Kind of surprised that he isn't selling snake oil medicine and novelty dietary supplements and such. Alex Jones seemed to be really into that family of scams.
Just another way for foreign countries to legally fund his campaign without limits. There are only so many sneakers they can "buy" before it starts to look too obvious what's going on.
While eventually all Trump ventures fail some have enough money to keep going for quite a while - be careful that you don't overleverage yourself and get forced to take on debt because it didn't fail fast enough.
I'm a Republican who does His Own Research and I'm buying Trump Crypto AGAIN after I lost THOUSANDS on his Last One! But this one is Different because Trump went on TV and Told Me and if you hear it on TV it's TRUE unless it's from the FAKE NEWS Which AOL is!
Let’s combine some of these grifts, how about each coin being minted with a number seared on a trump steak, which you must eat in order to be accepted to trump university.
Wait why is he trying to "leave the outdated big banks behind"? I thought conservatives liked big business. If they don't then can we leave the outdated big oil companies behind? Or are they special? Or is it banks specifically they don't like?
“It’s equitable. It’s collateral anyone can get access to and do so instantly,” he said. “I don’t know if people realise what a shake up that is for the world of banking and finance. I hope we can help change that.”
Oh, cool, they're revolutionizing finance! Gotta fleece the supporters a bit more before potentially losing the election.
“Get ready as we unveil our plan to Make Finance Great Again,” the Telegram post stated. “This is a landmark event you won’t want to miss! Let’s make history together.”
Oh, cool, this is gonna be historic. Gotta make the broke MAGA supporters a little more broke and in debt. Did you see how poorly DJT stock is doing? But it went up when he said he wouldn't sell, which I'm sure comforts the people who bought when it was twice as much.
Having previously dismissed the world’s leading cryptocurrency as a “scam”, Mr Trump told the crowd at the Bitcoin 2024 conference in Nashville that he would create a “national bitcoin stockpile” from seized criminal funds, as well as “immediately appoint a bitcoin and crypto presidential advisory council”.
Oh, cool, he takes this seriously. Gotta have someone in government make sure there isn't any regulation.
To be honest, while I'd prefer healthcare for everyone, I know we're not getting it. And because I'm jaded and convinced that his followers are filled with hate, I'm ok with them getting hurt by him. I just resent that he profits in the process.