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Elliott Did I mention I use Arch?
11 3 Replymilicent_bystandr $ pacman install $LINE_15
2 3 Replyicedterminal
error: no operation specified. (use -h for help)
5 0 Replymilicent_bystandr * goes on web angrily muttering... Finds Arch Forum or Stack Overflow or whatever who cares... *
"Where's the GUI for pacman? What kind of a useless distro doesn't have a graphical package manager?! You're all failures and akshually I use Ubuntu"
2 1 Reply
lseif pacman install
?3 0 Replymilicent_bystandr It's been a long time...
2 1 Replylseif since i last have seen my son lost to this monster
2 0 Replyalexsup21 the man behind the slaughter
2 0 Reply
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