you going to stop blaming Dems and start accepting that an amoral party was able to convince a terrifying number of stupid Americans to vote against their own interests utilizing propaganda? It's not like it's the first time in history that's happened.
When are you going to stop blaming Dems and start accepting that an amoral party was able to convince a terrifying number of stupid Americans to vote against their own interests utilizing propaganda? It’s not like it’s the first time in history that’s happened.
Both are true at the same time. She failed to condemn a genocide. Are you telling me that you think all those students protesting didn't matter?
Trump claiming credit for ceasefire and then destroying the region was always Bibi's plan. The propalestine protestors were against the administration for refusing to acknowledge that the israeli's were not negotiating in good faith. Had they played hard ball things might have been different.
Who? People go on about how if we just told Israel to drop dead, voters would turn out in the millions, but what actual numbers are there to back it up? The majority of people willing to left the world burn as protest are young and statistically, they don't vote, the issues be damned.
The simple reality is that this "Silent majority" of far leftists Internet pundits want the Democratic Party to appeal to does not exist. Biden didn't try to appeal to these people, because they were never really going to turn out.
By a more than three-to-one margin, Biden 2020 voters who did not vote for Harris say they would have been more likely to have voted for Harris if she “pledged to break from President Biden's policy toward Gaza by promising to withhold additional weapons to Israel” rather than less likely.
There is no reality in which America jeopardizes its relationship with its most important ally in the middle east.
Simply not an option.
So now we get to watch Dipshit Donny give Netanyahu free reign to turn Palestine to dust.
But if you're implying that Dems should have lied like Republicans lie and told their constituents that they'd stop supporting Israel in order to get re-elected, then yeah, they absolutely should have done that to prevent what we're about to experience.
Hey Kamala, just say Genocide bad ... just once, you don't even need to action it, we all know politicians lie as easily as breath. Just once and you make history.
The walking special K ad throwing salutes is the result of protest votes not the continuing genocide. Palestine would burn under either administration.
Maybe, maybe not, but either way now we have a situation where anyone who's not a white+male+cis+het+christian just got a big target painted on them in no small part due to those protest votes and the push to have democrats stay home.
In general, let’s gently redirect anger away from protest voters.
First, I haven’t seen any evidence suggesting that the volume of protest votes would have impacted the Electoral College. Harris would have likely won Michigan, but that seems to be the extent of what would have happened if all protest votes had flipped to blue. (Please feel free to correct me with evidence if this is inaccurate.)
Second, you’re directing your frustration at the wrong group. The Democratic Party ran a campaign that was basically center right and fostered mass apathy at the polls. That’s the real issue. You can continue to direct anger at non-voters, but all this infighting does little to hold the Democratic Party accountable for running a campaign that encouraged people to literally stay home.
Nah, they get lumped right in with the people that stayed home. They knew they were throwing their vote away because they knew there was zero chance of their party winning the election.
The real issue is that all the protest voters and protest non voters enabled this guy, on purpose, and they know it:
Kilmeade then asked Trump: “Are you on-board with the way the [Israel Defense Force] is taking the fight to Gaza?”
First, I haven’t seen any evidence suggesting that the volume of protest votes would have impacted the Electoral College.
Doesn't matter. They voted not knowing if they were going to be the deciding factor or not.
all this infighting does little to hold the Democratic Party accountable for running a campaign that encouraged people to literally stay home.
They ran a cleaner, less hateful campaign which focused way more on policy than the Republican's campaign.
It's not the campaign that's the issue. It's stupid Americans voting against their own best interests because they fell for propaganda and because they always hold the Democratic party to a higher standard. The brunt of the blame lies squarely on the American electorate. Our government is a reflection of our ignorant electorate.
They ran a cleaner, less hateful campaign which focused way more on policy than the Republican’s campaign.
And a much more hateful campaign than the same party’s campaign four years ago. Feel like leaving that out invalidates everything else you are trying to push.
fault doesn’t matter. what matters is influence. the democratic party has SO MUCH MONEY to use for influence, and they used all that influence to basically make the perfect case to voters to conclude that they might as well stay home.
their conclusion was wrong of course, but to the working class american, that’s the image that was successfully projected into their minds.
If only they'd put this much effort into getting one person to change her mind on the issue, instead of trying to get 10 million people to change their morals.
It appears especially ghoulish now after it came out that even her campaign's polling showed that it was a losing position.
What status quo was there when Dems allow the rollback of everything even when they're in power without even the suggestion of a fight? Unless you mean the status quo of everything continually getting worse under either party's admin.
Yes, keep blaming the voters and not the democratic party and candidate who repeatedly refused to give them a reason to vote for them. Blaming the voters will definitely win us the next election.
If stopping fascism isn’t enough of a reason for you to vote Dems, that’s a you problem and not a them problem
If stopping fascism wasn't enough of a reason for Biden and Kamala to stop supporting a genocide...
Maybe they weren't the right candidates?
I don't get why so many people think voters always have to adapt their values to an existing politician, rather than getting a politician who agrees with voters....
Like, how fucking evil would someone have to be to risk trump taking over America rather than not supporting a genocide?
Take Biden and Kamala's name off it, and just how the fuck can someone say that hypothetical person would be a good president?
As evidenced by the cases of Bush v. Gore, Wilding et. al. v. DNC Services d/b/a DNC and Deborah “Debbie” Wasserman Schultz, and the lack of a viable anti-genocide candidate during last year's election.
Fuck that. No more being conciliatory, non-voters need to be ashamed of themselves. Shame has its place. Every non-voter knew about Project 2025, and then made the clear-eyed, full-chested decision to be complicit with every single consequence of a Trump victory. They need to be humbled, to feel deep shame, to be wracked with literally physically painful guilt, and to change their ways. If you're a non-voter you can work your fucking ass off for absolution, throw 110% into volunteering and activism to undo some of the mischief and horror Trump is working on vulnerable people, or you can go straight to Hell. No mercy for collaborators or quislings.
I think you're letting conversations online distort your understanding of the actual public.
Most people were not aware Biden had dropped out. Hell, most people who didn't vote have been chronically checked out -- they decided a long long time ago that it either didn't matter or wasn't worth the effort. Most people have no clue what Project 2025 is. That's something only news junkies know about.
As we’ve all read time after time in the months leading up to the election, the Protest Vote™ simply states states that:
“We refuse to vote against a Tyrant-Felon in order to send a clear and concise message that we will not stand for [roll D20 for random popular single issue], and alongside our refusal to vote against the Tyrant-Felon, is a collective hope that the aforementioned clear and concise message- if ignored, is received under unmitigated duress!”
-Cut to Tyrant-Felon’s win, and the aftermath:
Wether observed or not, the behavior of the Protest Voter will attempt to achieve the following:
• Obnoxiously tell everyone “We told you all what would happen!”
• Claim there is “No way protest voting could cause trump to win.”
As both of these options cannot simultaneously be true in the same reality without breaking important time-space things that we would probably prefer not be broken- we are left with only a few logical conclusions:
Protest voters have no idea what they’re talking about.
Protest voters don’t understand the concept of hypocrisy.
Protest voters have somehow learned to defy reality and become exempt from the concept of paradoxes, thus creating an entirely new study of theoretical science, known as Bulletproof Symbiotic Hypocrisy Theory, or BLsHt.
You forgot that they will also claim that it is the fault of the opposition to fascism party that they didn't "convince them to vote for them" even though they had already made up their mind ages before the election even started that they would never vote for the opposition to fascism party because they don't actually care about [popular single issue] or stopping fascists. They just want to feel like special little snowflakes who are part of the "revolution" and want to see the whole system destroyed and the violence that goes along with it because they're simply bored.
What opposition? The Democrats helped pass the Laken Riley Act. Schumer is calling for bipartisanship. Biden told Trump, "Welcome Home." The only people who didn't go to the inauguration and clap like seals are AOC and Bernie Sanders, and one of them isn't even a Democrat. They're not opposition. They're collaboration.
If you vote for quick genocide or slow genocide you are still voting for genocide
If you vote for the lesser evil, you are still voting for evil. I am sorry that your morals are so bankrupt that you're willing to let your own country murder hundreds of thousands of people in cold blood and not care.
Lets not rewrite history and pretend that Biden/Harris were good for Palestinians. They vetoed every single ceasefire that came up, and were the only country to do so.
They lost this election themselves by not listening to their base. The fault started and remains and ends with the establishment democratic party
If the options are evil and lesser evil, you are morally obligated to choose lesser evil. There is no neutral stance. If you didn't vote for the democrats, you strengthened the republicans. Don't call people morally bankrupt when you don't know what you're talking about.
The US will regress into autocracy and people like you are partially responsible.
Reminder that the West Bank is the one that's not even ruled by Hamas and hasn't attacked Israel. If Israel tried to do this under Harris, no doubt weapons would've been cut off and the US might have even favored sanctions.
"Legality" in this situation is completely irrelevant. The only law that would limit Kamala is the laws of politics. If she opposed intervention in Gaza, this would be the political equivalent of a frontal assault against a battleship. She'd be accused of helping Hamas, a bipartisan bill would be passed undoing whatever she does against Israel, and she'd be endlessly attacked by all sides in the media. If she opposed Israel annexing the West Bank, only the most extremist zionists would be against her on it for the reasons I stated.
Democrats are mentally incapable of even considering the possibility that their losing to Trump two out of the three times they've ran the exact same campaign and candidate is their own responsibility. No, it must be the *checks notes* people who wanted them to be a little more critical of killing Arabs who are responsible. Wonder who you'll blame when Trump inevitably runs for a third term and you decide to copy/paste your campaign strategy and candidate because you've learned abso-fucking-lutely nothing. I'm betting "people who don't worship trillionaires enough", because we'll have some by then.
I know what you're trying to say. But if you genuinely think that allowing someone who will do more genocide is a viable protest. Then I have to question who you are as a person, and also how the hell you're able to use a computer.
Not standing up to worse makes it more difficult to move away from less bad because now you have to deal with worse before to can get back to dealing with less bad.
Why are you so concerned with "protest voters"? If every third party vote went to Democrats, Harris still would have lost.
It's way easier to blame a small amorphous group of people, but why don't you focus on winning? Harris got 6 million fewer votes than Biden. Do you think all those people stayed home because of Palestine?
Take this energy and put it towards something useful. Ignoring all the facts so you can punch left is pathetic.
Again, Harris got 6 *million" fewer votes than Biden and lost by 2 million votes. If you really believe that's because of Palestine, then you should be asking Harris why she didn't support Palestine.
But no reasonable person could think that Harris lost because of Palestine. So why is this such a big focus for liberals, instead of something that matters?
If winning in 2026 and 2028 doesn't involve punching left, are you even interested?
You act like this wasn't a sure thing either way but I get it blaming voters is easy.
And we can all for a second remember the fact Trump basically said they meddled in Pennsylvania, what's the chance the richest people in America if not the world could afford to steal an election.
As you can see by this thread, Democrats haven't learned their lesson. They'd rather "own the libs" and vote for genocidal capitalist who'll only be more effective at maintaining the already fascist status quo. They prefer fascists who hide it, not show it.
It's nice of you to leal to Israel but that's not what I was referring to.
There's other policies that the Democrats could have absolutely pushed for. For instance reinstating the protection plans under the American relief plan that they allowed to expire in 2022. You know the thing they said massively reduce child poverty only for it to go immediately back up when those protections ended. I feel like that would have been a great place for the Dems to start. We're talking basic fucking things like a Band-Aid fix on Healthcare would be enough to mobilize the base but they're not even willing to do that. Kamalas pathetic approach to Home Care was to give first-time home buyers $12,000. This is stupid because nobody can afford a house or get the mortgage for the house because the banks aren't satisfied with their debt to income ratio. Nothing about dealing with rent nothing about promising that linacon would stay on. Nothing about dealing with that internet driven rent demand bullshit from that company called real price. These aren't leftist points either just broad liberal points.
Yeah. You're right honestly, it was too much to ask the Democrats to stop funding and arming a genocide. It's not their fault at all, no sir no way. It's the fault of the Palestinian Americans who refused to vote for people committing genocide against their communities.
Youre so smart. So principled. You know exactly who's fault this situation is. It's those damn Palestinians not wanting to vote for people arming genocide against them. How dare they.
The democrats had no choice. They HAD to keep committing genocide against Palestine. Poor Joe, he felt so bad for the Palestinians whenever he signed off on the next missile shipment to Israel. :( He even shed a little tear each time. The poor boy he just had no choice he had to keep arming genocide. He really felt so awful about it the whole time 😔 he'd sometimes even forget that it was happening at all and then remember and feel bad all over again.
It's so normal that you blame the Palestinian Americans who wouldn't vote for people arming the genocide of their people. Yup. There's NOTHING the Democrats could've done differently. You should just keep on defending them forever. You know what, you should do one even better and support them as they continue to slide to the right. Instead of fighting for the party to change, you should continue to blindly support them even as they support the indiscriminate slaughter of starving Gazan children.
I should hope the /s isn't needed here. I'm so fucking tired.
It’s the fault of the plaestinian Americans who refused to vote for people committing genocide against their communities.
You seem to be ignoring the fact that by doing so they made the situation WAY worse. Like a kid that gets mad and just ends up making things worse for themselves.
There is no reality in which the U.S. gives up Israel as its most important ally in the Middle East.
So the options were to minimize the damage, or go wholesale on letting it get worse. They chose the latter. Not very smart.
But hey, at least they can feel vindicated in their heart of hearts as they watch Palestine reduced to ash from the comfort of their homes in America.
Yeah mhm you're so right. Demanding that the party that's supposed to be progressive stops committing acts of genocide against their people was so childish of them. How dare they. Yup. It's totally not the fault of the democratic party for continuing to commit genocidal acts, nope no not at all never they're always in the right, actually. We really need to defend the poor leaders of the democratic establishment 😔 they only had a whole 13 months to stop committing acts of genocide by arming and funding genociders. Those damn Palestinians, it's their fault that the democratic party had to keep committing genocide against them. If only they hadn't complained so much about being genocided. 😡
/s though again I should hope it isn't necessary
Yeah. I don't think the democratic party would have stopped arming the Israeli military if they had won the election. There is no evidence of that whatsoever. Gaza is so utterly destroyed it is hard to comprehend.
It is extremely gross of you to blame the outcome of the election on a minority of a minority ethnic group who refused to vote for people who were actively involved in committing genocide against their community. That's just the most wildly inhumane response to this situation possible. Nah, it was and continues to be the fault of the democratic leadership who committed themselves both to genocide and to a move to the right. You might as well become a Trump supporter if you want to blame minorities for everything. They hate Palestinians, too. You'd be right at home.
It isn't needed because lemmy is literally full of the type of idiots who will never understand not sucking democrat dick doesn't mean you're automatically gobbling the conservatives, so they don't let a simple thing like sarcasm cloud their godlike omniscient knowledge of society. Your /s is not needed like a cherry wouldn't need to be placed on top of an ice-cream in order for the lemmy flies to wait for it to be eaten and shat out in order to pounce on the feces and gorge themselves. They would do it anyway, it's in their nature.
There's degrees of support. Trump restarted the export of certain types of munitions while the Biden admin refused to condemn the genocide, they didn't act in support of the colonization of the west bank or publically encourage the Israeli government to depopulate Gaza.
Obviously neither option was good and genocide is bad, but one option probably would have resulted in slightly less loss of life than the other.
Are y'all still fucking crying about a demographic that was too small to change the result?
Since y'all failed on your own and will probably continue to do so maybe try joining us next time! Our moment offers real change, honestly I think you'll like it far better.
They're so eager to have us join their cause, yet when we asked them to take a single day out of their lives to defend the basic human rights of minorities in the US, they said "Too much trouble."
What change are you offering? Real question. Because I don't see Dems lifting people up. Maybe a college loan gift, if you're lucky. Nothing else in the real world.
No vote "works" if you don't have enough of them. It's kinda the defining feature of voting.
What definitely doesn't work is trying to force voters to choose between "crumbling, already bad status quo" and "rapid fall into fascism" over and over. It's just not a great motivator.
You liberals through your arab people under the bus to save yourselves. You had the power to demand a better candidate and help others, but instead you put your own privileges and rights over that of the arab people. Those of us who protest voted did so while standing in solidarity with Palestine. Those of you who voted for Kamala, and are now blaming protest voters, effectively spit in the face of arabs to protect yourself. You told them that your life is worth more than theirs and you are now blaming them for the consequences you brought on yourself. You vote for the Democrats time and time again despite them moving more and more right and you expect change. Voting for the lesser evil just makes the lesser evil more evil. You reached the end where now people aren't even okay with voting for the lesser evil. You didn't push for real change and are now blaming minorities and the people who stand by them for not wanting to play your game anymore.
I do not care if you voted for Kamala. I don't think the people who voted for Kamala are bad people. I understand why you would vote for Kamala. I think you are a bad person if you voted for Kamala and are now trying to blame and shame minorities and the people who stood with them in solidarity for why Trump got elected.
Why are you more angry at 1 person voting their conscious than you are at party leadership that had polling showing trump would win in August, yet still did nothing to turn approval around?
It's almost like the Israel/Palestine issue was completely irrelevant to the election since there were only two choices and both treated it the same. Yet only the Democrat candidate lost votes over it. Funny how they worked. It's almost like someone engineered it
So Israel is continuing what they are already started under Biden just as unopposed as under Biden? The length these types of bitter democrats will go to do their genocide apologetiks is amazing.
I would have liked Biden to have vetoed less UN resolutions. We could have simply got out of the way and let the rest of the worlds diplomatic community push for progress.
Protest voters did not meaningfully effect the election, alt right youth did not meaningfully effect the election. This is divisive propaganda.
The demographics that voted for biden but stayed home in 2024 were older white men/women and hispanic men. Probably because of those groups beleive in "traditional" patriarchal values and machismo culture and didn't like voting for a woman.
This is an ignorant take. Those morons did plenty of damage and there is no way to tell how many people didn't vote that would have had they not been manipulated my dipshits.
If you didn't vote blue you voted red 🖕
there is no way to tell how many people didn't vote that would have had they not been manipulated my dipshits
If you weren't a reactionary and used your brain you can easily figure out how many didn't vote.
The people protesting the Gaza war were majority younger people, and younger demographics had the same turn out as every election, they didn't turn out for either canidate.
The people who DO vote are older white people. And those groups had almost a 10% shift in turn out, along with hispanic men. And those groups don't give a shit about our wars.