In ‘mirror world’, Trump is martyr and Biden is autocrat, as calls for violence erupt on internet after ex-president’s conviction
The posts are ominous.
“Pick a side, or YOU are next,” wrote conservative talkshow host Dan Bongino on the Truth Social media platform in the aftermath of Donald Trump’s 34 felony convictions.
The replies were even more so.
“Dan, seriously now,” one user wrote in response to Bongino. “I see no way out of all this mess without bloodshed. When you can rig an election, then weaponize the government and the courts against a former President, what other alternative is there? I’m almost 70 and would rather die than live in tyranny.”
That’s a common version of how many people on the US right reacted to the ex-president’s verdict, drawing on a “mirror world” where Trump is seen as the selfless martyr to powerful state forces and Joe Biden is the dangerous autocrat wielding the justice system as his own personal plaything and a threat to US democracy.
Calls for revenge, retribution and violence littered the rightwing internet as soon as Trump’s guilty verdict came down, all predicated on the idea that the trial had been a sham designed to interfere with the 2024 election. Some posted online explicitly saying it was time for hangings, executions and civil wars.
The human race is so dumb. We could be building spaceships and exploring the stars and the depths of the oceans. Instead we are being manipulated by propaganda to fight with each other while nefarious forces wrestle for power. This timeline sucks….
It sent me into a deep depression when everything revealed all at once how dire things really are. We had a lethal pandemic that killed MILLIONS of people become disputed, a meme and political slogan. We had a third of our people elect a literal stereotype of a con-man and try to overthrow the US Government to keep him in power, we've seen the return of nazis and sleazy pickup artists, we have people eating dangerous chemicals for social media attention, people deciding rules are no longer applicable to them, and it seems like anyone who babbles nonsense in a confident tone will gain a rabid cult following, while outside the world is literally starting to burn around us while people deny the very shape of our Earth.
And on top of all this, while people are struggling to find a path to truth and get through this, with any shred of belief in our potential and capability to rise above our worst natures, we now have a machine that can fool anyone into believing anything and it's only getting more powerful, and it's in the hands out-of-touch billionaires and mega-corporations and being distributed out to anyone who wants to use it for a small price.
Let's start with housing? I'm all for exploration, but we don't need 3 or 4 billionaires wasting resources, and innovation with non-compete contracts, when one central agency would be more efficient, freeing up resources to fix the logistics of feeding everyone, and housing everyone.
Nonsense. They aren't mobilizing. Loud pundits are telling them to mobilize.
Where are they gathering? They weren't even outside Trump's trial in any sizable numbers.
This is some fearmongering bullshit based on stupid nonsense people like fucking Dan Bongino of all people on said on fucking Truth Social. Even most of MAGA world isn't on Truth Social.
i mean, they already mobilized and attacked once. January 6 was not a spur of the moment thing. if you watched the hearings for it you'd know that the fbi knew about j6 for months and warned everyone they could.
presumably there's much the same kind of planning happening right now.
That entire "revolution" was halted by a single gunshot. Hopefully they don't injure innocent bystanders when they check again if they're brave enough for terrorism.
Tucker Carlson, the rightwing media heavyweight, waxed apocalyptic: “Import the third world, become the third world. That’s what we just saw. This won’t stop Trump. He’ll win the election if he’s not killed first. But it does mark the end of the fairest justice system in the world. Anyone who defends this verdict is a danger to you and your family.”
Seriously wtf. These people are trying to get people killed.
I'm not really sure it should be up to 70 year olds whether we have a civil war. It's the young people that will have to live in it's wake, should it happen.
I mean - its the press amplifying the opinion of some irrelevant old geezer who's just calling others to violence. I wouldn't really concern yourself too much with these idiots.
FWIW, I know 70some and 80some year olds that can still think critically and know what doom is on the horizon if Orange Satan's Rectum wins. Intelligence, as well as stupidity, transcend how many years one has rode around the yellow fusion ball.
Their ability to think isn't what I'm really talking about. No matter what, an 80 year old is writing checks someone else has to cash. Maybe we do need to have a big fuck off war to end these fascist fucks once and for all, but that's not an 80 year old's decision, you know?
Is there any valid evidence of this radicalization? Anecdotally, I've been in the Global War of Terrorism social circles, and they seem to be pretty even with their political distribution, maybe a little more right leaning, but I think that's due more to lack of higher education than military experience. What I think happens is that the right likes to make logical fallacy appeals, so they exploit radical veterans by giving them a louder voice.
It reminds me of a scene from The Big Lebowski.
Walter Sobchak: Those rich fucks! This whole fucking thing... I did not watch my buddies die face down in the muck so that this fucking strumpet...
The Dude: I don't see any connection to Vietnam, Walter.
Walter Sobchak: Well, there isn't a literal connection, Dude.
The Dude: Walter, face it, there isn't any connection.
Rather than be a rational level-headed support like The Dude, the right exacerbates their struggles to exploit them.
"When you can rig an election, then weaponize the government and the courts against a former President, what other alternative is there? I’m almost 70 and would rather die than live in tyranny."
I hope the country does reconstruction properly after Civil War II instead of coddling traitors and letting them put roughshod Confederate statues in town squares.
They didn't put up the statues. Most of them specifically said to never make statues of them, such as both Jefferson Davis and Robert E. Lee. Woodrow Wilson wrote a good portion of "Southern Revisionist History," using his Yale History Credentials, and ordered the erection of almost all those statues during his presidency.
Class civil war being instigated by wealthy oligarchs who don’t really care how it happens, but they’re intent on bringing about a coup one way or another. So they amp up the chaos and division and will look to take advantage of it. Right-wingers are being fed a bunch of bullshit and they’re trying to deify Trump, one of the worst examples of a human being in history, and getting pushed to violence to protect a living piece of excrement.
The Justice Dept really needed to come down harder on Trump and everyone else involved in Jan. 6. They showed their cards then and what they’ve been planning all along, we shouldn’t gave given them a second chance.
And their profit base. They want right wingers in control because they tax them less, but they don't want a religious dark era either. They want to sell lots of shit to lots of people preferably on credit.
The wealthy instigate the entire culture war and manufacture the propaganda behind it. The wealthy even plan to leave the country for us to kill each other.
I think you underestimate the number of military personnel that support Trump. The lack of military or police support as our Congress was invaded was no accident.
Well, the commander in chief at the time was involved in the conspiracy to commit treason. They definitely delayed the military response themselves. I don't think the President Biden will want such a delayed response this time.
It’s probably regional. In Tennessee, within an infantry unit, you might see some support but not total. In suburban areas only a few supporters. Regardless, they risk losing their pay if they turn traitorous which means it won’t happen.
i would think that being in the military would give people even better insight into exactly what someone would have to overcome if they're fucking dumb enough to decide to go rogue. 'overcome' as in the entire rest of the us military. unless you're getting a significant number of high ranking officers on board, you're basically going nowhere
the thing that makes guerilla warfare hard to fight is not knowing who the actual combatants are. if you're in the military, i'm guessing the government knows more about you than you know about yourself
No one is mobilizing shit, people are still fed and clothed, housed and have jobs and still have their entertainment...these loudmouths aren't going to do shit. They just talk a lot but at the end of the day, they're not going to start shit.
It's exactly the same as all of us going "hurdur guillotine time."
We vent about it, but no one is actually going to get violent.
Imagine though? "Global history classes 2040: America had 2 civil wars. One was over literally owning human beings and the other was over an orange man who could never have enough attention. America is a silly place that you should never go to, just laugh at from afar."
Well, it'd be more like "the 2nd was a proxy conflict over a figurehead after news networks were coopted by conservative billionaires and used for 30+ years to sow seeds of stochastic terrorism after laws regarding lying on TV were eliminated."
They kinda are, though. Some mobilized on Jan 6. Some have been going out and showing open displays of nazi hate, complete with sieg heil salutes. Some have been threatening drag queen story hour at the libraries by standing outside with guns strapped to their backs and hips (because we all know that libraries are the most dangerous place for these guys -- too many facts in books i guess). Some are open-carrying at polling places during voting.
Some are shooting up Planned Parenthoods. Some are setting pride centers on fire. Some are going after non-christian places of worship.
It's all happened.
But when they do this stuff -- when they show us who they are and try to intimidate us and terrorize us, believe them. They are dangerous.
Small tiny groups doing shit like that is not going to start a civil war though. Yeah it's fucked up they're doing that shit but they're not going to be creating a rebellion.
Yep, they're going to talk a bunch of shit online, they're not going to get off the keyboard and move to a central location in mass to create a rebellion and start a civil war.
The jackass down the street "mobilized" in 2020 to harass poll sites. He was rolling coal all over town, among other things. I'll let y'all know if he's fool enough to start up again, right after the fbi.
The Republican crowd has done more in recent memory to mobilize than anyone leaning center-left has. We're the ones that talk a lot and do little. The Right is dangerous, stop giving them a pass by presuming they won't do anything.
You guys don't understand, this time they're double-super-mega-serious, not like all the other times these overly fearful ammosexuals talked a good game from behind their screens but completely failed to follow up in the real world.
Weird thing about this group of fascists is they're particularly old. Most previous fascist revolutions have been from younger(ish) people, like 25-50, as opposed to the literally geriatric Trump supporters. Unless the fascists figure out how to capture the youth, this is just reactionaries getting loud before they finally die off.
aint the police a big part of these movements in most places though? i dont think theyd need most of the population when they have a big group of angered individuals armed to the teeth.
hell, corporations and even the state funds fascists over here. i think we are in a very similar position to 100 years ago and things got pretty ugly then.
Trump was mentored by Roy Cohn. Cohn was Joe McCarthy's right hand man, and boasted of sending Ethel rosenberg to the gas chamber. He was known as one of the most vicious lawyers in New York.
Cohn's motto was "I bring out the worst in people, and that's how I destroy them."
I disagree. During the middle of one of his rambling, windbag rants at his largest nazi rally, he needs to have a Grand Mal seizure where he visibly pisses and shits himself, immediately followed by a near-fatal stroke that leaves him as a drooling vegetable on life support. May he be fully conscious while completely incapacitated and unable to speak as a team of brown-skinned, LGBTQ+-and-proud-of-it nurses take turns being forgetful about emptying his colostomy bag while an AI bot scours the internet reading aloud every legit criticism of his entire pathetic life until, after enduring many, many years of this treatment, an obsessed fan finally works his way onto the night janitorial staff so he can get in the room alone with The Donald and live out his fantasy of making a human-centipede-like union by engaging in a "perfect" 69, causing DJT to die while asphyxiating on crazy janitor cock which, in turn, causes the janitor to choke himself to death on Don's pathetic dick resulting in the final act of indignity as the janitor releases his bowels directly onto Trump's face just before he finally loses consciousness.
May the last thing Trump ever sees, as he chokes to death on smelly cock, be an extreme closeup of the hairy, unwashed ass of a MAGA lunatic as it pisses down Don's throat and reenacts "2 Girls, One Cup" directly into his eyes.
Everybody dies. Many painfully, deserved or not (though pancreatic is really bad). Trump needs to see the inside of a jail cell. Thats the only way back from what he has done. His death won't solve anything.
One thing to note is that Republicans have been talking like this for years. Minion Death Cult (tagline "The World Is Ending. Your Uncle’s Facebook Feed Is Responsible. We’re Documenting it.") have coined "Minion's Law", which is that right-wing comments on a news story will have at least one person calling for civil war.
Does this mean we are at zero risk for a second civil war? Of course not. But finding people online calling for civil war isn't sufficient cause to be worried; there needs to be at least some evidence of mobilization, as there was leading up to January 6th (for instance).
Well obviously presidential felony convictions aren't. But election fraud? Sure, republicans have been claiming that to some degree or other for a long time. See for example the false claims that Trump would have won the popular vote if it weren't for undocumented immigrants voting en masse.
In any case, the specific claim I was making was that calls for civil war on social media are routine. Maybe they're more serious this time! But maybe look for concrete plans rather than vague threats.
I think if you're trying to estimate the odds of an impending civil war, you'll do a much better job if you take into account how widespread calls for it are, rather than simply noting that there are always a few calls for civil war.
“Dan, seriously now,” one user wrote in response to Bongino. “I see no way out of all this mess without bloodshed. When you can rig an election, then weaponize the government and the courts against a former President, what other alternative is there? I’m almost 70 and would rather die than live in tyranny.”
I remember watching movies as a kid where the children were these clever little heroes and the adults were morons or bad guys they had to deal with. It’s fun for kids to see the tables turned and watch the children in the movie save the day or outsmart the dumb adult.
I got a very strong vibe like that (but worse) while reading this story. These people are caught up in a fantasy they’ve been sold where they have to save everything they love from evil. They seem to live in a fantasy movie world where if you feel like the righteous underdog, and other “good” people tell you the same thing, then surely you are the hero! You can’t listen to evidence and reason from outsiders, they’re just trying to trick you!
Honestly, I'm inclined to agree. I also don't see a way out without bloodshed. Not because I want Republicans to die or think that Democrats are so great that I am ready to die for them, but rather because we have split so far ideologically that I cannot see us ever being united again and we seemingly don't have any method available for a peaceful divorce.
My personal plan is to leave the country permanently as soon as I retire, but that is 15 years away. I can only hope that things stay somewhat together until then and I will use my vote to try to help it do so.
Well, I don't like hot and humid, so most Asian countries are probably out. Most likely some where in Europe. Depends on the current state of affairs at the time.
Well, historically, civil wars seem to end in one of two ways, either the victor subjugating the loser or the country splitting apart. So I would wager the outcome to be one of those.
Getting a bit concerned about my allergies. My father's mother had to go on some pretty strong allergy meds when she got older. I hope this isn't what happens to me. Should probably talk to my doctor at my next checkup.
Nobody accepts that they're going to win, because Biden's institutional-inertia & assumed-entitlement aren't sufficient to win.
Also, the economic house-of-cards that both China & the US are trying to keep from collapsing must go down, sooner or later, & if it goes down before the US election, then the incumbent's hosed.
( that is true no matter who the incumbent is, and I believe it always has been true: that it's a general rule of elections: economic-collapse automatically rips the rug out from the incumbent )
Nobody understands that they need to do the ideological psyching-up, in order to "justify" all the butchery, all the "getting even" their side's committed to enforcing, so that they will later be able to maintain they weren't responsible..
( it makes me wonder if there was similar unconscious-understanding, & similar setting-up-non-responsibility, among other violent political, or religious, movements' people )
A dozen years from now, I'm going to be very surprised if more than 150 million are left alive in the US of A, after Civil War Part2 is finished.
There are currently around 400 million, iirc.
I'm expecting 2/3rds extinguished in the coming maelstrom, & its consequences.
And that is just within the US.
Trump's commitment to gut NATO & back Putin..
the butchery of the US of A will be only the beginning, obviously.
But for ideology-addiction, rampaging's "The Answer", isn't it?