Trump Calls on 'All Willing States' to Send National Guard Soldiers to Texas
Trump Calls on 'All Willing States' to Send National Guard Soldiers to Texas Trump Calls on 'All Willing States' to Send National Guard Soldiers to Texas
Sorry, were you expecting the former president to tell everyone to chill out?

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Maggoty This is literally a plot from a comedy movie
5 0 Replyjaxxed What was that comedy about a civil war between the states and Canada? John Candy IRCC
3 0 ReplyMaggoty It was that era. A state governor fucks up the word succession and says secession. The entire situation goes comedically out of control.
2 0 ReplySpacehooks Canadian bacon was John candy one. Which was the one you are referring to?
1 0 ReplyMaggoty Oh jeez I don't remember that, it was years ago.
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