Exactly! They know their book says "love your neighbor" and care for the widow, the orphan & the stranger, but they don't even vaguely do anything like that.
I don't know why people are down voting you. This is exactly what Pew Research has said about religious "nones" in America. The number of dyed-in-the-wool atheists is still quite low and projected to decrease because birth rates.
If there’s one thing Jesus was consistent about, it’s that poor refugees seeking shelter should be ruthlessly murdered by drowning in a river tangled in razor wire.
Most likely scenario is that they drive around in their trucks waving both flags of the US and flags of traitors to the US, block traffic, and post to Facebook.
Worst case scenario, there is a wave a of hate crimes as these hyped up fascists try to "defend America" by picking fights with any random brown person they see.
Best case scenario, they try messing with federal agents, get arrested, and wont be voting in November.
The first scenario is basically what happened with the convoys in DC a while back. Every day, they'd drive down, drive around a while, and then leave. I live in the DC area, but don't drive in DC often, but from what I heard, the impact was minimal.
I don't know how many trucks were involved, but I do know those trucks are expensive to buy and maintain, too expensive to keep running them in non-revenue service like that for long.
There's so much fucking crazy in just the first two paragraphs of that article:
A trucker convoy of “patriots” is heading to the U.S. border with Mexico next week, as the standoff between Texas and the federal government intensifies. The organizers of the “Take Our Border Back” convoy have called themselves “God’s army” and say they’re on a mission to stand up against the “globalists” who they claim are conspiring to keep U.S. borders open and destroy the country.
“This is a biblical, monumental moment that’s been put together by God,” one convoy organizer said on a recent planning call. “We are besieged on all sides by dark forces of evil,” said another. “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons of God. It is time for the remnant to rise.” (The remnant, from the Book of Revelation, are the ones who remain faithful to Jesus Christ in times of crisis).
I’m a pagan so maybe I’m misinterpreting but I did read the Bible in catholic school and I’m pretty sure Jesus said to do the opposite of this. I’m pretty sure he’d be saying that we should see each family as though they were Jose, Maria, and their baby Jesus as no different than Yusef, Miriam, and Ieshiua 2000 years ago. I’m pretty certain that was in fact his entire point though he’d also be saying that single 20 year old men also should be welcomed because they’re either good or lost and able to be redeemed.
Fucking brain dead morons sacrificing their livelihoods for the party that is actively blocking any action on securing the border.
That’s the whole game, create problems and stop progress so you can claim that you are the only group capable of solving it. This is just an op to try and smear the Ds
The Hypocrisy is palpable. Where in Christ's teachings does it say to use razor wire and allow women and Children to drown to protect your way of life?! These Chuds are as much antichrists as 45.
A lot of untreated mental health issues making themselves visible in those two paragraphs. If only their parents hugged them once in awhile when they were kids maybe they'd be productive members of society instead.
It's doublespeak, a la 1984. In this case many of the words used are inversions of their usual meaning.
I'll provide some translations:
patriots -> seditionists
biblical -> cloaked in the authority of God – which here must be explicitly stated because their actions are opposed to any God of justice
open boarders -> following legal and ethical principles (remember, these people oppose ethical principles)
peacemakers -> those who use violence, or the threat of violence, to obstruct peace. See also, terrorists
besieged by dark forces of evil -> opposed by morality, ethics, or the law. The addition of "on all sides" changes the 'or' to 'and'
As a bonus, "globalists" is antisemitism. There's an old canard that justice for minorities = communism = Jewish conspiracy. This is particularly common among nazis. The convoy organizer is signaling that their group is accepting of these ideas
No, see, god is omniscient, omnipotent, and petty, so we have to do their biding in fear of their wrath. But also incapable of keeping people in line, so we have to act in their name.
I always find it ironic when religious people try to use race as a justification for their bigotry when Jesus was clearly of middle eastern descent.
It infuriates me beyond belief that I was one of the few individuals who actually read through the bible when I was forced to go to catholic school.
That and the absolutely abhorrent state of humanity really designates evidence that these books of all major religions are just the words of man to trick people into believing a god.
Malleable idiots are the easiest to control, after all. The inquisition proved this and every major violent engagement since has just been additional evidence.
Ads for the convoy have gone up on 40 digital billboards in Florida, Texas, Louisiana, and California, courtesy of a “private donor” whose identity organizers would not disclose.
Oh, I'm willing to bet:
It's six letters.
Starts with an R
Ends with an A
And is currently getting absolutely decimated with mothballed weapons we last used 15 years or so ago.
Remember the days when you'd log onto your nerdy friends website with the marquee text running right to left too slow to read at your normal speed but too fast to not keep your eyes on constantly?
Language might have been the mistake. Or maybe agriculture. Perhaps it was evolving from great apes. All I know from looking at history is that this shit has been going on since long before the internet.
One of the biggest changes with the advent of the Internet was that no matter what your interests, the Internet was always there with that most comforting of messages: "You are not alone.
Now that we can see that notion taken to it's inevitable and absurd conclusion, I think we can safely say that for lots and lots of people, it's for the best that they're left to believe they are, actually, alone.
Which hopefully exposes some to reality. And wouldn't be so bad when it doesn't if the 3 letter gang did their fucking jobs with these domestic terrorists.
Wont even be a civil war. National guard will fall in line and in the event of Texas actually seceding from the Union, they will find out exactly how much money the US sinks into their state to keep it afloat while their own elected officials flee the first power grid failure
All of that military jargon, and I'll bet the number of actual vets in that convoy is a small percentage.
Not that there aren't MAGA ex-military, just that they don't as much get a kick out of cosplaying as such. If they liked it that much, they wouldn't have ETSed. Or, dishonerable discharge; I guess there could be a few of those.
If it's like the Bundy incidents it was like 5 dudes who legit were military and like a hundred fakes that were talking like they were operators. Great fun to watch off we're being honest.
I bet one gets pulled over by a statie because expired tags/speeding/reckless driving and takes a shot at a cop or two. Then they get absolutely swiss-cheesed by local authorities
Local authorities will let this pass the same as they let these fuckwits run a Biden campaign bus off the road in 2020. It's Texas, local authorities love this shit
Republicans saw the Taliban still in power after being fully occupied by the US for how long and decided "that's who we're going to model ourselves after"
Blow their mind and counter protest by praying for them and show up wearing priest outfits and have your own Jesus. Make it a whole thing that your godlier
I think strategically the best thing the feds could do is back off for two weeks. Does anyone believe these convoys have enough supplies to keep for more than 48 hours?
Failing that keep this up until November. We know these guys won’t mail in ballot.
A group of six patriot-world influencers, including Kim Yeater, who runs a self-empowerment self-help group and an anti-voter fraud group, started organizing the convoy around a month ago. “God’s army is rising up,” she said on the planning call. “We all have been chosen for this time.”
Religion influencing the state is anti-constitutional, blocking the freedom of others, blocking the state, and opposing equal rights, even for non-nationals, is anti-patriotism.
Feelings of patriotism are based on the positive values the country embraces—like freedom, justice, and equality. The patriot believes that both the system of government and the people of their country are inherently good and work together for a better quality of life.
In contrast, feelings of nationalism are based on a belief that one’s country is superior to all others. It also carries a connotation of distrust or disapproval of other countries, leading to the assumption that other countries are rivals. While patriots do not automatically denigrate other countries, nationalists do, sometimes to the point of calling for their country’s global dominance. Nationalism, through its protectionist beliefs, is the polar opposite of globalism.
While I don't agree that nationalism necessarily perceives a superiority, it does prioritise the nation as always being number one, even at to cost of others.
OMG, I remember this one, it's one of my favorite episodes evar. It's the one where Charlie gets a job in the mailroom and can't deliver mail to some dude named Pepe Silvia and he loses his mind and draws all that wacko shit on the board lol. Hahaha he so stupid