this would be the proper way to break norms. Do things where congress would have to spend every day appointing new justices unless they agree to reform a stupid constitutional provision
The seeds of apathy were sowed a decade ago when they stopped fighting for what their voters actually wanted and instead ran solely on being the better alternative to an authoritarian dick bag for simply being establishment politicians. Those seeds have taken root and sprouted now that voters have seen the Dems' are incapable of getting over their own hubris.
Dems should really do something about that. This is hindsight but seems to me like they should have tried a bit harder to win the only election that will matter moving forward.
They hope for a revolution. It's incredibly childish. And even if there WERE a revolution to happen, those tend to put the worst people in power. It's always the worst possible people to rise to power in a revolution. Look what it got China and Russia and where they are now. I prefer the democrats to fucking Stalin, but that's just me.
Yes, but they cut a deal with the Republicans, who were stalling them with procedural maneuvers that were forcing them to stay late at night, and of course, it's a bad deal. They got seven district court judges approved in exchange for abandoning the appointment of 4 appeals court judges. Appeals court judges are much more powerful, so this wasn't a great move, but now they don't have to stay up past their bedtimes, and they might even get to go on Christmas vacation early.
He doesn't care about us. None of them do. The only time he's done anything to actually stand up against the rising tide of shit we're all experiencing has been to defend his own son.
The supreme Court has given him incredible power, and he's a lame duck president. He should be doing everything possible to make improvements for us and ruin Trump's agenda, but instead he's going to throw up his hands and ride off into the sunset with his failson.
Exactly, they don’t care for us. I’ve said it before I lowkey believe they all collude with each other but in the public eye pretend to hate each other. They just care about having power not the people
I think George Carlin was right in that interview where he said there doesn't need to be a formal conspiracy; they go to the same schools, sit on the same boards, own the same businesses. They know what's best for them, and if they all continue to act for self enrichment, they'll stay entrenched in power.
Funny, but pardons are explicitly written in the constutution, there is zero ambiguety.
Supreme court expantion needs congress.
Besides, whats the point, trump and republican congress is just gonna expand it to 100 justices.
Just do a national divorce already, maybe the piece of shit known as MTG was right after all. The infection has gone too far, need to amputate like half of the country.
Splitting the country in half would only lead to more problems. Countries with strong disagreements being situated side-by-side leads to increased conflict. It's why colonialists love drawing up terrible borders for places they leave "independent".
The following statements are brought to you by insomnia and an emotional numbness that can only be the result of utterly losing hope.
Argumentative tone, inane statement, and general stupidity are well, probably just me, but let’s pretend they’re presented for effect.
Biden can just declare it and say he’s acting in the official capacity of his role as president. What are they gonna do, say it’s unconstitutional? Well, who cares? He can just pardon himself for issuing the edict and everyone that helps enforce it. What are they gonna do? Heck, he can even whack the offending judges for getting in the way and just make Hunter and Obama Supreme Court justices.
What? West coast seceding? California GDP would make it possible in theory but I don’t think that means they keep the military bases. I don’t think it’s at all as simple as that.
Soon enough. The only thing that's important right now is getting people to snap out of this DNC v GOP narrative and understand moving forward the DNC only exists by the allowance of the GOP.
I know I can't will the masses into figuring this shit out, but I'll keep spreading the word.
I remember watching the DNC earlier this year. There were shirts and signs that read " DEMOCRACY IS NOT A SPECTATOR SPORT", and I don't quite know why, but it stuck with me, and I had to think about it. It sure does get treated like a sport. The GOP breaks the rules, commits fouls, and Democrats act like there's a referee in Congress who's going to throw a flag every time the GOP breaks a rule or makes an irregular play. And what I have come to realize is that we the public are supposed to be the referees. And regardless of team, we have to be the ones blowing whistles, throwing flags, and reviewing plays.
Since the election, I've decided to become a regular thorn in the sides of my elected officials, on both sides of the aisle. Through research I've settled on sending letters. Good old-fashioned letters on real paper, delivered via the postal service. Typed, usually. Handwritten, if I want it to be more personal. And I'll send multiple copies of the same letter to their offices in my State and to their offices at the Capitol, addressed to them directly. This last bit is important because since it's a federal offense to open correspondence and packages not addressed to you, and no staffer or intern wants to risk their job by opening letters addressed to their bosses, it's guaranteed that the officials themselves will read them. Sure, the staffers might be the ones sending the responses, but that doesn't mean my Senator or Representative never saw it. And since the same letter is at all their offices, this increases the chance of it being read. They're gonna think "Holy shit, this guy really wants me to listen to what he's got to say!"
You see, despite their efforts to get us to believe otherwise, our politicians are not beyond our reach. They do respond to public pressure, occasionally. I'm convinced that if more people did as I'm going to do, they'd listen more to us and less to their corporate friends and lobbyists.
In the context of the US system, the first one to nominate a hundred thousand judges, assuming his opponent won't be able to find that many, wins the game.