This one's even better because he's calling for state governors to support a treasonous one. What saddens me is that if this does break out into full blown civil war, a lot of national guardsmen are going to be in the area of operations. Using people as human shields for his political agenda yet again.
The idealist in me wants to believe that the national guardsmen would be unwilling to kill their fellow Americans because a tangerine and governer hot wheels said so
Given how much of a hard time as he has with pretty minor inconveniences, I think it’s safe to say he has no fucking clue what the real outcomes are that he’s trying to encourage.
I’m old enough to have family and family-of-friends who were personally around in WW2 and the occupation right after. Long story short, war’s not fun for anyone involved. If you don’t like having people say things about you in the newspapers, having people shooting at you or losing your home or not having anything to eat is going to be a real drag.
Yeah. I think part of his thinking is that the suffering will happen to other people, and he'll be safely insulated, far away. I won't say he's crazy for thinking that. That said:
A lot of the people who are in a position to support him will be squarely in sufferingtown.
A lot of dictators meet with bad ends. E.g. Putin supposedly obsessively worries over what happened to Gaddafi in the end (and Gaddafi was a hell of a lot more capable at this game than Trump is.)
Technically treason would require working with a foreign country or head of state. Things like selling state secrets to another government. While I don’t doubt that he’s a Russian agent, (we all agree Putin has some big dirt on him, right?) simply inciting a civil war would probably be considered an insurrection or coup, instead of treason.
No no no! He means send the national guard to tour a government building, take selfies, and leave in an orderly manner. You've got the wrong idea. You must be Antifa.
He's the old man with plenty of violent followers who hang on his every word. He's not expecting any actual National Guard troops from other states to be mobilized. This is a call for the same people who invaded the Capitol to assemble in Texas and dare federal forces to try and move them.
Pathetic, to abuse national guardsmen like this. Its a big disruption to their family and their employers to send them on an idiotic,grandstanding boondoggle like this.
Any guardsmen that would actually go to TX and support TX would be unlikely to follow the stand down order. I’m kind of curious how many would just follow orders going both directions.
It's probably not as clear-cut as your making it out to be. These would be actually armed forces personnel, subject to all of the rules, regulations, chain of command, disciplinary consequences, etc. that come with that.
Yes, they could possibly make an argument that they have a duty to disobey illegal orders, but not a totally clear-cut, black-and-white one, they'd likely still be looking at arrest, courts-martial, etc. if they straight-up refuse to deploy to Texas. They're people with lives, family, regular jobs, etc. that would very likely have to get put on hold while everything gets sorted out and they may not necessarily come out on top. Depending on the exact context, it's probably going to be hard to make an argument that simply going to Texas would be an illegal order.
So if it happens, you can probably expect damn-near every guardsman from those states to go to Texas if they're ordered to.
What they're ordered to do once they're there is probably where they'd have a stronger case, but even still they'd have to carefully thread that needle if they want to avoid prison, dishonorable discharge, etc. There's a lot they could be ordered to do that would be very objectionable but not quite meet the legal bar of being an illegal order that they'd be obligated to disobey.
The problem with political decisions like that is you're really hoping the National Guard complies with the President when the governor demands they ignore the President.
That's not a gut check anyone wants to try without going through everything else first.
They'll comply instantly as soon as you shut down their borders. It took 48 hours of the southern border being closed before gw bush opened it back up.
Commerce is everything.
The instant they become federalized they fall under the Army, for National Guardsmen, and the Air Force, for Air National Guardsmen. If they refuse a direct order from the president they will be charged with disobeying a direct order and will get at minimum an general OTH discharge and any rogue officers would probably face a general court martial and be looking at a significant amount of time in Leavenworth followed by a bad conduct or dishonorable discharge.
Well, maybe we could ask Bush to call upon all willing states to tell their national guard to take up finger painting. Or maybe Bill Clinton could ask all willing states to give trump a wedgie.
But that won’t happen, not because it’s silly, but because ex-presidents have no fucking authority to tell the states to do a damn thing.
Bring it. These morons in mismatched and non-fitting tactical gear totally have a chance against some dude flying a drone from under a mountain in Colorado. Herman Cain or Darwin award, I don't care which.
ETA: I goofed and somehow missed the term "national guard". Don't comment when in meetings.
I see comments like this a lot in discussions online. How many drones do you think they have? Do you think one drone operator can fly around taking out every one of thousands of people?
It's like people think that drones equal omnipotence. The real air power is actual planes like the F/A-18 and A-10 that can demolish the shit out of any ground target. Drones are small and used for limited targets, and attack planes can do a lot more, and the US gov't has all of them.
I hate defending but optical science is neat. The photo was likely taken from far away with a long focal length, narrow field of view, which has an effect of flattening out size differences youd expect with perspective, I.E. his hand is closer towards the viewer so you expect it to be larger compared to his head.
Abbot said in the article, that 10 states so far have sent something. Not the 25 states expressing support, that I saw touted in articles this morning.