Suggesting that a war should be waged against the democratically-elected government of the United States seems... Well, it seems kinda treason-y to me. Just a smidge.
No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof
It's all fun and games until someone shoots an ear and a semi-innocent bystander whose wife refuses condolences from the President due to undying (debatable) loyalty to a demagogue
To the point where nobody discussed at all that immunity for the President doesn't apply if they don't have a complicit Congress. We just take it as a given that no President will be impeached and removed for their actions, because no matter how unhinged Trump acts, Congress kowtows to him.
Civil war. Or submit to "Project 2025"-level insanity and Christian fascism. Those are the choices the cult gives us. They really are the American Taliban. Can't wait to see their "chosen one" lose again.
Biden should give an executive order to lock this guy up for treason.
When people complain about that, point to the SCOTUS decision that the president can do whatever the fuck he wants without legal repercussions.
If any of the people who complain even vaguely hint at violence in reaction to this, give an order to lock them up for treason, too.
Keep this cycle going until the last grunt has understood that this type of behavior will not stand.
Once all the people willing to call for violence are locked up, use the same reasoning to disband the current SCOTUS and replace it with something that is not an embarrassment for a modern democracy, with a strong recommendation to immediately renounce the ruling that made all of that legal.
By the time the dust has settled Biden will be too old to be persecuted for any of that anyway.
I know none of this will happen, writing it out just as a happy little fantasy.
The problem (… a problem …) with this happy little fantasy is that Biden is old and timid and won’t rock the boat. We need forceful reaction and he’s just staying placidly in his lane.
Enough is enough. Shit like this is putting us on a path for another insurrection.
Here is a sample letter to provide George Lang, especially if you are an OH resident.George Lang contact form
subject: "Call for Resignation Due to Undemocratic Remarks"
Dear Senator Lang,
I am writing to express my profound disappointment and concern regarding your recent comments about the potential need for a civil war if certain political outcomes are not achieved. Your statement, “I’m afraid if we lose this one, it’s going to take a civil war to save the country, and it will be saved,” is not only deeply irresponsible but also fundamentally undemocratic. Such rhetoric is dangerous and unbecoming of a public servant in a democratic society.
As a concerned citizen, I am compelled to voice my strong objection to your words. They undermine the very principles upon which our nation was founded: the peaceful transition of power and the rule of law. Democracy thrives on debate, disagreement, and ultimately, the will of the people as expressed through free and fair elections. The suggestion that violence is an acceptable response to losing an election is antithetical to these principles.
An apology for this grave error is simply not sufficient. The damage caused by promoting the idea of civil unrest as a solution to political disagreement cannot be undone with mere words of regret. Your statement has the potential to incite division and violence, putting our nation and its citizens at risk.
In light of the seriousness of your comments, I call on you to resign from your position as a United States Senator. The responsibilities of your office require a commitment to uphold democratic values and to lead with integrity. Your recent remarks have shown a disregard for these responsibilities, and as such, stepping down is the most honorable course of action you can take for the sake of our country's stability and unity.
The United States faces numerous challenges that require thoughtful, collaborative solutions. It is imperative that our leaders prioritize dialogue and cooperation over divisive and inflammatory rhetoric. I urge you to consider the impact of your words and to take responsibility for them by resigning your seat.
Subject: "Urgent: Call to Denounce Undemocratic Rhetoric and Advocate for Resignation"
Dear Senator [Senator's Name],
I am writing to express my profound disappointment and concern regarding recent comments made by Senator George Lang about the potential need for a civil war if certain political outcomes are not achieved. His statement, “I’m afraid if we lose this one, it’s going to take a civil war to save the country, and it will be saved,” is not only deeply irresponsible but also fundamentally undemocratic. Such rhetoric is dangerous and unbecoming of a public servant in a democratic society.
As your constituent, I am compelled to voice my strong objection to such words. They undermine the very principles upon which our nation was founded: the peaceful transition of power and the rule of law. Democracy thrives on debate, disagreement, and ultimately, the will of the people as expressed through free and fair elections. The suggestion that violence is an acceptable response to losing an election is antithetical to these principles.
An apology for this grave error is simply not sufficient. The damage caused by promoting the idea of civil unrest as a solution to political disagreement cannot be undone with mere words of regret. His statement has the potential to incite division and violence, putting our nation and its citizens at risk.
In light of the seriousness of these comments, I call on you to take a stand against such rhetoric. I urge you to publicly denounce these remarks and advocate for Senator Lang's resignation from his position. The responsibilities of a United States Senator require a commitment to uphold democratic values and to lead with integrity. His recent remarks have shown a disregard for these responsibilities, and as such, stepping down is the most honorable course of action he can take for the sake of our country's stability and unity.
The United States faces numerous challenges that require thoughtful, collaborative solutions. It is imperative that our leaders prioritize dialogue and cooperation over divisive and inflammatory rhetoric. I urge you to consider the impact of these words and to take a firm stand for democracy.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your response and to seeing our representatives uphold the values that make our country strong.
[Your Name]
Make sure to send to both senators, regardless of their party.
Guys, if you gonna do this civil war thing again, this time finish the job and make sure that those southern traitors never fuck with your country again. It's bad for my blood pressure seeing how those nazi fucks believe they have a right to exist.
What should have happened after the first civil war, occupation of their lands and dismantling of their elected officials. No one who supported the traitors would ever be allowed in government again.
For the original civil war there was actual geographic separation. Now they can only win through gerrymandering so I’m not sure how they envision the logistics of such a war playing out. Seems more like you would have to resort to what most people would call domestic terrorism.
Bring it on, you obese, illiterate cockroaches. I want to see your oversized, maga-smeared pickup trucks rolling coal on eachother in a traffic jam for two weeks while you all complain about how Arby's won't let you use the shitter unless you buy something. You can use your airsoft holsters to hold your 84 ounce fountain drinks and twinkies.
What a bunch of fake little pussy removed. Even the tough-guy, meat-head gym-rat conservatives will be surprised to find so many on the left are well trained and champing at the bit to solve this problem.
Please let them do something. Please, Santa? We've been good all year!
Republicans think saying "We need to stop Trump" is inciting political violence, but think this guy saying shit like this is A-Ok.
Reminder to all the MAGA morons out there: Trump's coup only got as far as it did in 2021 because he was in charge and did nothing to stop it. If Biden is the one in control of handing over the reins, you can bet your ass he'll curbstomp insurrectionists. You'd be better off staying home for this "civil war" wet dream.
The most amazing thing about J6 is that they were all allowed to just go home.
I still think the NG and DC Police should have surrounded the building and said "you have 5 minutes to come out and lay down, then we're going to come in and take you out."
And then no one leaves until they are ID'd. None of this "4 years of trying to find these fucks."
you're letting the pigs off the hook, do you think Biden or Trump would have had to say anything if the protestors were BLM protestors storming the capitol?
Ok then, let's organize it in a proper and civil manner, though. Everyone that wants to advocate for a civil war gets brought to the Gettysburg field in PA and they can have a "publicly" sanctioned battle to the death.
The winners get a commemorative plate, the losers get a very large memorial center with statues built in their honor in Huntsville, Alabama.
The reality is the rhetoric at hand leads only to civil war or a coup if it continues. The fascists are no longer pretending to respect elections, they have multiple oligarchs funding their delusions, and they're armed and violent.
It might not be this year, but it could be. Or the next.
They've done plenty, just look at all the "right-wing lone-wolfs" that have killed so many Americans in the last four years. We're already at war with these assholes, they just want it to keep escalating.
Pretty sure they already have a file on a guy like this from the moment he ran for office. The issue is what to do with it and it depends on who is in charge
Since these are people who may very well end up writing the laws that the FBI and Homeland Security have to uphold, all they can do is sit nervously and wait and see what happens.
Meanwhile, the people who hear these calls to action and get it and understand what it means and take it as marching orders, they DO in fact get busted by authorities all the damn time, it's just that there are so, so many crazy fucking right-wing morons out there with more guns than brain cells and they just increase in number and decrease in intelligence every day.
The fact that he said this in a recorded public setting would preclude this asshole from ever obtaining a security clearance but yet here we are that this chucklefuck is a Senator.
Absolutely, bring it. These LARPer pussies need to learn a lesson, one they're not getting from video games, firearm manufacturers, and their imbecile Discord blabberings. So funny to think that THEY think that everyone but them is quaking in fear of their 'civil war' talk and vague threats of violence. Nobody's afraid of them at all, nobody respects them at all, and that's not going to change, period.
Everyone that encourages war never saw it. The best course with young pumped up idiots is to encourage them to find an iraq or afghan war vet to tell them “how cool war was.”
I've said it before, underestimate these people at your own risk. You see the fat losers because people post funny pics. You don't see what I've seen.
The only reason they're not a threat today is that no one voice has called them together, organized. If Trump wins you'll see that organization bubble up over time.
Let's go! Sheriffs & gun owners vs. military & Secret Service
(The Supreme Court ruled that the president, which will still be Biden by November, can legally use the military for any official act. As long as the FBI has at least one undercover QAnon account, they can plan ahead the response to any MAGA operation.)
Gun owner and ex-Army here...I have no plans to stand with maga against my country. However, I do look like the guy maga thinks they look like. So, if we need infiltrators, I'll put my name in the hat. Many would.
On the flip side, I just got a chuckle out of picturing a maga trying the same thing. "Hey my fellow Theys, let's eat some avocados and talk about how great the gaygender troops are doing. Has anyone heard from antifa headquarters?"
"If we can't win legitimately, we'll just have to take control through violence" is the mantra of those who know they are about to get beaten down in a fair election.
In the event there is one, I expect nothing less than Senator George Lang to be right there on the front lines leading the charge.
Last Civil war took 2% of the entire US population with it. And that was during muskets and cannons. So I'm pretty sure Senator George Lang wouldn't mind being one of the 7 million people (if we're that lucky to keep that number that low) that a second Civil War would inevitably kill.
All these blow hards cry war, but would start running with shit in their pants when the shelling starts. And looking at the turkey Senator George Lang is, I doubt man could run more than ten feet before being winded. A better title would be "Poster child for heart disease coward wouldn't mind if a lot of other people killed each other so he could feel better about being unable to see his cornichon sized penis."
Fuck this cunt and any other like him that call for war and clearly have zero intent or ability to actually fight in one. If you aren't wanting peace in your own country, you should see your dumb ass out.
Away down south in the land of traitors,
rattle snakes and alligators,
right away! (right away!)
come away! (come away!)
right away! (right away!)
come away (come away)
Just wait for his Losartin and Lipitor to run out as society crumbles. Then fuckers like this would just keel over in this civil war they fantasize over.
i've said it before, but: there will be no civil war. it will be the US military vs whomever they obliterate. if these fat clownshoes cowards think the military ("suckers and losers") is going to side with the party that risked national security and held up all their promotions over fucking abortions--then good luck i guess
It'll be another January 6th where goons get thrown into federal prison for a few years, and their fellow Republicans oscillate between calling them traitors and victims.
But Lang's comments came after numerous polls have shown sizable portions of Americans, particularly Republican voters, sympathizing with the state lawmaker's message.
The funny thing about civil war is that you only need one side to believe in it at first.
My sister married into a Republican asshole family. I've met these assholes and actually they are not bad people. Only one of them is actually a total cunt. So should we like wrestle each other harshly or like really go for the jugular with a broken beer bottle?
Does this senator have some recommendations for gout? A couple of them have gout. I want to make sure they have a fair chance.
It will probably go something like this.... sister in law, so this one senator said we should have civil war because of Trump. Yeah that removed rapist felon, that one. You do? And is it that really good pie? Okay, well let's have some pie and talk about it? And how are my sisters kid's doing?....
Yeah total war over here. I think maybe I'll organize my family to kick that senator asshole out?
Because every Republican is exactly like your sister. There are plenty of fascists that would excitedly shoot you and your sister for not being devout enough. Get your head out your ass.
The point here is that Republicans are people like you and I. "Crazy Republicans" those are few and far between. I would otherwise believe it when I see them over a hill guns blazing.
One very important aspect of this situation is that they got Trump in office last time because they rigged the electoral college on their favor. However if you compared their population size to the Democratic population size, there are a good ten fold more Democrats than Republicans. So if you wanted a civil war in the style of Hulk vs Superman, the republicans would be represented by a crying baby 🍼.
Lemmy users decry this while almost constantly demonizing all right-wingers as soulless racist misogynists. Anytime I suggest that right wingers might be more complex than a caricature of a 1960s villain, it goes over like a lead balloon.
The rhetoric is exactly as divisive on both sides and leads directly to politicians feeling comfortable calling for a civil war. It all feeds into the frenzy.