Funny, but pardons are explicitly written in the constutution, there is zero ambiguety.
Supreme court expantion needs congress.
Besides, whats the point, trump and republican congress is just gonna expand it to 100 justices.
Just do a national divorce already, maybe the piece of shit known as MTG was right after all. The infection has gone too far, need to amputate like half of the country.
Splitting the country in half would only lead to more problems. Countries with strong disagreements being situated side-by-side leads to increased conflict. It's why colonialists love drawing up terrible borders for places they leave "independent".
The following statements are brought to you by insomnia and an emotional numbness that can only be the result of utterly losing hope.
Argumentative tone, inane statement, and general stupidity are well, probably just me, but let’s pretend they’re presented for effect.
Biden can just declare it and say he’s acting in the official capacity of his role as president. What are they gonna do, say it’s unconstitutional? Well, who cares? He can just pardon himself for issuing the edict and everyone that helps enforce it. What are they gonna do? Heck, he can even whack the offending judges for getting in the way and just make Hunter and Obama Supreme Court justices.
What? West coast seceding? California GDP would make it possible in theory but I don’t think that means they keep the military bases. I don’t think it’s at all as simple as that.