bstix 47 1 Reply(⬤ᴥ⬤) OP
that fuckin medieval guy Hiroshima borscht or whatever
17 0 ReplyKammicRelief I'll never see Heironymous Bosch (did I get it right?) without thinking Hiroshima Borscht now, thank you
13 0 Replybstix I have no idea what it is. I downloaded it the other day when trying to find a funny reply to something about playing trumpet with the ass. It didn't quite fit there, so I am happy that you asked for it.
4 0 Reply
JohnDClay Based on current trends
43 0 ReplyJackGreenEarth
This is also my latest downloaded image now 😄
7 0 Reply
38 0 ReplyBudgetBandit 37 2 Reply(⬤ᴥ⬤) OP
mine's this
34 1 Replybamfic 32 0 ReplyUsernameblankface
Well, now I have another newest picture in my downloads album
3 0 Reply(⬤ᴥ⬤) OP
words to live by
2 0 Reply
Magus owo is the "kilroy was here" for our generation
31 0 ReplyBob Just realising now, you don't see so much graffiti of the "woz ere" sort these days.
5 0 Reply
Fuck spez 32 1 ReplyEarthShipTechIntern That's a lovely poem
Always striving for better
Arriving off same
3 0 Reply
Grabbed it to troll my kid with
28 0 Reply(⬤ᴥ⬤) OP
tardigrades are so talented wow
7 0 ReplyEarthShipTechIntern Whomever made that violin is talented.
Entire instrument must be smaller than a hair!
4 0 Reply
aberrate_junior_beatnik The gadsden flag but the snake is being tread on and says "one day I'll own this boot"
31 3 ReplyTaako_Tuesday Yoink!
5 0 ReplyTomSelleck Thank you! I haven’t seen this one.
4 0 ReplyKalcifer
Sigh. Yet another misinterpretation of the Gadsden Flag.
1 1 Replyiknowitwheniseeit According to the Wikipedia the Gadsden flag has been used by both left and right movements, and in both military and political contexts.
What particular interpretation do you think that this is not following?
4 0 Reply
xpinchx 27 0 Replykersploosh
26 0 Replyslazer2au 26 0 Replythemoonisacheese
27 2 Reply(⬤ᴥ⬤) OP
30 0 ReplySubArcticTundra
I thought those were Debian branded condoms
7 0 Reply
Pumafred9 26 1 ReplyChloë (she/her)
6 0 Reply
gansheim 25 0 ReplyValiantDust
I mean, the fact that most animals don't understand long distance running is what made humans apex predators. So joke's on you, animals!
14 0 Reply
Toneswirly 25 0 ReplyWhoisJohnGalt 23 0 Replysteal_your_face
22 0 ReplyClusterBomb
Here you go !
22 1 ReplyMr_Dr_Oink This is not the latest image in my downloads folder.
Edit: now.... this is NOW the latest image in my downloads folder.
1 0 Replyweststadtgesicht "not" -> "now"?
1 0 Reply
BonesOfTheMoon 20 0 Reply🇸🇵🇪🇨🇺🇱🇦🇹🇪🇷
21 1 ReplyRachelRodent I hqve a friend whı does know how, I will send it to her
4 0 ReplyAndromxda 🇺🇦🇵🇸🇹🇼
Beautiful A350
3 0 Reply
/home/pineapplelover 19 0 Reply(⬤ᴥ⬤) OP
i was going to go "only images" then i got it lmao
13 0 Reply
19 0 Replyfoofiepie 21 2 Replymad_asshatter
2 0 Reply
TisI 19 1 ReplyAnarchistArtificer Hail Satan
5 1 Reply
AndrionGrey 18 0 Reply(⬤ᴥ⬤) OP
4 0 Reply
No surprises here, it's one of the hundreds of pictures of owls on my phone.
I suppose this one is unique in that it's also a picture of a non-owl.
17 0 ReplyNeato
17 1 Replythedeadwalking4242 :(
3 0 Replyceleste
No grasses?
2 0 Reply
Maple Engineer
16 1 Replycorsicanguppy someone changed the upside-down red dog logo to blue.
10 1 Reply
Darkard 15 0 ReplyouRKaoS 15 0 ReplyAnarchistArtificer 15 0 ReplyEarthShipTechIntern Bloody awesome.
3 0 Reply
14 0 ReplyAndromxda 🇺🇦🇵🇸🇹🇼
14 0 ReplyTazerface 14 0 Replyxavier_berthiaume 13 0 ReplyJuniper (she/her) 🫐
13 0 Replyrecapitated Congratulations, you re-implemented /b/ on lemmy
13 0 Reply(⬤ᴥ⬤) OP
hopefully with fewer neonazies
12 1 Reply
13 0 ReplyTixanou 12 0 Reply(⬤ᴥ⬤) OP
absolutely horrid
6 0 Reply
Resol van Lemmy
12 0 ReplyEcho Dot Is that Dutch
1 0 ReplyResol van Lemmy
I don't even know if it's Dutch, Afrikaans, or gibberish. It might as well be all three at once.
1 0 Reply
FordBeeblebrox Bernie is a real one
12 0 ReplySavvyWolf
(5 or 6 btw)
11 0 Reply(⬤ᴥ⬤) OP
halfway between 4 and 5, sometimes 3
4 0 Replybitwaba I don't think it's possible to do half way between 4 and 5. 4 is hugging around the arms, 5 is hugging under the arms.
3 0 Reply
boletus 12 1 ReplyMilksteaks [he/him] 11 0 Replyfrostmore 10 0 ReplyBastingChemina - The president going to New Caledonia, it's a glimmer of hope!
- Why? Is he going by helicopter?
10 0 Replyordellrb its Form
9 0 ReplyJayb151 I just gotta say, none of these let me down
9 0 Replycallmepk
9 0 ReplyRachelRodent 9 0 Replyjack 10 1 ReplyTaako_Tuesday 9 0 Replyunivers3man Love the username! Taako. You know, from tv?
3 0 ReplyTaako_Tuesday The world's most chaotic wizard!
2 0 Reply
greencactus Debian_12_bookworm_non-free-firmware.iso
9 0 ReplyBigDanishGuy I feel kinda dirty that my last iso is en-us_windows_server_version_23h2_updated_may_2024_x64_dvd_[8 char identifier, that I don't really know what does, but removed to avoid accidentally doxxing myself].iso
At least I got it from ms directly.
2 0 ReplyMr_Dr_Oink This isn't taskmaster. No bonus point for re interpretation of the task.
1 1 Reply
9 1 Replymoistclump This joke has lived rent free in my head for almost 2 decades now.
4 0 Reply
A_Very_Big_Fan It's a useful image
10 2 ReplyFonzie! Not really
You automatically participate in society, you needed a car, buying Apple products is completely voluntarily and optional
2 0 ReplyA_Very_Big_Fan You posted on a device made from unethically mined precious metals
1 0 Reply
8 0 ReplyBoisZoi
8 0 ReplyZathras
8 0 ReplyRaptor_007 8 0 Reply(⬤ᴥ⬤) OP
to a few too many karate chops to the head that one
8 0 Reply
Arkenbon 8 0 ReplyRhynoplaz 8 0 ReplyChee_Koala The white part is land, the green part is highlands, yellow is lava and blue is ocean.
3 0 Replybstix I think this is a kind of "what's on the opposite side of the globe" picture.
Remarkably few places on land have land on the opposite side, because the Pacific ocean is very very big.
9 0 Reply
PenisWenisGenius TIL it's possible to dig a hole from Argentina to China.
1 0 Reply
7 0 Replybinom 7 0 ReplyFredselfish
10 0 Replyceleste
what about debian based distros?
2 0 Reply
MadBabs 7 0 ReplyOneWomanCreamTeam
7 0 Reply(⬤ᴥ⬤) OP
it is a crime that i cannot pet bears without risking grievous bodily harm
look at them they're big forest puppies7 0 Reply
8 1 ReplyOrnateLuna That's what I did and was sad that he didn't have anything valuable on him :(
2 0 Reply
I_Fart_Glitter 7 0 ReplyMistressMaiden 7 0 ReplyGraphy
My hobby project car right now is a “lesbian wagon” for my niece
Naturally as it’s a JS Subaru the bushings are shot
6 0 ReplyKammicRelief I'm tempted to search "lesbian wagon"..... but not sure if I should :D
7 0 ReplyGraphy Subaru had a fun campaign targeting lesbians in the 90s after they noticed that lesbians were driving their cars.
15 0 Reply
Bebo 6 0 ReplyPlaidBaron
9 3 Replyundeffeined 6 0 ReplyMr_Dr_Oink Compared to this one from years ago
I always found it amazing that the first rambo he kills 1 person.
1 0 Replyundeffeined I always found it amazing that the first rambo he kills 1 person. Best Rambo movie in my opinion
1 0 Reply
Cheradenine 7 1 Replykratoz29
Nothing really interesting, just a screenshot when I was in frustration when I couldn't make the matchmaking work in Jump Ultimate Stars (a Nintendo DS title).
6 0 ReplyDVNGY
DS had so many great titles.
2 0 Replykratoz29
Yes it had, it is honestly my favorite console ever, I don't know if it is nostalgia talking, but that has been my thinking since I got one in my hands.
1 0 Reply
6 0 ReplyLad 5 0 Reply(⬤ᴥ⬤) OP
they point at the background because everything is a meme now
4 1 Reply
silly goose meekah
Probably something off of lemmy lol
Never mind, it was an image I downloaded for another lemmy comment lol
5 0 Replythrawn
Rosemary chips actually sound pretty good, never seen that in the US.
3 0 Replysilly goose meekah
You guys are missing out. Maybe somebody is importing them? I know we have stores for imported american sweets here.
2 0 Replycorsicanguppy It got lost with the Ketchup chips.
1 0 Reply
XTL 5 0 ReplyKammicRelief a photo of the back of my health insurance card, but I'm not gonna post that here :) (what can I say... I must be boring)
5 0 Replyinlandempire
5 0 Replyenkille 6 1 Reply🇰 🌀 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 🇮 🏆
I don't think I can share mine.
It's a picture of a vanity licence plate that made me think the car owner made Goat Simulator.
6 1 Replyspirinolas A picture of band from my country, for my Jellyfin server.
- phew *
4 0 ReplyBernie_Sandals
On the development of Morrowind
4 0 Reply(⬤ᴥ⬤) OP
there's no way that's true right
2 0 ReplyBernie_Sandals
It's from an actual journalist and has lots more other stories/quotes.
I think it's actually real.. The article also depicts Kirkbride, even in his own words, as like five times more insane than I thought he was, mostly in a good way.
2 0 Reply
🎨 Elaine Cortez 🇨🇦
My life isn't complete without Pikmin memes
Sorry if this is off-topic, but how is everyone else in this thread able to directly post images rather than just linking them? Whenever I click "upload image" there's a rotating wheel for a few moments, as if the image is uploading then it just stops and there's no image to be seen in my post. I don't get an error message either, which makes things a bit more confusing. The image is below 100kb for those wondering! 😅
I just tried uploading an image post (rather than an image comment) and when I do that I get an "unexpected token" "json" error or an error about deadlines. I was able to upload image posts just fine before
4 0 Replyhelpmyusernamewontfi 4 0 Replyleds treadful
5 1 ReplyBigDanishGuy Guessing that you don't want to see the dead rat I got the other night with my airgun, I present you with this instead.
4 0 Replyrecapitated This has left me with ripples of giggles for days, btw.
1 0 Reply
4 0 Replybitfucker 4 0 Reply(⬤ᴥ⬤) OP
well ok then no need to be rude /s
1 0 Reply
KISSmyOSFeddit 4 0 ReplyLoudWaterHombre
iknowitwheniseeit 4 1 ReplyNeroC_Bass 3 0 Replyjohsny
3 0 Replyasudox
3 0 Reply(⬤ᴥ⬤) OP
2 0 Replyasudox
2 0 Reply
3 0 ReplyGluWu 3 0 ReplyAlphaOmega 2 0 ReplyCapnAssHolo 3 1 ReplyFonzie! 2 0 Reply(⬤ᴥ⬤) OP
official programming language of the queer agenda!
~thigh highs and estrogen not included~
2 0 ReplyFonzie! Not‽ Aw dang, I'll install those myself
2 0 Reply
Drewelite 2 0 Replyceleste
3 1 Replysquid_slime
Was trying to set this as my profile pic
3 1 ReplyMora Penis. But before that:
3 1 Reply(⬤ᴥ⬤) OP
go go gadget neck extender
2 0 Reply
2 0 Replytiredofsametab Me on my tractor tilling my field from two months ago. Not sure why it's in my download folder (maybe downloaded from somewhere wife uploaded?), but there ya go.
2 0 ReplyCall me Lenny/Leni 2 1 Replyezyryder 1 0 ReplyUsernameblankface
A Morris Minor stretch limousine
1 1 ReplyShardikprime 1 3 ReplyMuscar The last, as at the end of the list, or the latest?
I'm sure you mean the latest but failed basic grammar.
3 15 ReplyLive2day If you're going to be pedantic you should ensure you're actually correct. Last and latest are synonyms here. Sure it's a bit more ambiguous than latest but it is not "failed basic grammar"
9 2 Reply(⬤ᴥ⬤) OP
fixed, latest yes :3
5 0 Reply