You are kind of owned, since these red states fucking up just means that more of your tax money will go to saving these idiots from themselves through federal aid
Texas actually does better in the renewable energy front than you may expect.
A quarter of the state's energy is produced through wind and solar. The biggest bottleneck preventing more wind adoption is the capacity of transmission lines up and the lack of energy storage.
The advantage of natural gas is that it can be dry up pretty much anywhere and isn't dependent on weather.
The biggest problem Texas has right now regarding energy (and housing costs, and inflation, and municipal planning, and traffic, etc) is its extremely rapid population growth.
Yes, the heat wave is historic and ERCOT is awful, but even in perfect weather the grid is being stressed from the sheer number of people and businesses moving here
Heard a piece of NPR about how our green grid is actually having a lot of trouble keeping up because climate change is fucking up our rainfall, and hence our hydro electric. Even if you do it right, you end up paying for the greed of everyone else.
I’m glad I live in Washington state with our cheap renewable energy.
Texas has more renewable energy production than you do. In Q1 of 2022 Washington State generated 25 Million Megawatt hours of renewal energy and Texas generated 34.
I remember my parents planning to retire to Texas about 10 years ago, I told 'em "that state's going to be unlivable b/c of climate change pretty soon, don't buy land there".
They're Republicans so pish-tosh. They have spent weeks this summer essentially unable to be outside anywhere.
The problem is Texas Democrats and those who'd stand against Republicans don't vote. I don't feel like digging out the exact numbers, but the 2022 gubernatorial race shows it best. Abbott got nearly 80% of the votes Trump did in 2020. Beto got 60% of the votes Biden did. Republicans show up, Democrats don't. Until that changes. nothing in this state will change.
Solar is only half the battle though. There can often be a severe electricity shortage in the evening when solar power shuts off but temperates are still high. This issue is greatest in the late summer and fall because it’s still very hot but the sun sets earlier.
There are solutions to this issue but they are fairly early in development and sometimes expensive. California is struggling with this issue currently. We’ve installed a huge amount of battery power over the last few years which has prevented several catastrophes so far but heat continues to get more severe, increasing energy needs as we are trying to shut down the state’s remaining gas peaker plants.
Solar is only half the battle though. There can often be a severe electricity shortage in the evening when solar power shuts off but temperates are still high
I fail to see the problem. You cool your house down while the sun is up and even if it is still hot outside, then your house gets a bit warmer, so what? Still it is comfy inside and in the night you can open everything up to get some fresh wind in.
Not to mention Diablo Canyon. Last I heard, we were working on an expansion at Long Valley Geothermal station, but it won't be ready before DCNR goes offline.
Aaahhh, the free market economy at work without limits, without government planning, regulations, or interference.
Government regulations bad! It means we can't squeeze our customers, we can't fuck up on an hourly basis, we can't be dicks!
And in before the commies start... No. Bad dog! Get out with your "we need to become Communist hippie communes!" comments, please
We need to put reasonable rules and limits to a capitalist system. Regulate big companies, regulate infrastructure, tax the rich, use the money for social platforms
I'm with the commies on this one. We need to nationalize utilities like energy distribution. No reason to have a profit seeking entity in charge of necessities like electricity.
In sane parts of the US, utility companies are technically private entities, but they're related so much they pretty much operate like government agencies.
In all fairness, Texas has an incredibly weird, idealistic, view of the value of market forces and their government utterly fails in its job as a result.
It's not just power lines. It's everything. They distort their market on ideological lines and then assume that's the best case.
I moved to the PNW as well. I hate the bureaucracy, and miss the barbecue, but they can have the rest. The bureaucracy you have to tolerate because it helps maintain the balance of divided people making the best choices. Much better path than down south where the road to hell is paved with red intentions.
The problem is ideology. The Texas power grid is the end state of neo-liberalism taken to the extreme.
The belief that natural monopolies should be privately controlled with minimum regulations has lead to this. A power grid run for maximum short term profit with minimum investment. The grids poorly maintained, because that doesn't make money. The grid is unfit, because implementing designs that cover the extremes is expensive. The price is excessive because the state is ideologically unwilling to intervene.
Sure they do, then they get run the fuck over by the big money Capitalists who are building it anyway. Texas is #1 in renewable energy production for a reason.
Many Texas leaders (and other Taxans) see any energy source that’s not oil and gas based as “part of the radical liberal agenda.”
Solar energy is also decentralized, so people/villages can have their own source of energy and the profits won't go to one monopoly and that can't happen, because free market - yes - but not actual free like this.
They do, but capitalism is gonna win this one. Solar is cheap and sunshine is plentiful so it is still getting built. ERCOT is a disaster, most of it on purpose but the legislation that set it up.
Would probably be a good idea to hook up to the neighboring power grids too for emergencies... like every day in the summer is turning in to.
Quick question, how do I get solar installed (in Texas) without getting scammed. Every company I have talked too has felt like dealing with the slimmest used car salesman.
Actually, pretty well 99.9% of the time. And if a few people die here or there in a freeze or heatwave, well they shoulda use some of those electricity savings on a generator or something.
^ How the conservatives in Texas feel about the situation
People will soon be living in Texas no power year around when they throttle you and charge you thousands for power every month of the year because either A) ITsSS TWOooh HAaAWwTT or B) TtThEEee GGRiiIdD IIsSSnnTT Winterized. What a joke
Look, this is super misleading information and I keep seeing it repeated. They're first in the nation in total electricity generation from renewable sources, but that's mainly because of how big they are. If you look at what percentage of their consumption is from renewable sources, they're not even in the top ten.
The reason Texas is #1 in renewables is actually Rick Perry, bless his heart. He pushed for a massive expansion of wind generation capacity back in the early 00s and was instrumental in building high voltage transmission lines between west Texas wind and the more eastern population centers. He would be drummed out of today's Republican party
This has been going on for years now. I feel bad for those that suffer there because of this, but if you choose to willingly live there when you have the means to leave, I don't feel sorry for you anymore. It's the ones unable to leave that I truly feel bad for, those that don't have any other choice.
My Texan ass was confused because the last week has been the most pleasant weather we've had in months. The I looked at the article and saw it's from 2017. Don't get me wrong our state is fucking dumb all of the time, but I assure you we are not experiencing a heat wave. It's been unseasonably cool.
I stand corrected. But it's not so hot now. Also it wasn't a heat wave, it's just Texas summer. Which is why there's no excuse for ercot to be so fucking unprepared.