WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump is expected to lift the Biden administration's freeze on the supply of 2,000-pound bombs to Israel in his first days in office, Walla
Trump plans to lift the Biden administration’s freeze on supplying 2,000-pound bombs to Israel and reverse sanctions against Israeli settlers.
The undecideds are about as dumb as the maggots. They were told, over and over, that they were effectively voting for a fascist. But they couldn’t imagine that the leopard would eat their faces. Now, that fucking guy will make “Genocide Joe” look like a god damn saint.
Refusing to hold Democrats accountable is also voting for Fascism. If your vote is 100% reliable to the Dems, they don't have to do anything to win your vote. And thus, they can completely ignore you and everything you care about. The Dems have moved so far to the right that modern Republican Fascism doesn't seem completely unreasonable to many people by comparison. After all, Democrats firmly embraced what was far-right immigration policy just a few years ago. Democrats have made a hard turn to the right. This has forced Republicans to move even further right into Fascism. And if things continue down this path, with Democrats never being held accountable, eventually both Democrats and Republicans will be overtly Fascist.
That is what happens if a party is never held accountable.
They've been dropping these 2,000lb bombs in Palestine and several of their neighboring countries for quite some time now. It's pretty odd that people are trying to act all self-righteous about this when Trump is just continuing the exact same policy that Biden was.
Voting a third party or not supporting the system at all is the good choice here because it's the only hope to save palestine. You do not save palestine by voting between two parties open about its destruction.
Yes leftists are the problem. Not the half of the country that willingly and happily voted for this.
Edit: Is there even any evidence that having protest voters vote for Kamala would’ve changed anything? Since I’m getting dogpiled here I want to clarify I was not a protest voter but everyone on Lemmy and Reddit keeps sharing this exact same sentiment
No, there isn't. They just want to blame the left for centrism failing. Arabs and anti-war sentiment are convenient and evergreen "bad guys" in centrist politics and one that has been actively reinforced by the media since the genocide began. It's a convenient scapegoat for an across the board failure of a centrist campaign.
And if this was actually the linchpin, then it wasn't exactly a big surprise. The whole movement was trying to raise the issue and was repeatedly ignored.
Look at her numbers compared to Biden and look at Trump's numbers compared to his numbers last elections. People didn't come out for Harris, which was essentially them supporting Trump as the end result is his election.
I voted for Kamala, but you have to be pretty dense to think that there is any meaningful difference between how Kamala and Trump would have handled Palestine. They're both full-on Zionists. Giving them some bigger bombs won't change things much. They already flatten entire neighborhoods at a whim.
If two candidates will likely both be abominable on an issue you care about, you might as well vote to hold the one representing the party that has already committed genocide accountable.
You realize the conversation started because Trump reversed the ban on the sale of some type of bombs which Harris wouldn't have done, right? Because right away it shows a pretty meaningful difference.
Trump said Biden should "Let [Israel] go and let [Israel] finish it." and now he's saying we're going to give Israel bigger bombs to do it while removing economic sanctions on Israeli occupiers.
How can you say there is no meaningful difference?
There are many more issues beyond Gaza. The environment, healthcare, social rights, immigration. They are complicit in all of it.
Yesterday Trump declared "War on Transgender" and his desire to eradicate transgenderism in the US. Musk threw a literal Nazi salute. They immediately put out an EO targeting trans people. Non-voters and 3p voters are complicit in this and in what is about to happen to trans people in the US.
Or course, they don't have the moral stain of a Trump supporter but "not a literal Nazi" shouldn't be the baseline it is.
By not voting, you voted for genocide under Trump. There is no neutrality against fascism, and there is no nonparticipation. You're either against them or you're with them.
Is it really "voting against genocide" when they voted against all the arms shipment pauses that are now being overturned? They voted against an administration, that administration lost, and now the winner has hit the ground running making the genocide immediately worse. What's "objectively more moral" about increasing arms shipments to genociders?
The most frustrating part about it is that withholding votes was framed as a principled position. And I’m sorry, but that’s asinine. How many of those people who declared that they wouldn’t vote for the democratic ticket because of their action/inaction on Gaza actually did anything more than posting rants on social media? How many raised funds for aid? How many organized rallies, protests, or educational outreach? How many even so much as contacted their representatives?
It is either naivety or complacency to believe that national policy should change just because you and your friends sent around some memes. And it is callous indifference to base your vote on a single issue and then claim that you’re inhabiting the moral high ground.
If you yell into the void, you shouldn’t expect a response. And if you believe in an issue, either take action or acknowledge that it would be staggeringly arrogant to expect other people to put in work that you yourself won’t do.
I think most of them were state sponsored psyops or really shit trolls. I don't think most actual real marginally rational thinking people would have such a dumb af take.
You would think, and yet they're still around parrotting the same narrative. Hell, there's at least one in the comments of this very post.
Assuming that anyone with a contrary opinion, no matter how ridiculous you might feel it is, is being disingenuous is an easy way to underestimate them.
I don't think most Americans care enough about Gaza for it to affect their vote (or for it to cause them to choose not to vote). Some, certainly, but not enough to have made a difference. This was about groceries being expensive.
That's just self-indugent tribalist scapegoating using an argument which is circular and self-disproving.
If there were too few people who cared about the Israeli Genocide enough for it to affect the vote, which is would justify the decision of the Democrat leadership to not do anything meaningful to agree with the demands of those voters (Biden pausing his own decision of sending 2000lb bombs is very much a "I'm saving you from myself" moment), then you can't really blame those few people for the Democrat loss since there were not enought of them to make a difference and something else made the Democracts lose, so the fault is in the strategy followed by the Democrat leadership on other subjects.
If on the other hand there were so many people who cared about the Israeli Genocide enough for it to result in the Democrats losing the vote, why did the Democrat candidates not go after that vote? Again, the blame is down to the choices of the Democrat leadership: it's always easier to change what a handfull of people do than to change what millions do, so for the handful of people in the Democrat Party leadership to change their position with regards to supporting Israeli in its Genocide would be far more logical to expect in that scenario than for such a large slice of the electorate - millions of voters - to change their position instead. Even if one thinks "our leader's position is more important than that of millions of people so it's the millions who have to change their positions, not our leader" (a bootlicker's mindset, BTW), it's still incredibly stupid to go with "we're going to convince millions to change their position rather than just that one guy" as a strategy so the blame still rests with those who chose to go with it.
All I see here and now is people making a pseudo-"argument" that is entirelly reliant on the axiom that "the boss is always right" to manage to somehow blame millions for something which the "the boss" could have (per the part of that very same pseudo-"argument" which claims it was the people who were against the Israeli Genocide that sawyed the vote) easilly avoided by just meaningufully changing his position on just that one subject. That presumption that the leaders are blameless and it's the peons who are to blame for not being willing to follow the leaders no mater what they were doing, is a 100% subservient mindset.
If you're going to assign blame for Trump, look at the handful of people in the Democrat Party who chose to do things in such a way that the results was that millions of their own electorate chose not to vote for them, thus delivering the election to Trump.
Sorry, didn't pass the second line because you failed to understand what I say.
I'm not saying Biden is good for Gaza. I'm saying if your concern is Gaza, Trump is not better. So for a meaningless virtue signaling, everything else is worse.
Yeah, but when do they ever stop at just one group? When the Nazis started running low on Jews to scapegoat, they expanded their operation to include gays, gypsies, handicapped...etc.
I can't find the will to make a leopards/faces joke about this. This is exactly what we told people who wouldn't vote for Harris because of "gEnOcIdE jOe" bullshit.
Biden made real efforts to prevent the Israeli government from committing genocide. They failed, but they tried. Now we've got an absolute monster in charge who is going to outright empower the genocide.
If you voted for Trump, voted for a third party, or refused to vote... FUCK YOU. You own this.
Biden made real efforts to prevent the Israeli government from committing genocide.
Okay I don't have the energy to refute to this stuff anymore, so lemme just ask: Do you seriously believe the president of the united states, the single largest benefactor of Israeli regional hegemony, doesn't have the ability to enforce its own laws and prevent violations of international law by its protectorate?
It's a much, much more complicated situation than you're presenting. Biden was trying to thread the needle between "deny Israel weaponry" (end result: Opportunistic invasion by Israel's neighbors) and "give Netanyahu all the weapons he wants" (end result: what we're about to see with these gigantic, city-block-destroying bombs).
The previous government allowed this genocide to happen, the current government is making plans to keep it going. Perhaps you will now understand what people have in mind when they say that both parties are the same and to look for alternatives.
This is exactly what we told people who wouldn't vote for Harris because of "gEnOcIdE jOe" bullshit.
What that things would continue on as they have been for well over a year now? Where is the "leopards ate my face" aspect of this?
Biden made real efforts to prevent the Israeli government from committing genocide. They failed, but they tried.
What efforts were those? Strongly worded phone calls and "red lines" that were constantly crossed and redrawn, while simultaneously standing alone in blocking UN and NATO resolutions against Israel?
who is going to outright empower the genocide.
Can you explain how a genocide that we've been actively supporting for the past 15 months is now being "empowered?"
The article is literally stating that Trump is giving the green light to giving Israel more powerful bombs to genocide with, and also to give Israeli West Bank occupiers their access to US financial resources again.
This article is literally about one of Biden's efforts to rein in the violence. He did try. Now go ahead and excuse Trump freeing up 2,000-pound bombs for Israel, and how that's better for Palestine than it would be if Harris had won. Good luck.
Trump appears to have pushed Netanyahu to agree to a ceasefire, which Biden failed to do. I wouldn't be surprised if the delivery of these bombs was part of the backroom deal between Trump and Netanyahu which led to the ceasefire.
I don't know what will happen after this ceasefire expires, but until then it's a little early for those who criticized Biden's policy on Israel to criticize Trump's.
A slightly bigger bomb won't change anything materially on the ground in Gaza. The only significant change recently has been a cease fire. Whether it will hold or not is as yet unknown. But at least so far, Trump has somehow actually managed to be better on Gaza than Biden. Trump has shown a willingness to actually use the carrots and sticks of US foreign policy to produce outcomes. Biden offered unconditional support to Israel, while Trump seems to have forced them to come to the peace table by threatening to withhold support. In other words, Trump did what Biden's base had been begging him to do for a year.
It's possible all this falls apart. And it is possible that Trump will prove far worse, for example by allowing an annexation of the West Bank. But so far at least, Trump has actually been a lot better for the Palestinians than Biden. Biden and Harris fundamentally do not accept that Israel should ever be held accountable for anything.
I don't think Trump did the cease fire out of moral concerns; I'm sure it was purely self-serving on his part. But he was actually willing to use the US's various carrots and sticks to force through a cease fire agreement. That is something Biden never had the balls to do.
He sold the West Bank for 100m to Adelson. The genocide won’t stop their focus is just shifting temporarily. It’s not a win, Biden could’ve got them to agree on those terms too. Just like he could’ve ended the Ukraine war if he just told Ukraine to give up and concede a chunk of land.
Trump didn’t do anything. He has no control over Israel. He did nothing for this cease fire. I’m sure he would love to take credit one day and not the next.
It did totally and completely under his watch. Gaza was holocausted under the Presidency of 1 Joseph Robbinette Biden Jr. Aka Genocide Joe.
He gave them over 14,000 (FOURTEEN THOUSAND) 2000lb bombs that they used to flatten Gaza. There are ample pictures. Go look. Go look at the bad GENOCIDE JOE did to the Gazans in the name of America.
Or did you only start paying attention to Gaza when Trump was inaugurated?
Oh, quit pretending like you care. If you did, you would support the only party to have a elected as Palestinian-American, and you would listen to what she has to say. But instead of supporting her, you glazed for Trump.
and now it's about to get even fucking worse. it was a choice between kamala harris and fucking trump. Yeah, both suck. But one of them will actively make things way worse.
Of those of us that voted, whether Harris, Stein, De la Cruz, West, etc. - everyone we voted for lost. The candidate you voted for was also complicit in genocide, whereas ours wasn't. We failed as a collective. If we could take every single one of those votes, and coordinate them towards one candidate, the best scenario would NOT be Harris, because she's a fucking lying psychopath. That's not even radical, this is civics 101 - you have a fascist movement you want to defeat, organize, find the best path, follow the best path, in unison. Not some middling ass piece of shit war criminal that the television told you was the top choice.
After Genocide Joe and Holocaust Harris, we have Destroying Donnie. Too bad #destroyingdonnie won't be amplified by Xitter like the previous two was, to try to sway voters.
Make no mistake if they think twisting the algorithm is going to make the voices of the left less disruptive they have no fucking clue what it is like to fight people who believe in their beliefs because they ernestly think they will help and save people.
We were going at Biden and Harris with kid gloves on because we knew Trump was going to be much worse, but the kid gloves are off and leftists will do everything up to and including dying for what we think is right... because we aren't full of shit like the cowards in power are.
I dare them to kick us out of social media conversations, we are just going to become more radicalized into taking direct action instead of asking nicely.
Where is this take simultaneously coming from for everyone?
Guys. NOBODY. THOUGHT. TRUMP. WAS. BETTER. Now we can finally acknowledge that the American so-called "left" political party is so obscenely fucked that they're complicit in genocide? Literally the hallmark of Nazi Germany? Perhaps we as a people do not really have a lot of choice going on, and impotently choosing between two fascist parties election after election is not going to gradually bring us to democratic reform?
Trump is so much worse than Harris and Biden though. He lifted this ban, recognizes the settlements and will prevent any other free election that could better things in the future. So if you didnt vote for Harris you didnt just completely doom palestinians but also your country.
They’re making up some mythical Trump-supporting Palestinian in their brains so they can throw their hands up and continue sitting on their arses, engage in zero direct action, not go to a single protest, or organize their community in any way just as they’ve always done.
You can bet they’ll be around in 4 years time screeching at us to vote for Kamala again when the Democrats once again fail to put forward a viable working class candidate then blame us when Trump somehow wins 130% of the vote.
According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), the US accounted for 69% of Israel's imports of major conventional arms between 2019 and 2023.
And that:
In May 2024, the US confirmed it had paused a single consignment of 2,000lb and 500lb bombs over concerns Israel was going ahead with a major ground operation in the southern Gaza city of Rafah. But Biden immediately faced a backlash from Republicans in Washington and from Netanyahu who appeared to compare it to an "arms embargo". Biden has since partially lifted the suspension and not repeated it.
WASHINGTON, June 28 (Reuters) - The Biden administration has sent to Israel large numbers of munitions, including more than 10,000 highly destructive 2,000-pound bombs and thousands of Hellfire missiles, since the start of the war in Gaza, said two U.S. officials briefed on an updated list of weapons shipments.
Between the war's start last October and recent days, the United States has transferred at least 14,000 of the MK-84 2,000-pound bombs, 6,500 500-pound bombs, 3,000 Hellfire precision-guided air-to-ground missiles, 1,000 bunker-buster bombs, 2,600 air-dropped small-diameter bombs, and other munitions, according to the officials, who were not authorized to speak publicly.
See this thread for why D's will never learn, and do not deserve to govern. Still blaming everyone they failed to motivate.
"You should have accepted the continuation of the slow D genocide. Now you'll get the extra double R genocide, and it's all your fault!"
This is why progressives abstained; to let Trump destroy the corporate-removed duopoly and charade of "democracy" in America. It wasn't under some fantasy that R's would be better for Gaza, America, or the planet. It was because the D's are captured by the corporate oligarchy — thus will never offer meaningful change — and spent the last few decades helping the R's sow the seeds for fascism, building the surveillance state and MIC, destroying the financial and housing security of the working class, etc.
Eventually some victims will stop accepting the abuse, and lash out at their abusers; even if it means much worse abuse or death.
Well it's a good thing the genocide was stopped. Because it would be awfully embarrassing to grandstand on that single issue and have no result while simultaneously making the lives of thousands of others worse.
I thought he slightly delayed one shipment? At one point I recall Biden removing the restriction as well. I am genuinely wondering whether there was even still a restriction on 2000 pound bombs since Biden recently sent another 8 billion in bombs to Israel.
On one hand, this will probably speed the resolution of the conflict.
On the other hand, the conflict will be resolved through the completion of the genocide of Palestinians that are in areas Israel wants to own. “There are no people left to shoot or bomb” is one way to stop a conflict.
And just to be clear, none of that is a good thing.
It's literally an argument in Israel for the cease fire. There's not much else to target in Gaza, so keeping it going is just causing reputational harm without the benefit of destroying more "Hamas" hospitals and water processing plants and schools.
Hilarious how the comments are blaming the group that wants to abstain or be central in their belief when the play was already set in place regardless of the outcome. Class war yet we bite at each other.
Both Trump and Harris were pro Israel. Why are third party voters getting gaslighted for Trump's actions. I didn't vote for him. And Harris would have been more of the same. Worse/better doesn't matter. Both backed Israel and sending weapons.
Living in a world without nuance would mean experiencing life in a stark, black-and-white manner. Every situation, person, and idea is categorized as purely good or bad, leaving no room for complexity, shades of meaning, or understanding of different perspectives; A world where everything is simplified to extremes, leading to misinterpretations and a difficulty navigating more complex situations and interpersonal relationships. If worse/better doesn't matter, there can be no difference between killing 1,000 people or killing 100,000 people.
And only one of them has overseen the wholesale destruction of Gaza by originally supplying thousands of 2,000 lb bombs plus BILLIONS of DOLLARS of other weapons that were used in the genocide.