They posted graphics calling him a "biological female" before he caved. Rittenhouse backtracked his criticism not even 12 hours after the online hate from his fellow conservatives started.
If we can't have a fact based conversation about anything then I don't know what the point is. As a leftie this type of rhetoric really saddens me. I thought we were better than the Maga crowd.
Does every act of self defense automatically classify someone as a murderer?
BTW, for the record I'm a leftie progressive. I'm not a conservative and I hate the Maga crowd. But the events that led to the death of those people that day was due to self defense.
This has been established through clear video footage and a lengthy trial with a jury of his peers.
Anyone who disagrees needs to establish they know the facts of the matter beyond news headlines or Twitter opinions.
The problem with this country today is rampant misinformation.
It seems kind of obvious Rittenhouse went looking for a situation he could put himself in so that he could shoot somebody. That's murder if you can prove it, but good luck proving it.
I'm a leftie progressive (...) But the events that led to the death of those people that day was due to self defense.
So you're not a willfully blind idiot for party political reasons. I wonder what convinced you then..
This has been established through clear video footage and a lengthy trial with a jury of his peers
Ah, an ignorant faith in the veracity of doctored or otherwise misleading out of context footage and the integrity of the US legal system 🤦
Can you demonstrate why it wasn't self defense?
Dude brought an AR-15 to a word fight. In another state. After telling friends that he wanted to shoot BLM protesters. He then harassed peaceful protesters until some of them tried to stop him. He then murdered the people trying to stop him.
Regarding victim number one. Bringing a gun to a protest and starting shit then shooting people doesn't constitute self defense because you normally can't provoke the situation you are defending yourself from. Also the only thing that made the situation deadly dangerous was literally the gun in his hand if not for that it would have been a fist fight at worst. More likely absent a weapon to give him courage he just wouldn't have started shit.
Regarding victims 2 and 3 they were trying to stop what they correctly perceived as an active shooter they did not pursue lethal force against him he could have surrendered the gun non-violently. You normally have a legal obligation to use the lease force possible.
The law being what it is guilt or innocence it a fight is often questionable and subject to state specific laws but morally speaking I don't understand why anyone would not hold him responsible for what happened. He is by all accounts a garbage human being and people are dead because he is a garbage human being.
Here is what one of the people who helped him win his legal case said
We invested significant effort to craft the image you witnessed during the trial. We outfitted him in new suits, arranged for his haircut every weekend during the trial, and dedicated over 200 hours to prepare him for direct and cross-examination. We employed the world's leading jury consultant and conducted extensive research through three mock trials to identify the ideal jurors and the most effective approach for his testimony.
Transforming a middle school dropout who was "angry at the world" with a history of violence and an unhealthy obsession with guns and killing into a respectable young man with a desire for higher education and a promising future was no easy feat.
It was a meticulously crafted facade, which we sincerely hoped he would grow into. Instead, he squandered a full scholarship to study any subject at any university in the country to become a divisive douchebag and antagonize black Americans on college campuses. Kyle failed to learn a single thing. He remains the same uneducated, arrogant, and antagonistic individual, incapable of telling the truth.
Now, he genuinely believes he is the show pony we created and has surrounded himself with sycophants who fuel his inflated ego because they prioritize their political agenda and Christian Nationalist worldview over his well-being.
Despite my efforts to guide him toward a better path in life, the allure of notoriety triumphed over the prospect of putting in the hard work of pursuing an education. I regret my role in shaping him into whatever he has become. If I had known what I know now about Kyle's History, I wouldn't have been involved.
He's also a moron. He obtained his high school diploma by cheating on online tests and then went to take the ASVAB and managed to score a 10, a typical average score for a high school graduate is 50, the minimum you can get into the military is 30. We are talking about questions like
If there are three quarts of gas in a gallon container, how full is the container? 50% 60% 75% 80%
Intent: They drove like over an hour across state lines to Kenosha in hopes of finding somebody to kill then placed himself in harms way by wandering into a group of people.
The goal was always to kill people and thats what makes it murder.
Let’s say a person doesn’t like certain other types of people (be it due to race, religion, political views, or whatever), and that person also glorifies violence against those types of people and they glorify gun violence in general.
Let’s also say this person knowingly and willingly (and possibly illegally) puts themselves in harm’s way, while carrying a gun, amongst those same certain types of people.
Then they get into a situation where they have to use “self defense” in order to escape harm from those people. Luckily they had that gun with them!
Was it legally “self defense?” Yes, apparently. Could it be argued that it was also “hunting” disliked group of people, as if for sport? Yes.
Did Rittenhouse successfully use a self defense plea to get away with murder? Some would argue that he did.
Does every act of self defense automatically classify someone as a murderer?
By definition, murder is the unjustified killing of a human. This is why homicide is the preferred term, with murder, if it’s mentioned at all, is a particularly egregious form of homicide.
But the events that led to the death of those people that day was due to self defense.
Nope. He sought that conflict out. The verdict aside, the chain of events leading to that conflict lead to him being there, being in that confrontation, and willfully engaging in that confrontation.
They did NOT establish definitively that it was self defense.
The verdict established that the murders were not premeditated, which they weren’t.
For the charge of 1st degree murder the prosecution had to prove premeditation which they were unable to do, hence the not guilty.
For some inexplicable reason, the prosecution failed to also charge 2nd degree, which would have likely received a guilty verdict.
Please note the distinction: while the defense certainly argued self defense, the not guilty verdict does not prove the defense theory to be correct, it simply proves the prosecution did not meet their burden of proof regarding premeditation, nothing more.
In the US legal system, people are not proclaimed innocent, they are found to be guilty or not guilty. Not guilty of one particular charge does not mean that the defendant is innocent of all crimes.
If you had asked an NRA-affiliated self defense instructor in 2019 if what Rittenhouse did was self defense, they would have told you unequivocally no.
Yeah maybe August 2024 is when someone finally says something new on the topic... Jesus Christ. You know why it wasn't self defense. You don't agree, but you know why. So just stop.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. Sure, legally it was self defense. My read of the situation is that he clearly went looking for trouble with his shiny new AR, exactly as he'd expressed a desire to do.
He found the trouble he was looking for, and to his immense luck he not only managed to fight his way free of it, but managed to do so in a way that legally qualified as self defense, and also gave us this laughable performance to roll our eyes at.
Legally, self defense. In my opinion he went there to murder, he just didn't know who it would be or whether he'd get his chance.
Does every act of self defense automatically classify someone as a murderer?
No. Acts of self defense happen every day, and the vast majority do not have people calling them a murder.
This is an incredibly disingenuous statement that is ignoring the facts around this specific case of self defense.
BTW, for the record I'm a leftie progressive.
Irrelevant. Ad hominem. Whether or not you're a leftie has no effect on the strength of the argument you are presenting.
the events that led to the death of those people that day was due to self defense.
Rittenhouse did manage to engineer a situation in which everyone involved had a credible claim of self defense. I will point out however that one of "the events that led to the death of those people that day" was Rittenhouse deciding to go to a town he had no good reason to be with the stated goal of "protecting property".
If a criminal breaks into someone's house and the owner charges at them with a baseball bat the criminal is "acting on self defense" if they shoot the owner. The criminal still shouldn't have been there in the first place and the entire situation is the criminal's fault.
Now replace the criminal with someone who had a grudge against the owner, and broke in hoping this would be the outcome. The legal system would only find them guilty of breaking and entering, but that person is a murderer.
Anyone who disagrees needs to establish they know the facts
The fact of the matter is Rittenhouse's stated reason for being there with a gun in the first place was to "protect property" from people who were protesting the murder of George Floyd. Because in his mind it is acceptable to shoot people to protect property, it is not acceptable to damage property to protect lives.
Can you demonstrate why it wasn't self defense?
It's both.
Yes, legally Rittenhouse was acting in self defense. He is also a murder who went there with the hope of being able to insert himself into a situation where he could kill someone.
Does every act of self defense automatically classify someone as a murderer?
Depends on whether or not somebody was killed and whether or not you're using the word "murderer" in its technical legal sense.
BTW, for the record I'm a leftie progressive.
Why bring that up? Your argument should be able to stand on its own. Am I supposed to say, "Oh, I didn't agree with your argument before, but now that I know you're on the same team I'm on, I can see it in a completely different light now!" GTFO.
He was literally acquitted by a jury of his peers of murder. Regardless of how you feel about it, it's shocking that one would be surprised some people think he isn't guilty.
All of his shootings were legally self defense, and based on the evidence presented at trial the jury absolutely decided his case correctly. Grosskreutz will have a hard fight in his civil suit against Rittenhouse after admitting on the stand that he pointed his gun at Rittenhouse before Rittenhouse shot him. He might actually have an easier time against the city, county and police for not having sufficient police response to the previous shots fired.
Rittenhouse was also a complete and total idiot for being there in the first place, even more so for separating from his group, and he hasn't demonstrated substantially better judgement any time since. Because he's immensely, painfully stupid.
The only thing I don't really get is why everyone seems so damned intent about spending time, attention and effort talking about him in the first place, regardless of what political side you're on. I mean it's weird they treated him like some kind of aspirational figure, it's even more weird that they're now accusing him of being trans as though that changes the value of anything he's said before or since. But we really, really don't need to give him any more of a spotlight than he already has.
Not quite… The jury’s decision simply indicated that the prosecution did not meet their burden of proof, not that the defense’s position was accepted as fact. This is an important distinction.
… at trial the jury absolutely decided his case correctly.
Agreed, but keep in mind he was found to be not guilty, which is not the same thing as innocent.
Because he's immensely, painfully stupid.
Immensely, painfully, and dangerously stupid.
But we really, really don't need to give him any more of a spotlight than he already has.
Fair enough, but I think that this case should be taught in law school as an example of prosecutorial negligence in that if he were simply charged appropriately, 2nd degree non premeditated and/or manslaughter, he would be in prison now for a minimum of 15 years but probably closer to 25 years.
The choice to only charge 1st degree, which took on the burden of proving premeditation, was the biggest legal blunder of our time… worse than Alex Jones’s lawyer sending the full cell phone copy to the prosecutor, which was an absolute joy to watch live as it happened.
This is honest to god the funniest thing happening in the Magaverse right now. It's like they got their marching orders mixed up and their daily five minutes of hate that were supposed to be directed at Imane Khelif got swapped for Kyle Rittenhouse at the last minute and nobody questions the logic of it.
I am not sure to be happy or worried about this. On the one hand they could turn on themselves and be busy with infighting, leaving the rest of the world alone. On the other hand it is an extremely vile hateful ideology that can explode into massive violence easily.
Wow they turned on him even quicker than I would have expected. If he'd showed a hint of spine and didn't cave immediately it might have infinitesimally moved my respect for him above 0.
The kid will make the right choice on something one day. Or he won't. Meh.
Surprised? These are people who will call you gay or a woman as an insult. Anything feminine that is not actively producing babies is an affront to their snowflake sensibilities.
He really is. Think about how many people have backed Trump thinking they could maintain their integrity and control the far right. Hell, you can see Trump having the same problems. He got booed when he suggested COVID vaccines and quickly backed off.
When you pump people full of fear and misinformation, you lose the ability to steer ship. All you can do is sell out, completely abandon your dignity and try to ride the crazy wave.
Nah, I've been waiting for this for a while. The Republican party is a house divided against itself, with wealthy donors on one side and the culture warriors they depend on for electoral relevance on the other.
When they collapse, Democrats will face challengers from the left while they triangulate towards former Republican voters.
Well they already have the intelligence of fish, so why not behave like them too? Fanatics of all stripes have a proven track record of eating their own for the slightest infraction of the hive mind's will. They're a cult; if their insane Messiah told them to kill and eat their own children, I absolutely would not be surprised if some literally did exactly that.
Calling somebody a member of any “other” group is an insult in that world. And sometimes just empathizing with that out-group is enough to get you lumped in with them.
If Trump wins, I was honestly scared of shenanigans like putting Rittenhouse on the supreme Court or something equally delusional. I hate the kid with a passion and he represents a huge part of what I hate about the right. Seeing him get away with murder was a real gut punch, I'm happy to see him bite the hand that feeds so to speak.
Who are these brain dead weirdo losers sitting around online drawing arrows on someone's minor man boobage?
Honestly this headline and comments alone make me feel so out of touch. Like I'll go online. And yeah I'll call someone a dumbass if they're saying dumbass things. And yeah it's not that civil I suppose, but what are these weird ass people doing?
Why can't they sit at home and play an MMO all day and not bother anyone? Why can't they watch daytime TV all day? No. They spend their time completely absorbed in the business and private affairs of strangers and they think it has anything to do with policy or politics. These people could be dismissed as unserious lunatics if the shit they were spouting and things they were doing weren't so dangerous and violent.
It's so disrespectful, if someone implied I'd taken estrogen instead of the years I spent carefully crafting my man boobage through sloth and gluttony I'd be speechless
Years ago, there was no internet. Each village had its idiot, everyone knew who it was and to ignore their jabberings.
Then the internet arrived. Eventually the village idiots learned how to use it and they started to seek out idiots from other villages to talk about the things that concern them most.
Eventually some very bad people realized that, while scamming and grifting a lone village idiot like in the old days was a waste of time, now they had a captive audience of millions.
People can do all those things, then if they are less than 30 with moobs they should be looking down the barrel of a lifestyle change. Or, whatever, grow some man tits. If you get question marks it's on you for not taking care of yourself.
No. His MURDER of a person was in a public place, he didn't have a carry permit, was not the owner of the firearm used because he was too young to be a registered owner, and he transferred said weapon across state lines.
So, No...what he did was not legal. He just got off because of the jury. Big fucking difference, asshole.
He got off because of an overly ambitious prosecution. Had he been charged appropriately, with second degree non premeditated, he would have been found guilty.
He was only charged with first degree premeditated, and because the prosecution had no way to prove that this idiot kid intended to kill when he traveled to the area, the jury had no choice but to find him not guilty.
Another person posted an image calling Rittenhouse a “Biological female” and listed the traits that they believed showed that Rittenhouse is a trans man.
I know it’s bullshit, but I kinda want to see that list.
So I don't want to be mean, I have no idea who that is, but what the hell is with the painted-on eyebrows? Seriously, go back and look at the thumbnail. You see it now. What is that? What thought process occurred where "yeah, this is what I want" was the conclusion?
How is that a bad headline? It doesn’t say all conservatives; there’s no reason to assume all conservatives. “Olympians protest their accommodations” as a headline doesn’t imply every single Olympian protested.
Making a small joke at the implication. Guess I made a joke with the wrong team involved.
.just another headline driving division, I guess most people get off on that stuff these days.