Right? And more justices means more frequent turnover which means less wild swings when the ancients die. More people that need to be bribed to compromise too
It's always appalling to me what people will sell the American people out for. Like look at Clarence Thomas. This guy could quit the court, work in the private sector and make bank on his name alone. Instead he sells out millions of people for an RV and some fancy vacations. Da fuck is wrong with people?
But that would take power from the wealthy few and distribute it to the people, and that's evil leftist communist Marxist fascist socialist atheist woke double plus ungood poopy mind virus trans CRT, uhh, Venezuelan conspiracy and the Clintons and Obama will enforce gay agenda to kidnap your kids, uhh, agenda. Thinking is hard, so strong daddy trump will do my thinking for me.
this would be the proper way to break norms. Do things where congress would have to spend every day appointing new justices unless they agree to reform a stupid constitutional provision
It's hard to spread FUD about establishment Democrats when they are all clones. America knows exactly what to expect from a Democrat, and it's not much.
We have a DNC election coming up very soon, and the midterms after that. This is the time to challenge what it means to be a Democrat. If Rahm Emanuel gets the DNC chair, then the next ten years look to be very much like the last ten.
There is no chance democrats will win any elections as long as people like yourself keep shitting on them. More democratic voters will stay home or vote republican or 3rd party and the GOP will get more power and our lives will get worse.
There is no chance democrats will win any elections as long as people like yourself keep shitting on them.
For decades, they've had chance after chance to prove themselves to the working class. Now, you dare suggest that the corporatist Christo-fascists will win if we don't keep voting in the same corporatist neo-liberal celebrity-fellators?
If the DNC establishment doesn't get tossed out on their ass during the next committee same primary election cycle, the average citizen is fucked.
We are already fucked. Fascism already won. We had to chose between democrats and fascism and people like yourself shit on democrats enough to convince enough voters to either stay home or vote Trump or 3rd party. Letting perfection be the enemy of progress. There’s no going back now.
people like yourself shit on democrats enough to convince enough voters to either stay home or vote Trump or 3rd party.
You don't know anything about me. Furthermore, I don't think you're comprehending what I'm saying. Simply put, the Democratic establishment needs to be tossed out on their ass for gross incompetence. The way that's done is the vote for the DNC and the next round of primaries.
Again, I don't advocate for apathy. I advocate for ousting the establishment DNC leadership by voting. Your reading comprehension sucks, or your half-assed trolling is obvious.
So, it's not what Democrats do in office that matters. It's not how they dodge and weave every question in every interview until nobody even remembers what was asked. Democrats lose because people are mean to them? Is nobody ever mean to Republicans then?
What democrats do does matter. That’s why we shouldn’t do the GOPs job for them by sowing apathy for democrats. Because that leads to the GOP gaining power. That’s why FUD exists.
Whatever apathy was down, Democrats did it to themselves. Our job right now is to crush the damn establishment that is intent on continuing to do it. They are trying to throw out a million reasons why this loss was anything but their fault, just so they can go back to business as usual. That cannot happen again.
If you think infighting hurts a party, then why the hell do the Republicans own all three branches? Infighting is critical to prepare the party and build a narrative where voters know what the party is about.
No, now is not the time to play nice with the establishment that got us here. They are lining up a new batch of clones as we speak.
If you want to help the Democrats, then get behind Ben Wikler (best option I've seen so far) out of Wisconsin for the DNC chair position. The establishment is going to try and quietly shuffle one of their useless clones while nobody is looking, so look, and tell everyone you know to look. Write to your Democratic representatives and tell them the party needs to find it's feet again with actual leadership that knows how to connect with working class voters.
Republicans took all 3 branches because they don’t criticize their own party. And they attack anyone who does. And they show up to vote no matter what because they don’t get apathetic towards their own party.
What planet do you live on? Ever hear of the Lincoln Project? Do you not remember the Republicans throwing out their own Speaker of the House?
The turnout thing is accurate to a point, but is almost always (intentionally) misunderstood. The more left a voter gets, the more engaged they are, and the more likely they are to show up and vote for Democrats. That has been shown in multiple studies and is well understood even by establishment bobbleheads.
It's the vast sea of disengaged and ideologically confused working class Americans that sometimes show up and sometimes don't. We know how to reach these people, and the Democratic establishment just isn't that interested. Their process is to message to these folks just enough to get 51% in swing states. That's what keeps the margins so consistently tight, and Republicans win because reality doesn't always conform to Democratic expectations.
In order to do better, Democrats have to be willing to anger their patrons. That's not something they have been willing to do.
What was unique in this election is that the Republicans managed to pick up a lot of those voters. This election wasn't swung by voter turnout. The unreliable voters turned out, but they turned out for Republicans. Democrats have now officially become the party of the wealthy,band Republicans are now the party of the working class. That's obviously an insane disaster, and it's pathetic that anyone is still defending the Democratic establishment.
The seeds of apathy were sowed a decade ago when they stopped fighting for what their voters actually wanted and instead ran solely on being the better alternative to an authoritarian dick bag for simply being establishment politicians. Those seeds have taken root and sprouted now that voters have seen the Dems' are incapable of getting over their own hubris.
Voters actually wanted a fascist. That’s what we got now and maybe forever because so many like you are willing to cut off your nose to spite your face. To let perfection prevent progress.
The problem is voters on both sides want a fascist. They might not be able to agree on which person they want to give ultimate power to, but they know that everyone else should fall in line and agree with them unquestioningly.
Dems should really do something about that. This is hindsight but seems to me like they should have tried a bit harder to win the only election that will matter moving forward.
They tried. Claiming they didn’t is the sowing apathy thing that I was referring to. Too many people shitting on every little thing the Democratic Party does even when that leads to Trump being in power.
Seriously, it's not my fault. I've voted for them and I've shilled for them. The party is a sunk cost. Just look at merrick garlin or dick durbin. Im seriously not the problem.
They hope for a revolution. It's incredibly childish. And even if there WERE a revolution to happen, those tend to put the worst people in power. It's always the worst possible people to rise to power in a revolution. Look what it got China and Russia and where they are now. I prefer the democrats to fucking Stalin, but that's just me.
Yes, but they cut a deal with the Republicans, who were stalling them with procedural maneuvers that were forcing them to stay late at night, and of course, it's a bad deal. They got seven district court judges approved in exchange for abandoning the appointment of 4 appeals court judges. Appeals court judges are much more powerful, so this wasn't a great move, but now they don't have to stay up past their bedtimes, and they might even get to go on Christmas vacation early.