““If we jail Trump, get rid of Maga, end the electoral college, ban voter ID, censor free speech, we’ll save democracy,” says one meme in a QAnon channel on Telegram that depicts Biden in a Nazi uniform with a Hitler mustache”
Apparently they at least understand their opponent’s view .
The other 30% are criminally stupid Americans who either want fascism or are too dumb to see how their actions promote the end goals that they pretend to fight against.
I've seen more than a few with post histories that legitimately make them look like they oppose fascism, but GeNoCiDe JoE makes them help the other team light a fire in the engine of the fascism train.
I put this on another post from another account, but I found it, and I’m going to paste it here:
Do it! DO IT!! Shut up talking about it, and let’s get the civil war started!! Because I suspect it will be over before supper time.
In reality all they’re going to do is talk about it, because they’re small weak little people. Look at the big bad Proud Boys. When faced with the consequences of jail, they cried like little girls and begged the judges to take pity on them. Only one defiantly yelled “TRUMP WON” on his way out is the courtroom, but that was even after he cried and groveled.
People love looking at the first civil war in conversations like this, but the next civil war is going to be nothing like it. For a likely comparison, you'd have to look at the Spanish Civil War and The Troubles in Ireland.
Americans have no fucking clue what they're asking for.
Might be a good time to arm up(unless you're mentally ill in a way that will make you hurt yourself or make you hurt others before any actual conflict has begun). Just in case of course.
Edit/Addendum: If you have kids, please get a gun case and please educate them about proper gun safety and how to properly check if there's any ammunition in chamber, etc. In fact, might as well take a gun safety course yourself.
They're not wrong that democracy's under threat. But maybe the threat's from the guy who has literally said he's going to murder political opponents - y'know, the guy they support.
Agreed. I don't fear the thicc morons assembling on a large enough scale or being organized enough. These are Walmart shoppers who vacation in Florida every year for the most part, they're not going to be committed, adaptive, intelligent, resilient. They're not loyal enough to any one cause by nature, most are just vocal karen types over a bunch of superficial bs.
Will/can some of them be a problem? For sure, but... Yeah
I fear that those who favor the rule of law and maintaining peaceful order are even more complacent than the Q-tards. So if they have a sizeable portion of the cops on their side....
The Guardian is a UK source and isn't the best at US news. They don't quite understand US voters, so read the facts but ignore their opinions and analysis.
UK readers: Trump voters are like your drunk uncle down the pub who's always shouting at footy on the telly. They're going to talk big, but it's doubtful they'll ever actually get off their arse and do anything they claim.
The US died under Reagan as anything but a capitalist exploitation farm.
Right-wing peasant ignoramuses are darkly hilariously concerned about preserving the structure of their owner's money printer and their own subsistence.
So when are all you "enlightened centrists" going to finally admit that radicalizing fascist rhetoric is not protected free speech? When are you going to admit that broadcasting blatant lies for political gain is in fact enemy combatant and insurgent behavior and that those rhetoric mills- created by the 1996 Telecommunications Act- must be shut down with extreme prejudice?
Probably never. Not because I necessarily disagree with you in spirit. This speech is damaging and without redeeming value. My only problem is that the process of deciding what speech is and isn’t permissible is more dangerous than this speech.
We are under threat, by the domestic terrorists known more commonly as the Republican party. Maybe they could attack themselves and save America and democracy.
Under threat of what? The wrong people being in charge? The wrong people are ALWAYS in charge. The labels and speeches mean nothing. The fact of the matter is that power seekers end up with power because decent people won't stoop to that. Literally a random number generator would pick better politicians.
"The right" doesn't believe any such thing. "The right' doesn't exist. MAGA believes it. Probably the GOP believes it. But those two groups don't hold the patent on "conservative thinking".
Never confuse the loudest for the most numerous. They are a minority of fundamentalists who have taken over the microphones of the GOP, but the vast majority of "everyday folk" are just trying to live their lives just like you or I.
The very proof of that is Trump's guilty verdict. Do you think there weren't at least a few "conservatives" on that jury? Of course their were. But a person can be conservative and still do their duty. I'm willing to be a number of service men and women in the military are also conservative, but I have no belief that they'll suddenly "rebel" because at the end of the day, they aren't insane. I'm sure some of the capitol police on J6 lean conservative as well. But guess what, they all just did their job.
Maga is not "conservatives". In fact MAGA is not a political ideology at all; it's a very loud excuse to use hate as a weapon, nothing more. While I may not be "conservative" in any sense of the word, and believe it's a relic of history, it's not MAGA. It's a very real and tangible political thing that sadly never gets debated or talked about anymore because MAGA shouts over top of it.
I agree with you that Conservatism is an outdated concept that it's done far more harm than good in the world. It's a relic that needs to be relegated to the dust-bin of history, yes.
But Conservatism is nothing more than a series of economic and political ideals. Nothing more. There are a thousand different reasons for people to identify with one side or the other. Neither Conservatism nor the left equivalent are monolithic static things. They're protean and change depending on the motivations of the people who currently hold their reins in the public sphere.
Does Conservatism (ie. The Right) generally attract more people with intolerant beliefs and hateful dogmatic behaviours? You'll get no argument from me there. But the number of them that are willing to pick up arms and commit treason because of it. The number of the right that is wiling to use their intolerance as an excuse for violence, is still the minority no matter how many ways you slice it.
Conservatism might be old and outdated. It might be a haven for the uneducated and the intolerant. But here's the thing...
It always has been.
And if it always has been, than why were the 70s, 80s, 90s, 2000s, all violence free? Why was there heated debate between the two sides, but not violence? What's changed now?
This is the perfectest demonstration of how Kahneman1 mind, imprint->reaction mind, ideology/prejudice mind, works to displace considered-reasoning Kahneman2 mind.
There's no point in appealing to considered-reason within any ideology, left or right, religious or ideological or political..
The imprint->reaction has already defined everything.
The only antidote to such is to have invested, through the previous decades, heavily in competent unbiased education, to make considered-reason/Kahneman2 mind the automatic default for more of the population.
Gotta love Lemmy... my post gets removed because it's "misinformation" and then, I'm called names, harassed and threatened... and the mods just laugh... Reddit 2.0 in full effect, as rumored..
Heh, no, we vote Democrat because Republicans are indeed crazy, sycophantic, brainwashed people who helped take rights away from 150 million women. Whatever this article says is immaterial.