Given how much of a hard time as he has with pretty minor inconveniences, I think it’s safe to say he has no fucking clue what the real outcomes are that he’s trying to encourage.
I’m old enough to have family and family-of-friends who were personally around in WW2 and the occupation right after. Long story short, war’s not fun for anyone involved. If you don’t like having people say things about you in the newspapers, having people shooting at you or losing your home or not having anything to eat is going to be a real drag.
Yeah. I think part of his thinking is that the suffering will happen to other people, and he'll be safely insulated, far away. I won't say he's crazy for thinking that. That said:
A lot of the people who are in a position to support him will be squarely in sufferingtown.
A lot of dictators meet with bad ends. E.g. Putin supposedly obsessively worries over what happened to Gaddafi in the end (and Gaddafi was a hell of a lot more capable at this game than Trump is.)
Not to mention he’s protected by the Sevret Service.
I doubt very much that they’ve all gone full traitor. All it takes is one guy whose kept some tiger balm on his lip and kept his mouth shut to put a few rounds in his head.
Or more likely, to arrange for not-traitors to scoop him on the way to some rally.