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Don't reply "just Google it"

It is clear that the signal to noise ratio of the WWW is getting worse. It's much harder to find good content when using a good old search engine. And if it's good it is usually hosted on Reddit or Stackexchange.

So remember, even if it's easy too Google something (well, it isn't nowadays), we want to create a fediverse of good content that helps people (I hope). So, it's always better to write a real answer if you have the time and energy. Please help boost the SNR and reverse the AI fueled information degradation loop.

  • I've noticed that a lot of people are just really bad in using the right searching terms, and then quickly shifting through all the info to find the right information. Googling well truly is a skill. Though be it a strange one.

    • Same! Had a discussion recently with a guy searching about gun law in Austria for 3D printed weapons. He showed me his Search Query. Didn't even include the word "Law". People just really forgot how to properly query search engines.

    • I was going to bring up card catalogues and microfiche, but it is more difficult now, especially with all the AI written articles popping up a la carte as top results.

      I guess it would be like the physical library having a fee^1 to enter, the librarian men and women in lingerie and banana hammocks, and all the publications unsorted: Fiction and Non-Fiction together with celebrity magazines, The National Enquirer, and nazi publications.... and lots of torn out pages.

      ^1 Fee replaces ads. I'd rather not picture a world where the advertising in the show Maniac exists. (Can't afford the bus? The ad-reader shows up and speaks ads at you until you have "earned" the $1.25, or whatever.)

    • It's not even much of a skill anymore now that there's so much focus on natural language question and answer. You can straight up Google "how do I X?" And get a relevant answer for just about anything.

      Edit: I'm not even talking about generative AI here, googling simple questions without using AI worked well before the AI craze.

      • That's not exactly true. The AI answers are often wrong or incomplete. You still need skill, it's just that the required skill has shifted to accepting this is true, recognizing when the AI answer is not complete and correct, (which can be more difficult due to the answers often being seemingly correct, yet slightly wrong or incomplete), and then doing what you'd do in any other search that nets poor results: adjust and search more or dig further down the given results stack.

  • While I don't think we can beat AI driven content degradation by outposting them, I still agree posting 'just Google it' does any good either.

    Post an answer or link a topic which covered the same question in detail. But directing people to Google isn't something I'd advocate. Maybe tell them to Ecosiate it if you really have to.

    Also it's just rude and creates an uninviting admosphere around here Imo.

    But the AI issue can't be solved by users alone. It's moderation and maybe regulation which is needed here.

  • A little study of philosophy helps us ask and consider better questions, a little study of google helps us consider a world without CEOs and the constant encroachment of enshittification for shareholder profits.