It happened in Poland with different numbers (in 2019 I think). It was started a mess for many years...
[Looking for an app] Custom text widget on Android
I'm looking for an Android App that will offer a widget displaying some text on my screen. I want this text to be custom - more customization the better.
F-Droid availibity would be a big plus. If there is nothing OpenSource available, other suggestions also would be okay (but as the last resort).
I think I would like the idea (and at first this my understanding) if you could buy one wallpaper for $1 (or a pack of few for $3) and the 70-90% would go to the artist. Also app would have to limit tracking to just some basic stuff. I know you can get wallpapers free, but supporting something that looks great on your screen would be a nice option.
Of course subscription service for this is mad.
Will they be now on FDroid? I think only one Proton app is there and it's a little bit sad.
Usually hot pasta and cold - from fridge - strawberries with cream (and sometimes sugar).
Reminded me The Raid (2012) movie concept - jest imagine these cats going through all these floors.