I wish every country would just cut ties with the USA. I don’t want anything to do with Americans. Majority voted for Trump, this is what that country wanted. Ridiculous, they can start being allies with Russia, China and North Korea.
Trump said the USA didn’t need Canada for anything so what’s the point of building it?
But Trump said the USA didn’t need Canada for ANYTHING so why does he want this built??
I agree 100%. Well said
If Trumps Tariffs are going ahead even after we allocated billions into the border along with that fentanyl czar, why bother even keeping those now?
Seems it was a waste of our time and money. If anything, Canada should be asking the USA to increase their own border security as guns and drugs come into Canada at a much larger scale. And why even have a fentanyl czar etc if none of our actions will stop the tariffs? This was never about the border or drugs but Trump said jump and Canada asked How high?
No I haven’t. Up until I read these replies on Lenny I had no idea it was a thing. TIL
Hey cool thanks for this! Love learning about language and have never even heard this term before , or I guess as Bernie would say “I have Nevah even head of this tem befoe” lol
Bernie Sanders keeps saying Ol-ah-gawky but I thought it was o-le-garky?
Have I been mis-prouncing it this whole time? English is not my first language I am French. I am talking about Oligarchy
Just IMAGINE if Obama did this? Isn’t it crazy??
I’m male, I’ve never complained about this. I think it’s not good to generalize everyone
The government of the USA is horrifying.
It’s crazy to witness everything happening, in 10 years when the USA is best allies with Russia and they are invading all other countries and starting wars and the USA has no check and balances people will look back and ask why they didn’t do anything to stop it.
Enjoy the ride.
There is no point. The point is that you experienced life at all, the most rarest thing in this universe perhaps. Most people don’t even stop to think how amazing that is. Going outside and smelling fresh air, drinking water, laughing, crying.
The whole ending the war has nothing to do with Russia or Ukraine - this is all Being done so for Trump so he can say look I ended the war. Doesn’t matter what happens to Ukraine, Trump just wants to to this for himself
BUT Trump said he would lower prices on day 1! I don’t get it, why would he lie?
Reddit is a horrible place
So wait… it wasn’t transgender people that were causing the high egg prices?! Cause he went after them like they were responsible for everything that was wrong in the USA. trans people and Canadians must be the worst people in the world according to MAGA
Cancelled my Netflix and prime and subbed to CBC gem.
One big problem with our country is that our own identity and culture has been eroded by American pop culture. It’s honestly good to get away from American media and focus on Canadian made content otherwise we our identity and culture just blends into American culture and I hate that.
I’ll still learning how to use it and I don’t know what the lemmys are or how the communities work but I’m happy I’m not supporting Reddit eh