Another Darknet Diaries fan here. Very approachable, centered around cyber security and privacy. It's the only one I am currently listening to, but I am going to check out some of the others from this thread.
The one I listen the most and for the longest is No such thing as a fish.
Other that that, Better Offline, Darknet diaries, Money Stuff, Search engine, a local politics one that I disagree with but I use to be aware of what my local conservative pseudo fascists are arguing about.
And not so regularly many others whenever there's an interesting episode.
🤣 What a joke !!!
They seem to promote self-hosted philosophy, but actually they use for their own podcast the full GAFAM suite XD XD
Thanks @Mallory
Cautionary Tales is stressful but fun. The host has a great style and podcast voice.
LeVar Burton Reads is often great. If you like LeVar and have kids in your life, they may like Sound Detectives! , wherein a detective and a 4 foot tall ear named Audie investigate missing sounds.
I also listen to Lore, Myths and Legends and Fictional as bedtime stories.
I would add "Nothing Much Happens" to this list. The podcaster writes these short stories and tells them in a soothing voice with the goal of helping you fall asleep.
Currently Dan Carlin's Hardcore History. Love it because he's good at the storytelling and there aren't a lot of sponsored segments like other popular shows.
I've tried Linux Unplugged and I'm quite shock ! for the Episode I've listen too ( 16 juin 2024 : So_Long_sudo )
It start early at 1:50, with a country music that prays systemd 🤔
Then at 2:06 Advertise for a company that sell SaaSS ! So quite the opposite of the GNU/Linux Philosophy !!!!!!
at 4:55 The host that say "Can you imagine life without systemd" WTF ! (That he use it personally, why not. He does what he want on his machines, but to promote it !! WTF )\
Behind the Bastards, Linux Lads, Linux Late Night, The Infinite Monkey Cage (when they do episodes), some spanish stuff for listening practice (mostly Hoy Hablamos), Hack-a-Day, Self-Hosted, and Cory Doctorow...
Have you found Spanish Obsessed? It's a Colombian/English couple who just have conversations in Spanish about random topics at an intermediate level.
They have several podcasts, so make sure to find the intermediate level for the conversations. Their beginner level has much more spoken English and basic Spanish vocab, which I'm not as into.
The Rest is History - two historians, Tom Holland and Dominic Sandbrook go deep on interesting topics from history.
Never Post - a podcast described as “about and for the internet” and in some sense the spiritual successor to Hello Internet but also reminding me of classic Radiolab. Worth checking out.
The only podcast I listen to is the only podcast that has ever existed and it’s called ‘All Fantasy Everything.’ Everything else other users have posted is actually All Fantasy Everything in disguise behind a Joker mask hiding deep in the jungles of Bolivia. Pretty twisted.
SciShow tangents (a lightly competitive science show)
Ologies (interviewing experts from different fields/ologies)
Fake Doctors, Real Friends (Scrubs actors rewatching scrubs, my favorite show when i was younger. Plus great behind the scenes of film making)
The Imp & Skizz show (just two gamers i love to watch, talking about creative stuff. Probably not as enjoyable for anyone who doesn't watch them already though. Still love them and would love to see then succeed more!)
Political: Chapo Traphouse, TrueAnon, Know Your Enemy
Semi-political and humor: QAA, Spycops
Humor: Boonta Vista, Your Favorite Band Sucks
Education: Stuff the British Stole, What Roman Mars Can Learn About ConLaw, Noble Blood
Tech: Dithering, Grumpy Old Geeks, Accidental Tech Podcast, Under the Radar, Darknet Diaries, The Talk Show
Events: Alphabet Boys, Long Shadow, In the Dark, Serial
Etc: Better Offline, Behind the Bastards, Dutch New Podcast, Strong Songs, 99% Invisible, Last Podcast on the Left, Friendly Atheist, Song Exploder, What Went Wrong
I don't listen to every episode of every show, but some shows I never miss. A lot of this came from being single during the pan and having a ton of alone time to fill while walking my area. Things fell off when we got back to normal and again when I got together with my partner. Luckily, my latest job has a lot of downtime so I'm able to listen to more again.
Came here to see if anyone else was plugging the other CZM podcasts. I've expanded out to Cool People (I especially like the anarchist book club stories) and It Could Happen Here.
I wouldn't call myself an anarchist by any means, but I like how they get to both the root causes of issues and also give some ideas on things we can do to make some of these situations better. That last part is what I feel is missing from just about every other show about current events.
Current favorites:
99% invisible
Articles of Interest (on hiatus)
Serial (takes long breaks)
Revisionist History
Cautionary Tales
Behind the Bastards
The Economics of Everyday Things
The Past and the Curious (for the kids)
Podcasts I don't listen to you much anymore, though they have some good episodes:
Deep Cover
This American Life
The Moth
Odd Lots
Animal Spirits Podcast
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
The NoSleep Podcast
The Nightowl Podcast
Weird Darkness
Kinda Funny Games Daily
Kinda Funny Gamescast
Dungeons and Daddys
Remember the game?
The Last Podcast on the Left
Smosh Reads Reddit Stories
This Paranormal Life
Mainly listen to Australian podcast cause am one and find them more relatable. Listen to others as well but most the others already been mentioned. All are comedy. Faves are:
The Daily Zeitgeist - a daily rundown of the news and pop culture
Behind the Bastards
16th Minute (of Fame) - reviewing internet main characters and adding context to what is generally known about them
Factually - Adam Conover interviews experts
The Dollop - two comedians tell stories from history
Bad Hasbara - two anti-Zionist Jews discuss Israeli propaganda, usually with a guest
Pod Yourself [x] - episode by episode recap of tv shows. First the Sopranos (pod yourself a gun) then The Wire (pod yourself the wire) and upcoming is Mad Men.
Search Engine
Some More News - news deep dives and weekly current events.
Do radio shows count? I don't know that anyone has mentioned A Way With Words, in which the hosts answer questions from callers on any and all language questions.
Ever since Michael Bazzle of Privacy, Security & OSINT stopped doing the podcasts, I'm still trying to find a replacement. Am listening to The Lockdown - Practical Privacy and Security in the mean time.