geekworking +1 for nano. I just need to change two parameters in a config file, not join a religion.
237 4 ReplyDamage When the holy war comes, you'll be among the first sacrifices!
68 0 Replynyahlathotep
Ehh, that's fine. I'm not too psyched about living in whatever comes afterward.
29 0 ReplyIWantToFuckSpez Wouldn’t the first be Vimulation users? They are the Pretenders.
4 0 Reply
26 1 Replyglasgitarrewelt Nano is only helpfull because of this nifty little info bar at the bottom.. No one can actually remember nano-shortcuts.
20 0 Replycyanarchy
Consider micro. The shortcuts for editing test are what I expect them to be everywhere else I edit text.
2 0 ReplyGBU_28 Up down left and right?
I guess ctrlx enter y ? But it has a prompt
2 0 ReplyKühe sind toll
Nano Shortcuts are shit. Like CTRL+X to save. What the fuck??? Why not use CTRL+S for this?
2 1 Reply
I just need to change two parameters in a config file, not join a religion.
But Nano is a GNU utility what use Ctrl-O for Save.
9 2 Replylaurelraven No wonder I can never remember how to do anything in nano, at least vi's commands generally make sense
8 2 ReplyKusimulkku I recently switched to micro that is similar but with more sane key combos.
Now I just mistakenly use nano combos. Back to nano it is lol
2 0 Reply
state_electrician I had to learn vi because it was installed everywhere and nano didn't exist yet. I always thought the holy war to be very silly, and even though many treat it as such, there are too many who take it seriously.
3 0 Reply
audiomodder I was talking with a sysadmin once who intentionally removed nano and emacs from any system he was granted access to. His explanation was “if they can’t use vim I don’t want them on my machines”
80 2
There's a sysadmin at my place who does exactly that. He's kind of an idiot too.
73 2 ReplyMycelialMass Shocked
21 0 ReplyUnculturedSwine As a VIM user, I don't want you using VIM on my system unless you know how to use it. I don't want you borking fstab or the passwd file or some other important config because you don't know how to quit without saving.
2 0 Reply
CalicoJack If a sysadmin expected me to use vim for every minor config tweak, I wouldn't want to be on their machines either.
59 3 Replyzero_spelled_with_an_ecks Sounds like it works then.
20 0 Replylaurelraven I find vim quicker and easier for quick edits too, mostly because I've not bothered to learn anything but vim since it's on everything (except, for some odd reason, the default build of Gentoo)
10 1 Reply0xD Once you get the hang of it it's just so much quicker for small and big tasks.
Check out vim adventures:
Or just install vimtutor and try around. The basics are pretty simple, and the more advanced stuff infinitely helpful.
6 3 Replymcmoor I don't find nano any easier for minor tweaks than vim
2 3 Reply
I usually just don't give out the root password but what do I know lol
10 0 Replyriodoro1 Wow, I hope he didnt choose their distro for them too.
12 2 Replydream_weasel Poor Ubuntu users would be needlessly persecuted!
2 9 Reply
balp Imho on any server today all editors should be removed. You edit on your workstation and provision to the server.
9 4 Reply🐍🩶🐢 Brilliant! I don't entirely disagree with that. I had vim forced on me at my old job, including actual vi on some of the more ancient systems. I got so used to it that I don't really know how to use nano and definitely not emacs.
I never understood what the big deal was. Write. Quit. If you can't remember that 'w' means write and 'q' means quit, I don't know how else to help. Add in some decent options in your vimrc and it is pretty comfortable. I am in no way some guru who knows every shortcut and fancy command out there, but I like using it and it is the first thing I install on a new system.
I am not one to judge what text editor, OS, phone, car, or computer you like. You do you. If I was a sysadmin that had to deal with people who really shouldn't be on those systems and that was an easy way to discourage people from screwing with it, then hell yeah.
6 9
Knowing VIM does not make one a better sys-admin. You can be an idiot, and still know how to drive Vi/Vim. There is FAR FAR FAR more to managing an OS and than that. If you think requiring VIM is enough to keep unknowledgeable people away from servers, you are probably the one who shouldn't be managing servers.
12 1 Replyaudiomodder What makes you think only people with admin access use a machine? He wouldn’t allow it for anyone, admin or not.
3 0 Reply
badbytes I've been using Vim for years, cause I can't figure out how to close it.
61 3 Replymilicent_bystandr You came because it looked exciting...
You stayed because you couldn't leave.
12 0 Replydarvocet You open up a new session and reboot. Always works for me.
4 0 ReplyCurly722 After you finally figure it out
2 0 Reply
wookiepedia EMACS is a great operating system, it only lacks a good editor.
42 0 ReplyTheOPtimal
Vim lacks anything good, except maybe the keybindings.
8 0 ReplyPopShark They hated him because he spoke the truth
5 0 Reply
milicent_bystandr eVil mode. It's next on my TODO list to try, so I can go back to Emacs' fantastic Haskell mode without knackering my left pinkie.
6 0 Replylanolinoil
just learn a little elisp and remap to control to a sewing machine pedal :P
5 0 ReplyKühe sind toll
Why not eVim?
2 0 Reply
I love this
3 0 Reply
As a nano user, I fully agree.
44 3 Replydamnthefilibuster Seriously. Nano is the best.
25 5 ReplyNorgur I
Seriously... it isn't
Shift+ZZ13 5 Reply
In the world of text editors, VIM, specifically NeoVim is the shining light. Standing at the pinnacle of creation at a height that can only be reached by zealous emacs users.
They have a learning curve through. Nano is obviously easier, but it's also just a basic editor.
28 0 ReplyTheOPtimal
As an Emacs user, Neovim was like chains. Shackles.
1 0 Reply
25 2 Replyziggurat I know your lying, because if you did, you would write a mix of capital and lower case letter, because one of the switches would control that bit
9 1 ReplyTimeSquirrel
18 1 Reply
bobo This guy did it back in the 80s:
1 0 Reply
If I have to edit in a terminal: micro
If I need to edit something larger, and want a GUI: Kate
Anything else I flirt with and then drop promptly once I can't find the time to really learn it.
23 1 ReplyExLisper Jesus, why can't people just expose their drives to cosmic radiation and have it switch the bits in the file? So much time wasted writing useless editors.
21 0 Replymilicent_bystandr Of course, Rebecca* has a shortcut for that, too.
*GBoard decided that was the right word when I swiped 'Emacs'. It is now formerly-known-as-Emacs' new name.
7 0 Reply
dansity Just use notepad++ with wine like any normal person do
23 2 Replyxylogx Notepadqq is a thing, you know.
8 0 ReplyKusimulkku That's horrific
5 0 Reply
Really the users of any other editor. We just see you as a bunch of nerds. But you build good stuff
19 0 ReplyMTK The only editor I need:
Create: printf "TEXT" > FILE
Add: printf "TEXT" >> FILE
No room for mistakes.
18 0 ReplyGallardo994 Should both be the same commands. Adding should be done by remembering previous contents, no other way is allowed.
5 0 Reply
Micro users: am i joke to you
(I use VSCode)
14 0 Replycaseyweederman I want to use Micro so badly but my fingers only know Nano's nonsense shortcut keys.
Also I couldn't figure out how to make it use real tabs instead of a bunch of spaces. Not great for Python scripts.1 0 ReplyBuddahriffic I've never had to worry about tabs vs spaces with Python. Makefile, on the other hand...
2 0 Reply
It's okay, I'm used to being ignored.
1 0 Replylemmesay at least use vscodium. vscode isn't free(libre) software.
3 2 ReplyPresi300
Ik about vscodium, it doesn't have all extensions
1 0 Reply
Veneroso Nano, based.
If I use VI or VIM I'm going to have to kill the task because I just tried to exit and uggggghhhh why!?
13 1 ReplyCaptain Aggravated
:q! or :exit or :quit or ZZ...there's lots of ways to quit Vim.
7 1 Reply
Oh, vim. I wish I knew how to quit you.
13 1 ReplyWilzax : q !
9 0 Replybort unless you accidentally pressed "q" to early and entered recording-mode...
11 0 Replypete_the_cat Only if you don't want to save the file
:x saved the file and exits.
3 0 Replybazzett
1 0 Reply
auf 13 1 ReplyLucidDaemon I just moved from Nano to Helix and love it. I added nnn and Zellij as well it works wonderful.
Tried Doom Emacs but Helix had a smaller learning curve it felt.
4 1 Reply
ramius345 Just use sed -i like God intended.
12 0 Replyhakunawazo We need to :q! this war for good.
11 0 ReplyDeuces Those who don't write history to drive are destined to repeat it.
5 0 Reply
ndupont mcedit for life
9 0 Replyeinlander Mcedit is great. It reminds me of the later versions of on DOS.
3 0 Replyndupont For me it's like riding a bike, I've probably been using Norton Commander since I was 10. DOS 3.3, Windows 2 was just a gimmick.
1 0 Reply
Thought I was going to be the only one.
2 0 Reply
d_k_bo I prefer micro.
10 1 ReplyRoyaltyInTraining
Micro gang!
6 1 Replyrumschlumpel so intuitive!
2 0 Reply
Elliott Did I mention I use Arch?
11 3 Replymilicent_bystandr $ pacman install $LINE_15
2 3 Replyicedterminal
error: no operation specified. (use -h for help)
5 0 Replylseif pacman install
?3 0 Reply
Sanyanov Use DE and edit files with graphical editors like a normal human being.
Problem solved.
11 3 ReplySanyanov (But also, nano for the win)
7 0 Replyjosefo cries in ssh
1 0 ReplySanyanov devilishly smiles in rdp
1 0 Reply
Nightwatch Admin I’m a fkn vi user and I will say that it is not entirely wrong. ^:wq
8 0 ReplyBaroqueInMind
I'm a neovim user and I'm better than you :!q
8 0 Replythe_weez
My boy vim will always be king in my heart. ZZ
4 0 Reply
lntl $ ed
8 0 Replymlg
who needs a UI or even hints as to what you are doing amirite
12 0 Replyozebb ?
6 0 Reply
:.,$d i use whatever works best for you, k?? esc :wq!
8 0 ReplyMoshpirit
Why the
?2 0 Replyagent_flounder
Replace the meme text. :)
4 0 Reply
emptiestplace dG
1 0 Reply
7 0 Replymilicent_bystandr C-X M-x butterfly
12 0 Reply
Both are good but I prefer Vim.
7 0 ReplySatanicNotMessianic 7 0 ReplyEager Eagle
2 0 Reply
I only use Vim, but I appreciate nano as a choice and don't even really mind visudo opening nano
8 1 Replysomenonewho I appreciate nano as a choice. Sure. But if visudo opens in nano and suddenly I have a bunch of "yoi:wq" in my sudoers I'll be upset.
7 0 Replylaurelraven When visudo opens nano, I get unreasonably angry about it. I typed "visudo", not "nanosudo"
4 0 Reply
Captain Aggravated
Vim user here: Nano is a good text editor, takes a lot less training to pick up and use, and it's surprisingly capable. If I'm teaching someone how to use the Linux terminal, I'm going to teach them Nano, because they already have enough to learn. Vim is a separate class all its own.
6 0 ReplyMoshpirit
I prefer micro over nano. It's like a middle term
2 1 Reply
NoLifeGaming Micro is great
7 0 Replypete_the_cat I perfect pico
2 0 ReplyPsychedSy Fuck pine use pico.
1 0 Reply
👍Maximum Derek👍
6 0 Replyziggurat Why did you do that! I deleted my whole file! It was important
2 0 Reply👍Maximum Derek👍
I left the G off the beginning as a guardrail.
3 0 Reply
pewgar_seemsimandroid neovim is better than vim
7 1 ReplyKirby neovim ftw
3 0 Reply
PrMinisterGR What about Micro users 🥲
5 0 ReplyИльдар
I'm the only one who use joe?
5 0 ReplySiegfried I thought this was a Joe mama joke
6 0 Replywaldyrious
Wow, it's the first time I come across anyone who says they use
. How does it differ fromnano
?Btw, I used to use
several years ago, but swapped it formicro
due to some keyboard shortcut issues (which are probably fixed now).1 0 ReplyИльдар
it's actually hard to say that I use it, once in five years I need to edit file in terminal - and joe just traditional for me 🤷♂️
1 0 Reply
No, but it might just be us…
1 0 Reply
I wish I could just edit text files as sudo with the default gnome text editor instead.
4 0 Replybronxasaur Does ’sudo gedit’ not work?
Disclaimer: I use neither gnome nor gedit.
9 0 Replyshapis
Does ’sudo gedit’ not work?
If my memory doesn't fail me it used to. But gedit isnt the default text editor anymore. The new one is quite cool and clean.
It doesnt work with sudo though sadly. It's not the biggest problem tho, just a small annoyance, using the occasional sudo nano to edit files isnt a big deal.
5 0 Reply
Isthisreddit Nedit - was a great simple editor i discovered on SGI IRIX, still use it today. Also, emacs is in a class of itself, it's more OS than text editor 🤣
4 0 ReplyLazaroFilm
sudo nano
5 1 Replysandriver nano
for editing config files,emacs
if I'm writing code...kwrite
if I need a scratch pad or to share notes between devices respectively4 0 ReplyCreatortray Where’s vscode? Lol
4 0 ReplyBuddahriffic There's several GB of it sitting in my home directory, which unfortunately my admin limits to several GB, so now my vim search buffer doesn't update anymore until I delete code's cache again.
2 0 Reply
MigratingtoLemmy I'd probably use helix/codium with vim bindings for more complex projects, with vim for Scripting in python/shell/config files
3 0 Replyauf Finally, a helix user 🤝
4 0 ReplyMigratingtoLemmy TBH I haven't used helix extensively, but I do like that I can just expect things like auto-complete and linting to work, which I would usually expect from something like vscodium, but that's not cli. So yes, helix is nice. I'm just a bit afraid that I'll forget my vim bindings because helix does things a little differently:
instead ofdw
1 0 Reply
xed supremacy
3 0 Replysir_pronoun How dare you
3 0 Replycreation7758 Vim user here. I still can't find the value of c to the power of x in nano. Does anyone have the answer?
3 0 ReplyTitou
Long live to emacs!
2 0 Replynotsharp
vim and emacs are ide like text editors.
2 0 ReplyILikeBoobies I approve this message
For advanced text editing (and project management) though, I have to give a shout out to Obsidian MD (markdown) and whomever made the code plugin for it
1 0 Replylibrecat Obsidian is proprietary FYI I know this is Linux memes and not FOSS memes but I think it's still important to point out.
4 1 Reply
1 0 Replyappel "Vim? Nah, no need"
1 0 Replywavebeam
I’m in this picture and I don’t like it
1 0 Replypeopleproblems it doesn't matter to me.
I'll have to Google it anyway. then complain about it, and never actually take the time to learn these neat tools
1 0 Reply0xD Do you like playing games? 😁
3 0 Reply
As a VIM user, I approve.
1 0 Replyonlinepersona Both are inferior to IDEs when working locally on a software project 🤷
4 10 ReplyPossibly linux
Not really as both VIM and Emacs are way more flexible. I use Neovim has it uses Lua for configuration and has a ton of plugins
4 2 Reply